Black Culture Discussion Thread

Umar is just too real,  that's the very last dude SWS want to go mainstream.
He won't go mainstream cause BLACK FOLKS we don't own or control any media outlets....That is a result of us BLACK FOLKS only owning 1/2 of 1% of the wealth as the man CLAUD ANDERSON put it....I advise every BLACK PERSON to read "BLACK LABOR WHITE WEALTH" by DR.CLAUD ANDERSON after I read that book I understand why we are in the position we are in.....BLACK FOLKS just never figured out how to play this real life monopoly game we are in....
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He won't go mainstream cause BLACK FOLKS we don't own or control any media outlets....That is a result of us BLACK FOLKS only owning 1/2 of 1% of the wealth as the man CLAUD ANDERSON put it....I advise every BLACK PERSON to read "BLACK LABOR WHITE WEALTH" by DR.CLAUD ANDERSON after I read that book I understand why we are in the position we are in.....BLACK FOLKS just never figured out how to play this real life monopoly game we are in....
Hes quite an extremist and homophobic. Thats the wrong direction for blacks. We need to be fighting for everyone's rights. But supporting somebody who still has hate in their heart is a step backwards.

Add to the fact none of these "pro blacks" doing ANYTHING in Africa. The Meca. The home.

All this pro blackness but yall not helping your brothers that at home.
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He won't go mainstream cause BLACK FOLKS we don't own or control any media outlets....That is a result of us BLACK FOLKS only owning 1/2 of 1% of the wealth as the man CLAUD ANDERSON put it....I advise every BLACK PERSON to read "BLACK LABOR WHITE WEALTH" by DR.CLAUD ANDERSON after I read that book I understand why we are in the position we are in.....BLACK FOLKS just never figured out how to play this real life monopoly game we are in....

Thing is we don't need him to go mainstream, because Mainstream media is not "Black" media. Like Jason Black said when making 7 AM, 7 AM is not to "wake" people up, it is to give those who are "woke" a plan of action.

Once someone is grown, its no use trying to convince them White Supremacy is wrong, it is literally a religion. Its like trying to convince someone their religion is not of their best interest, they will argue even to the point where logic is thrown out the window to defend what they believe in. It is only through life experiences can someone wake up and have a change of beliefs. IMO cats like Umar are essential for the Youth, but we as adults should be more concerned with taking action, Sharazard Ali once said "Are black folks waiting for Hidden Colors 15 before they change how they think and act?"
Its 2015, we have the internet nothing needs to be on mainstream (white) media in order for us to have access to it.

In reality we have so much information at our disposal it would be incredibly easier to bring the black community together today than it was 40-50 years ago, at least from a communication stand point. Its just that a lot of people in our community don't have the right mentality, hence why we stay divided.
Hes quite an extremist and homophobic. Thats the wrong direction for blacks. We need to be fighting for everyone's rights. But supporting somebody who still has hate in their heart is a step backwards.

Add to the fact none of these "pro blacks" doing ANYTHING in Africa. The Meca. The home.

All this pro blackness but yall not helping your brothers that at home.
1."THE FIGHT FOR EVERYONES RIGHTS" things is completely backwards & that is the problem with BLACK FOLKS we wanna help everyone but ourselves...You still don't get it man this is a global competition for resources & wealth nobody is trying to get along with each other.....Everyone is competing & helping there own except for BLACK FOLKS....

2.Every Black entertainer donates to AFRICA but the BLACKS here are struggling...With all the other countries milking AFRICA we have absolutely zero army to fight off all those countries...We can't help AFRICA at all so that's a dead argument man I'm more concerned about my people here....

The HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT is well funded & have spokespersons & leaders BLACK FOLKS have nobody funding us on real issues or any real spokespersons representing....
Its 2015, we have the internet nothing needs to be on mainstream (white) media in order for us to have access to it.

In reality we have so much information at our disposal it would be incredibly easier to bring the black community together today than it was 40-50 years ago, at least from a communication stand point. Its just that a lot of people in our community don't have the right mentality, hence why we stay divided.

When Jason Black was on Tariqs show he spoke about how Blacks need to form an Agenda Class, you can't save everyone. You have educated/high income blacks who want only to be accepted by Whites by any means, and you have hood rats and goons, who want to be consumers and ratchet for life. In all income levels of the black community you have people who are conscious so those like minded people must work together, even if it is a small number compared to the whole, we must build something to protect our children and future generations. This is why I said I`m done with all the debating and crap, all that is is a SWS tactic where they use trolls of every race to disrupt progress, and we spend our times debating stupid arguments that even the trolls don't believe instead of building and taking action.
I respect UMAR & all but I kinda stop listening to dude after dude went off trying to push POLYGAMY like what BLACK WOMAN gonna go for that man??? lol But I feel where urbetterthenme urbetterthenme is coming from UMAR can be really extreme at times & so is NEELY FULLER....You got a point though you can't have hatred in you heart if we wanna go anywhere we gonna have to come together as a people on common ground throw RELIGION & all the other "PERSONAL" decision people make out & start building up our neighborhoods & turning them back in to communities...There is plenty ASIANS that are CHRISTIANS but they still stick together why because the understand that's a personal decision, & that's a distraction to the whole game...The game is owning business & producing things BLACK FOLKS are 100% consumers & ZERO producers....
1."THE FIGHT FOR EVERYONES RIGHTS" things is completely backwards & that is the problem with BLACK FOLKS we wanna help everyone but ourselves...You still don't get it man this is a global competition for resources & wealth nobody is trying to get along with each other.....Everyone is competing & helping there own except for BLACK FOLKS....

2.Every Black entertainer donates to AFRICA but the BLACKS here are struggling...With all the other countries milking AFRICA we have absolutely zero army to fight off all those countries...We can't help AFRICA at all so that's a dead argument man I'm more concerned about my people here....

I disagree. Its not that we are helping everyone else but ourselves, its that we are just too polarized in our own communities. The current "leaders" are often too militant, fighting for all the BS and ignoring the real problems. the other half are just deemed too ignorant, and love living comfortably in poverty. Those in the middle (like myself) are just put off completely by both sides. Then we have these black "celebrities" where maybe 10% have an seemingly honest and real intent, 50% are probably people who just end up promoting more ignorance in the black community, 30% are just indifferent, do enough just to get by, and then you have another 10% who have the potential to be great role models but unfortunately the spotlight always seems to get hug up by the 50% that always promotes ignorance in impoverished communities.

but then again, i live in Japan, so idgaf
1."THE FIGHT FOR EVERYONES RIGHTS" things is completely backwards & that is the problem with BLACK FOLKS we wanna help everyone but ourselves...You still don't get it man this is a global competition for resources & wealth nobody is trying to get along with each other.....Everyone is competing & helping there own except for BLACK FOLKS....

2.Every Black entertainer donates to AFRICA but the BLACKS here are struggling...With all the other countries milking AFRICA we have absolutely zero army to fight off all those countries...We can't help AFRICA at all so that's a dead argument man I'm more concerned about my people here....

The HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT is well funded & have spokespersons & leaders BLACK FOLKS have nobody funding us on real issues or any real spokespersons representing....
Bro donating dont mean nothing when you donating to organizations not even run by BLACK PPL!!!!!

Did you really say we cant help africa at all? Dude are you serious?
I respect UMAR & all but I kinda stop listening to dude after dude went off trying to push POLYGAMY like what BLACK WOMAN gonna go for that man??? lol But I feel where urbetterthenme urbetterthenme is coming from UMAR can be really extreme at times & so is NEELY FULLER....You got a point though you can't have hatred in you heart if we wanna go anywhere we gonna have to come together as a people on common ground throw RELIGION & all the other "PERSONAL" decision people make out & start building up our neighborhoods & turning them back in to communities...There is plenty ASIANS that are CHRISTIANS but they still stick together why because the understand that's a personal decision, & that's a distraction to the whole game...The game is owning business & producing things BLACK FOLKS are 100% consumers & ZERO producers....

One thing I believe in is putting Black First. Gay, Muslim, Christian, handicap, feminist, etc. Black is what we all have in common and is what is being used to oppress us in one way or another. Every other group puts their Race first, then practice their different beliefs in their own home, but Blacks will be on some "Man Im a Hebrew Israelite, I dont rock with Kemet cats!!". Heck Gay Blacks face racism in the Gay community, but will put being Gay before being Black.
I'm not homophobic, but I am against their representation trying to attach their social agenda to our civil rights demands.
It's disrespectful beyond imagination.
One thing I believe in is putting Black First. Gay, Muslim, Christian, handicap, feminist, etc. Black is what we all have in common and is what is being used to oppress us in one way or another. Every other group puts their Race first, then practice their different beliefs in their own home, but Blacks will be on some "Man Im a Hebrew Israelite, I dont rock with Kemet cats!!". Heck Gay Blacks face racism in the Gay community, but will put being Gay before being Black.
I 100% agree bro We on the same street but different lanes...
yea ima block him and a few others when I get on my computer

Dude really had the nerve to say we should fight for everybody rights....HELL NO no other group fights for ours so I damn sure not fighting for theirs

Especially them Latinos that classify as white ....them fools ain't nowhere to be found when something happen to blacks
I'm not homophobic, but I am against their representation trying to attach their social agenda to our civil rights demands.
It's disrespectful beyond imagination.
I was raised to treat people the way you want to be treated. Regardless of all aspect of their life. Thats what I preach to everyone. The gay fight is similar to cilvil rights in the since they be getting discriminated against for something out of their control.

I don't get their lifestyle, but it aint my business to be judging them.
I was raised to treat people the way you want to be treated. Regardless of all aspect of their life. Thats what I preach to everyone. The gay fight is similar to cilvil rights in the since they be getting discriminated against for something out of their control.

I don't get their lifestyle, but it aint my business to be judging them.
We been through this garbage before, we're not headed down that lane again.
yea ima block him and a few others when I get on my computer

Dude really had the nerve to say we should fight for everybody rights....HELL NO no other group fights for ours so I damn sure not fighting for theirs

Especially them Latinos that classify as white ....them fools ain't nowhere to be found when something happen to blacks
So your pretty much pushing hate towards anything not black. Which is the wrong message. We need to support each other first to show unity so then we can help everyone. Dr King preach eqaullity of everyone. Thats what its supposed to be about. A lot of the pro black leaders who post these radical comments are the kind of people that give the black unity movement a bad name. I aint gonna support none of these youtube dudes with their extreme ideas that are just as racist as the white supremacists .Even Tariq is quite a line stepper. Ain't supporting none of that.

And again, none of these dudes willing to even go to Africa(And I aint talking the safe parts of south africa) or even Latin America to educate our black brothers over there. These dudes damn near forget about Brazil and Columbia when they got a bigger black population than America.
Dude really had the nerve to say we should fight for everybody rights....HELL NO no other group fights for ours so I damn sure not fighting for theirs
Yea really man that's like going give your neighbors food when you & everyone else in you house is hungry take care of home 1st....That's suicidal in a CAPITALIST SOCIETY that's just *****BACKWARDS THINKING...
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It really just disgusts me how so many of our "educated" "middle-class" brothas & sisters still cling to ignorance. Saw a girl tweet earlier that she "just wants a humble street n-word". You have a degree and you grew up in a 5 bedroom house with a pool, what the F are you talking about? Between her mounting student debt and her obsession with " street n's" there's a 95% chance she has kids they'll be born into poverty and ignorance. There fore another generation lost.

Maybe its not that serious, but it's just frustrating watching my people regress. Like I KNOW you know better, yet you refuse to do better.
sorry. Slow was the wrong word, but I just dont get the point. And what does that have anything to do with black culture?
Naw she's a smart business woman. Milk that free airtime and advertising as long as you can.

I was raised to treat people the way you want to be treated. Regardless of all aspect of their life. Thats what I preach to everyone. The gay fight is similar to cilvil rights in the since they be getting discriminated against for something out of their control.

I don't get their lifestyle, but it aint my business to be judging them.
Not saying a certain group doesn't deserve to be treated fairly.
But don't attach your issues to the issues of another group.
Just because they believe both groups are fighting what seems to be a similar fight, don't ask or expect to use our boxing gloves.
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