Black Red Air Jordan XX3 Premier - Pic/Info

Yes that store in Houston did close down. Also, due to the new openings of the House of Hoops, there might be some changes to which spots will get them. Weshall see.
i'm so happy these are getting trashed because it only increases my odds in getting them! they're horrible , absolutely atrocious!
Originally Posted by asilva23

i'm so happy these are getting trashed because it only increases my odds in getting them! they're horrible , absolutely atrocious!

Don't let the comments fool you.
The Titaniums were also trashed when the pictures of those first surfaced, and then suddenly everyone was in love with them. Just wait for better pictures tocome out. Once these release, they are going to be highly sought after, it happens every time.

*I have heard these will only release in the U.S., so 529 total for the world, half as many as the Titaniums.
Saw these joints this week. Jordan marketing cat here in LaLa was rocking them. Clean as hell. He said there wasn't a firm date yet although he had a smileon his face.
I was at the show that the first pic was taken at, the pics aren't that good, the shoes are actually REALLY NICE
I'm sure they look alot better in person....the question is this black and red colorway nice enough to sleep out in the cold for days to have? If these hadbeen released first maybe, but honestly I feel as though a classic colorway for an Air Jordan like black and red shouldn't be a superlimited release. Itreally feels like the Brand is trying to see how far they can go with their hardcore fan base, I mean these aren't geared toward the average buyer, andreleasing them so close to the holidays is kinda shady too....are they trying to acquire some Tickle Me Elmo hype for this shoe or what?
Originally Posted by Cement Greyman

It really feels like the Brand is trying to see how far they can go with their hardcore fan base, I mean these aren't geared toward the average buyer, and releasing them so close to the holidays is kinda shady too....are they trying to acquire some Tickle Me Elmo hype for this shoe or what?
this limited release crap makes me want to punch the people in the face who make these decisions at JB. it punishes the people who just want theshoe because they love it. now those who love it are competing with the other people who are just going to do whatever it takes to cop the shoe to resell formajor cash. the true sneakerhead takes it up the !#* because JB doesn't care about the hardcore fan base. all they care about is screwing us over for ourmoney.
I would love to Drive to NY, BUT Ive never camped out - Anyone want to meet me to camp?

I mean, how do use the bathroom? You just leave your spot, and the store knows your spot, so it cant get stolen, or what? Someone school meon how camping works?

This shoe will be HOT . . . when the correct pictures arrive. . . . Do not kid yourself with this trash talk.

I have completely changed my mind on this. . . I need them.
Originally Posted by spoonmanofthehour

Originally Posted by Cement Greyman

It really feels like the Brand is trying to see how far they can go with their hardcore fan base, I mean these aren't geared toward the average buyer, and releasing them so close to the holidays is kinda shady too....are they trying to acquire some Tickle Me Elmo hype for this shoe or what?
this limited release crap makes me want to punch the people in the face who make these decisions at JB. it punishes the people who just want the shoe because they love it. now those who love it are competing with the other people who are just going to do whatever it takes to cop the shoe to resell for major cash. the true sneakerhead takes it up the !#* because JB doesn't care about the hardcore fan base. all they care about is screwing us over for our money.

Gotta agree. The Titaniums made sense to kick off a year for the XX3, but this feels gratuitous... Not a bad shoe, and I'm sure it'll look better oncewe get real pics, but this doesn't feel like a salute to Jordan shoe fans. It feels more like a money grab for the only time of a rough economic year thatmost people will have loose change to spend. Love the XX3, but not sure about this...
I bet this shoe is beautiful in person, but unfortunately I will never own the titaniums or these because I would never stand in line for a few hours let alonea few days, and I'll never pay reseller prices for these.
However, they are both amazing looking shoes and I'll just have to find a way to get over it.
Originally Posted by Nkestyl

Survival of the Fittest Playa's!!!

If you want to stand out in the cold for days before Christmas for a pair of shoes....more power to ya, but being "the fittest" has nothing to dowith it.
Im sure Im going to try and cop a pair around this time. The pics dont look all that good but im sure that well change after more pics drop.
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