Black men....we need to talk.

mdresident wrote:

U get complicated tho?(wow)



#!$+@$!. lol, i've bene unemployed for over a month, my editing skills have
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by Im Not You

It's crazy how washed some of you dudes are
word...i've heard a dude say he could never date a dark skin chick cuz he didnt want his kids dark...smh he was like two shades away from wesley snipes status.
... I'ma level w/ you... I used to think that wayin my younger (early teenage) years. It all stemmed from being teased cuz I was darker than them.

But as I got older, I realized how dumb that logic was, and stepped my roasting game up.

Cuz if Bria Myles walked in my room buck-naked, she'd be insta-pregnant.
Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...
Originally Posted by Chi ILL

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

If ya'll wanna debate all this other stuff take it else where. It's salty black girls vs. dumb guys in here talking about everything but the topic. Chi ill, Milkshake, and dylishis....I'm talking to ya'll.
my bad fam, you know how i do though...if i smell BS, imma argue whatever the point is...

im sick of everyone saying black women are constantly trying to be something they arent, when the reality is 98 percent of$ white girls over the age of 8 tans about 60 percent of the time shes awake....not to mention the masses of women with botox in their lips and implants in their *$@$*....

if not to look less white/more ethnic, then why?
You're not white, you wouldn't understand.

He isn't Black either .

Sorry Truth , but some of the BS in this thread is crazy , you should know how we feel .
Never said he was.
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DEpast

Wait, did I read this right?

White girls TAN cause they want to be black?

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read on NT.
if not to look less white/more mixed, then why do they tan?

please tell me its for a reason other than their natural pale white skin disgusts them...

i've seen white girl a look at white girl b like "EW, YOURE SO PALE, EW"

And I've seen black men AND women jump on other blacks for being, well, too black. So what point are you really trying to make?

Let's put it this way: No race on this earth is completely content with who they really are, at least in developed countries.

And a white girl with a tan still looks white. When the ###% have you ever confused a tan white girl for a black girl

Do you consider sicilian/mediterranean girls black because of their natural tans or are they still white in your eyes?

actually, see, as a man who actually looks at girls, yes, you can easily confuse an overly tanned white girl for a mixed chick from a distance....

and yes, sicilians are white.

stop dodgining my "so you agree with your girl, her white, natually pale skin is gross and turns you off, right?"
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DEpast

Wait, did I read this right?

White girls TAN cause they want to be black?

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read on NT.
if not to look less white/more mixed, then why do they tan?

please tell me its for a reason other than their natural pale white skin disgusts them...

i've seen white girl a look at white girl b like "EW, YOURE SO PALE, EW"

And I've seen black men AND women jump on other blacks for being, well, too black. So what point are you really trying to make?

Let's put it this way: No race on this earth is completely content with who they really are, at least in developed countries.

And a white girl with a tan still looks white. When the ###% have you ever confused a tan white girl for a black girl

Do you consider sicilian/mediterranean girls black because of their natural tans or are they still white in your eyes?

actually, see, as a man who actually looks at girls, yes, you can easily confuse an overly tanned white girl for a mixed chick from a distance....

and yes, sicilians are white.

stop dodgining my "so you agree with your girl, her white, natually pale skin is gross and turns you off, right?"

Thats me....
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

white girls are pretty wack in general

this kind of thinking that holds humans back. grow up, you continue to make immature posts.


@constantly coming in 12+ page threads to quote me and say i'mimmature.
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...

I'm sorry but from the pics I've seen you post and the things you post you seem like one of them Riff Raff type dudes. Young B-Rad you just as bad ablack dude beastin on white girls talking about
snowbunnies. It'snothing wrong with dating outside your race but it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...

I'm sorry but from the pics I've seen you post and the things you post you seem like one of them Riff Raff type dudes. Young B-Rad you just as bad a black dude beastin on white girls talking about
snowbunnies. It's nothing wrong with dating outside your race but it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons.

u right....

edit: because you would know what type of person I am by looking at a picture.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

white girls are pretty wack in general

this kind of thinking that holds humans back. grow up, you continue to make immature posts.

@constantly coming in 12+ page threads to quote me and say i'm immature.
dude you are the single most annoying poster on these boards. no one cares what you have to say.

no wonder you're unemployed.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

white girls are pretty wack in general

this kind of thinking that holds humans back. grow up, you continue to make immature posts.

@constantly coming in 12+ page threads to quote me and say i'm immature.
dude you are the single most annoying poster on these boards. no one cares what you have to say.

no wonder you're unemployed.




Spoiler [+]
" [who is] WHO IS HEEEE? "



she looks kinda more closer to this in real life...henche the 7
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...

I'm sorry but from the pics I've seen you post and the things you post you seem like one of them Riff Raff type dudes. Young B-Rad you just as bad a black dude beastin on white girls talking about
snowbunnies. It's nothing wrong with dating outside your race but it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons.

u right....

, he hit my man with an offensive attack and he said "u right"

br3d is one of my favorite NTers at this point...

i aint take him as a riff raff type dude....he seems like cool peoples.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

For the record I am black. Simple mind? Stop it
. Anyways, celebrities may wear extensions, but your average white or hispanic girl will not have a weave on. They dont straighten their hair either with lye-containing relaxers. Black girls will wear wigs, colored contacts when the genetics for green and blue eyes are usually not associated with afro-ethnics. Most white girls dont even know what a weave is
. Black girls will even clown each other's hair saying its nappy, etc. On a side note, i saw Beyonce on a L'oreal commercial for shampoo and color and i was rolling. This girl is wearing a weave talking about increasing volume and moisture, preventing breakage for beautiful healthy hair
because sometimes for them it can be quite hard to manage their hair.
this is the *$%* that be bothering our natural state, it's NOT hard to manage. Put some water on it, pick it out, GO! You want twists? Who DON'T know how to give double strang twists? And once it's twisted, how long is that gon' last? Braids....etc. Even with my locks, the ONLY reason why I pay someone to twist my roots is because I'm too lazy to do it myself, but by no means is it hard. I spend ZERO time on my hair in the morning, and even a chick wit' a perm gotta comb it and brush it out, comb it this way, comb it that way, wrap it at night, pray she don't sleep too rough cuz once it's messed up in your scarf it's DONE-ZO. She gotta trip it out when it's raining...she can't dance all hard at the club...I can go on and on. It's only hard to "manage" into what so-called beautiful hair supposed to look like. Long and straight......

Coming from somone who has been on both sides of the spectrum, I must say---NEVER in my life has my hair been this easy to manage. And do ya'll even know what kinda chemicals is in perms??????

don't even get me started on hair---+!%@ a soapbox, I'll need a damn sanitation bin

As for latinas, white girls, or any other ethnicity/race/background besides black, plenty of them do rock the fake hair or perm it and do all kind of things with it yet they do not get dogged for it when they do. Some men just cannot seem to point it out as easily.
that'd mess up the fantasy though

Stop it. Just Stop it...this ain't about you. Good job India Arie you got dreads so do I. But don't knock black women for straightening their hair. Theres nothing wrong with black women getting perms. You wildin' on this one.

And did you say "put some water on it and pick it out"
girl you better put some kinda moistener on your head if you picking anything out.
how you gon' tell me when I had a 'fro for a year??

And it ain't a "knock" was a knock on the "manage" statement. If you like straightening your hair, then straighten it. Butdon't do it as a cop out cuz you don't think you can manage your natural hair.

Fall back
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DEpast

Yeah, she also says she tans to look less pale.

I concur. She looks better darker.

While tanning beds are cancer causing, and she knows that, I encourage her tanning habits.
so you prefer a more tanned skin than your race's natural pale skin?

dare i say, "self hating white man"?


(that was sarcasm, just because, if you were black you'd automatically be a self hating negro)

alls im saying is, you AND your girl agree, her natural skin color is gross....
, the more tanned and ethnic (hispanic, mixed with black) she looks, the better.

Never said her natural color is gross, her complexion looks better darker.

And I NEVER said the more black she looks, the better.

Self hating white man? Nah, I'm proud to be white.

I just hate being called a "##+#@#" just cause I wear Nike.Jordan.etc. It's so stupid that people label clothing to a specific race.

Maybe I don't wanna wear the %++#%% quality that is Abercrombie and Hollister. I hate those brands.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

white girls are pretty wack in general

this kind of thinking that holds humans back. grow up, you continue to make immature posts.

@constantly coming in 12+ page threads to quote me and say i'm immature.
dude you are the single most annoying poster on these boards. no one cares what you have to say.

no wonder you're unemployed.

who's the lame?

the guy posting his thoughts and opinions, or the guy who spends his time reading and responding "you're immature. noone likes you" ?

swear, this is about the 7th or 8th post this dude ain't even contribute to the 12+ page thread, just came in to talk to ME....

, noone likes me on NIKETALK MESSAGEBOARD?!?!?!?!?


if only i could be as cool as this metal gear geek who's only contribution to threads is "enphan, i don't like you"

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...

I'm sorry but from the pics I've seen you post and the things you post you seem like one of them Riff Raff type dudes. Young B-Rad you just as bad a black dude beastin on white girls talking about
snowbunnies. It's nothing wrong with dating outside your race but it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons.

u right....

, he hit my man with an offensive attack and he said "u right"

br3d is one of my favorite NTers at this point...

i aint take him as a riff raff type dude....he seems like cool peoples.

All I'm saying is alot of the stuff goin on in this thread is people judging people because of whatever reasons... Because I'm Italian which iswhite... I have long hair which in the picture he saw was prolly braided and I appreciate black women I'm a "young b-rad" or a Riff Raff typedude... whoever that is... Dude knows nothing about me... its cool tho... Like I said I love me some black women...
Originally Posted by DEpast

her complexion looks better darker.

but then
DEpast wrote:

And I NEVER said the more black she looks, the better.

her complexion looks better darker than her natural caucasian skin tone?

Originally Posted by DEpast

My fiance is white and she is getting extensions for the wedding because she hates her short hair.
that's interesting.....but a black girl who hates her short hair is a chickenhead and a hoodrat. Hmmmm
Originally Posted by brandonb2005

SuperAntigen wrote:

It's nothing to talk about/conversate about/ have a mature discussion/debate about...

My preferences should not affect you in any aspects of your life, I came in comment about "my preference" you got mad, came at me and expected a argument.

I dont argue my man, I say what I have to say and keep it probably one of them salty black people that when they see another black person out with another race feel the need to roll your eyes and look at them side ways

When I see people lookign at me funny because I date outside my race I just give them the
and keep it moving...


Have a great day SuperAntigen

Your preferences are completely fine with me. But I'm also smart enough to know that the "preference" argument, is the ONLY defense most of youhave for justifying your prejudice.

What's funny though-- is the fact that the "preference" defense is actually a very weak one when it comes to THIS PARTICULAR TOPIC. Somethingonly a few people seem to have caught, and have come to understand.

The question being asked in this thread is: ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL, with the EXCEPTION OF RACE, why do some black men select a white woman over a blackwoman--ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL.

Now though I would admit such a question is a tad bit unfair, as it objectifies and relegates our subjective preferences to obscurity--preferences which play abig role in who we selective court and WHY we ultimately find them attractive, preferences which (for example) take into consideration qualities such aspersonality and beauty-- amongst other things-- the fact and point is, the OG question forces you to reflect and muse over whether our conceptions of beautyare "innocent" or free of extrinsic influences, or whether we are prey to societal perceptions--ones where notions of "white/light isright" and "black is blight" are firmly established.

In other words, as a black man living in a euro-centric society, where (as previously stated in my 2nd post in this thread) the ideal that is beauty is shapedby WHITE perception(s), do you factor in race--and does it matter-- when it comes to finding your perfect (or not) mate.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Now this is where it gets interesting--[/color]

While many of you are communicating--"NO, the race of an individual doesn't matter to me--i'll poke any chick...blah...blah...blah..."--thefact is, what you're communication, and what you're implying are two very different things. That's where the topic of this thread comes in--

Remember, this thread is objectifying everything (attributes that are subject to your so-called "preferences) to obscurity and making a woman's RACEthe only point of difference and the only attribute available for consideration--hence, ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]BUT[/color] RACE.

So then, what we are left with in this "equation" becomes a simple matter "RACE PREFERENCE" for a black male, as all other things areequal. And what has been made very clear by a few brothas is that, ultimately, a WHITE WOMAN is implicitly superior to a BLACK WOMAN. Simply stated--if allthing are equal, WHITE > BLACK.

Now as I stated before, the question is a tad bit unfair but it does evoke something interesting to muse about. And what many of you have subconsciously shownand proven, is the fact that you believe, everything being fair, WHITE > BLACK--which firmly corroborates what I stated in my earlier post about some levelof "indoctrination" and "inculcation" of white ideals, in this euro-centric society.

I mean, don't get mad at me because you aren't aware of what's going on around you--word to social psychology. But don't feel like you'rebeing unfairly targeted because this is not an issue exclusive to the black community, and pertaining to black men. This is an issue for every"racial" group (ASIAN, HISPANIC, ANYTHING ELSE I AM FORGETTING), living in America, but the standard and epitomized racial group--"white".

I'm of for the day-- C U 2night (if this is still here, that is)...

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

white girls are pretty wack in general

this kind of thinking that holds humans back. grow up, you continue to make immature posts.

@constantly coming in 12+ page threads to quote me and say i'm immature.
dude you are the single most annoying poster on these boards. no one cares what you have to say.

no wonder you're unemployed.

Damn thats a low blow!

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...

I'm sorry but from the pics I've seen you post and the things you post you seem like one of them Riff Raff type dudes. Young B-Rad you just as bad a black dude beastin on white girls talking about
snowbunnies. It's nothing wrong with dating outside your race but it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons.

u right....

edit: because you would know what type of person I am by looking at a picture.

I said the combo of picture and WHAT you the first post quoted on here

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
C'mon fam....I'm sorry but a white dude with cornrows typing that gives me the wrong vibe. I've know dudes that look/talk like you andthey are making a mockery of my culture. Sorry.
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Nati P

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Yall can leave all the beautiful black women for me... I'll deal with the hair, what yall call fat legs and fat girls that are just thick... I'll deal with the "attitude" too... I love me some black women word to the black and latina women appreciation thread....
Black girls > ____ IMO (bolded italicized and colored red for emphasis.)

I agree with this 100% and I'm Italian...

I'm sorry but from the pics I've seen you post and the things you post you seem like one of them Riff Raff type dudes. Young B-Rad you just as bad a black dude beastin on white girls talking about
snowbunnies. It's nothing wrong with dating outside your race but it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons.

u right....

, he hit my man with an offensive attack and he said "u right"

br3d is one of my favorite NTers at this point...

i aint take him as a riff raff type dude....he seems like cool peoples.

All I'm saying is alot of the stuff goin on in this thread is people judging people because of whatever reasons... Because I'm Italian which is white... I have long hair which in the picture he saw was prolly braided and I appreciate black women I'm a "young b-rad" or a Riff Raff type dude... whoever that is... Dude knows nothing about me... its cool tho... Like I said I love me some black women...

yeah, which is why i said i never took you as a riff raff cat...

you don't seem as forced, or as "trying" to be something you aren't...

you's a cool dude...i remember the thread you first posted your pic.....took that %+@$ like a g...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

white girls are pretty wack in general

this kind of thinking that holds humans back. grow up, you continue to make immature posts.

@constantly coming in 12+ page threads to quote me and say i'm immature.
dude you are the single most annoying poster on these boards. no one cares what you have to say.

no wonder you're unemployed.

who's the lame?

the guy posting his thoughts and opinions, or the guy who spends his time reading and responding "you're immature. noone likes you" ?

swear, this is about the 7th or 8th post this dude ain't even contribute to the 12+ page thread, just came in to talk to ME....

, noone likes me on NIKETALK MESSAGEBOARD?!?!?!?!?


if only i could be as cool as this metal gear geek who's only contribution to threads is "enphan, i don't like you"


elementary. "haha, metal gear geek, that will show him!"

i think you're the only person on these boards that 'recalls' me coming to quote you in posts. call the wahhmbulance!
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