Blacks should get reparations for everything that occured between 1930-90s

Generalizing a race never goes well.
If you think all black people want reparations you're mistaken.

Haven't even heard people joke about it.

Clearly people are taking internet personalities to seriously. 
Originally Posted by cartune

Why is it when I talk to folks that ACTUALLY lived through the 40s-60s. They say the world for black America today is beyond anything they could have imagined?

My Uncle Rev. Shuttlesworth years ago would always tell me "yall got it so easy today" as a youngin I wasnt trying to hear that but i can understand the frustration now I look around like what the hell is stopping us? Literally?

Multiple OGs who got beat the hell up for yall lazy $*%++ say the same. They couldnt imagine the opportunities we have now but we rather focus on or create problems some of which dont even exist.

Less than a lifetime ago black folks couldn't get close to a voting booth without being murdered now You got a black man running the gotdamn free world

But you got kids 18 - 24 talking about things aint changed? Da #@%% you know?

This is true things are better. But they are for better for worst. And I kinda can agree the opportunities have increased for minorities. But what ppl are making it out to seem like we are in this surreal world and we are this great land of opportunity and all is fair and equality all across the board. This whole race card and white privilege thing is stupid and a society stigma. To the whites who say wheres my privilege card. It is a blind one due to society. You are in a majority and it is scientific and has been proven that ppl tend to favor ppl of same likeliness and similarities. Its human nature. Many whites say I dont no of it to exist nor I dont see it when does it occur. It occurs all day everyday. 
People once again are going waaaay to the left, or waaaay to the right. To the guy who said oh im white I work 60+ hrs a week, if im privileged why am I not a ceo of a fortune 500 company. Its not enough just to be white. I dont think no one is saying your white means despite skill, education, etc so long as your white your in there. Same way as just because your black everyone in the world owes you something or everyone is out to get you.

What it is and ppl again tend to ignore it there is favoritism and alot of prejudice actions that go on everyday. It can be as subtle as a white guy being in the hood and know one picks him because he's white and think oh he soft he cant ball. Or the middle age white mom who goes into best buy and despite the myriad of different races of ppl in the store, she goes str8 to the black employees because she is looking for the latest new/hot rap music. 

And then there are more severe instances like police brutality, dwb, etc. Comparing the two is outright foolish. That and lack of understanding of each others race. Hell you know its doomed when you got ppl, actually was said on here that slavery saved negroids and mongloids. From what, exactly. They were kings and queens and were emperors and empresses. Had developed kingdoms and were peaceful ppl and were tranquil and content. So ignorance and lack of knowledge is a contributing factor.

And he isnt the only guy who thinks this way. And another example is ppl who say minorities have eoe and a.a. First there really isnt a way to prove or disprove e.o.e. Unless a person outright says or is blatantly  discriminating against someone due to race sex religion etc. And as far as a.a. goes, a.a. is the promotion or intent to have a balance and equal workforce by employing more minorities in the workplace/school system etc. 

Where the ignorance/lack of knowledge comes in is that it is geared for minorities in the workplace etc... Not minorities of the u.s.a. So while blacks spanish asian etc are minorities of the u.s.a. They are not minorities in the workforce. The minorities of the workforce/education etc are white women.  So a.a. doesnt favor minorities in the sense of population in the u.s.a. Just minorities in the sense of employees, students etc. Which is white women. 

Then also you have ppl who think again not to call ppl out but many of the whites and sci method as well who say, oh police brutality, dwb's, other instances like this, if spoke about then your a militant. Your marcus garvey. Which is another ignorance. Calling a spade a spade is simply that. If i speak out on a person who beats/mistreat a animal, doesnt mean im waaaaay on the left side and one of those over the top peta ppl. If i speak on non belief of abortions doesnt mean im some over the top waaay to the right religious right wing thinker either. 

Ppl just need to quit all this if 1 does it they def. this way or think that way and view things as a individual case by case basis. And stop taking things waaay to the extreme and evaluate the situation at hand. Its ignorant to say oh im white and this black guy is farther along in life then me, its that gd affirmative action. No its you arent skilled qualified have the capability to do the job, simply put. 

Same as oh im black and I applied for such and such job and I didnt get it cause im black. Yea i wasnt qualified or had any of the prerequisites for the job. But nah that had nothing to do with it, its cause im black. learn to differentiate.

Ill use myself for example. When I was younger I went to a denny's and it was clearly obvious that they didnt serve me and my date solely because we were a interracial couple. With that being said, I didnt take that same mindset or that instance and say oh the first time i applied for a business loan i was denied because of race. No it was because I wasnt established, had no credit and all I had was a vision and a dream. Thats what ppl need to get away from. That and these templates of what certain positions avenues in life suppose to be. Like still to this day first thought of a fire-fighter is a strapping young MAN. You think of receptionist its a warm bubbly WOMAN. So on and so forth. To much emphasis on this. To many when i think of this or that i envision a certain look, be it because of sex or race religion. As soon as we get away from the mindset of office worker=suit/tie dress shoes. And other stigmas we can grow as ppl.

When we get away from oh he is wearing j's has a mohawk, wears lady hip hugged jeans etc... and is black he must be into rap so ill ask him about the latest lil wayne album. We have to start there. Then slowly graduate and take baby steps to an improved nation. Thing is society, influences, media etc dictates vast majority of ppl lives that imo this cannot and will not ever be achieved. Your always going to have ppl see the old white man with a pickup truck living in the middle of nowhere mississippi and folks thinking he is a redneck. He is probably stupid narrowminded and racist. You still going to have ppl see the young black who is into hip-hop and discredit him, and think of him as nothing more then a street kid.

Its when we throw away all the stupid and ignorance thoughts and views depictions we have practice since hell probably the dawn of time, things will truly start to reach an accord. But sadly it isnt. 
Originally Posted by jaysfiend23

you dont see the jews asking for handouts when there ancestors were slaves for thousands of years
Not that I am condoning this thread or anything.... Haven't read any of it...Actually randomly picked this page and saw your post first... But you do know what happened after the Holocaust right???? Jewish people got reparations..
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

You keep playing this "woe is me card". Talking about "You think I'm garbage when I don't have a racist bone in my body. I haven't benefited at all from slavery
" Even while you thrive in a system that was designed to keep you ON TOP (although you continually try to deny your white privilege). 

You mean I could be on top right now? +!* am I doing working 60 hours a week to feed my family and get an education if it's so easy to be ON TOP?
I got it all wrong! All I have to do is flash my "I'm a White male" membership card at some corporate office to get a high paying job, right?

I need some of that white privilege you keep talking about.

google search oprah and race

find the segment with the white dude who took pills that turned his skin black

hear his experience as a black male vs. a white male...

then come back and deny it.

if you're not down to do that.

stop posting.
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Daytona 5K, you said you wanted to hear it. Scope the end of P16 bruh, what say you

CurbYourEnthusiam pretty much nailed it earlier on in the thread. Read the 1st reply on 14.
I understand what CYE is saying, but I'm not trying to say that any other applicant (underrepresented minority) is preventing fellow applicants (white, asian, and/or other overrepresented demographic) from gaining admission. I'm trying to highlight the fact that the evaluation criteria is completely different. The admission officers are subjecting different people to different standards (sweeping, general standards at that), without regard to personal circumstance in most cases. 
Do you think that's fair?

son, they do have regard for personal circumstance....lmao one second you cry about there not being a standard critera, THEN you cry that they dont regard personal circumstance

being asian isnt a major handicap in american culture dude

you prolly went to a pretty good high school and have both parents who care about you

soem kids are sent to school by their aunt cause their moms is a crackhead b

and they go to the worst school you could imagine

so yeah, they finna get a GPA break to get into the same school as you

because they bring perspective to the university

just being in class with her and hearing her perspective is more valuable to the university than another kid from the suburbs

theres millions of yall

crack babies from the hood going to college?

them is the rarest pokemon you can find, b.


it amazes me that kids who live in the suburbs and went to non-city school districts cry about not having their "personal circumstances" taken into consideration....meanwhile there are kids who were raised by their grandparents cause both parents are life-time felons....


thats not a shot directly at you, either, man

im just amazes me.

it all boils down to a lack of perspective.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Quoted the only part that has any truth whatsoever 


You're only embarrassing yourself. Europeans have been doing a lot better in life before they hired one slave from Africa. I see you already lost by giving every white man power over you by your way of thinking. 

If WHITE PEOPLE are THIEVING, CONNIVING SCUMBAGS what are YOUR OWN PEOPLE for SELLING you? Think about that for a second. I hear all this white people crap but it really sounds like excuses. That's just how it was, accept it and move on. White people enslaved other white people too. Ottoman Empire took over Europe, Asia and North Africa. The world doesn't revolve around Africa. I'm sorry you can't see that. I don't see Turkey giving back anything to the Greeks AND they took have control of most of their coliseums. What happened was part of history. If you yourself can't get over it, its never going to go away. 


you salty as !@%!, too.

alex you always argue with stupid *** points even you dont believe once you get emotional.

yes, "our" people "sold us" to the "whites"

but they didnt prosper for hundreds of years of of them, generations down the line, then systematically oppress nor continue to cohabitate a country with them while keeping them as second class citizens.

its funny you can say "dont point at us, cause look, them, too"

just because you're feeling guilty about some %@!% YOU ALL CLAIM YOURE INNOCENT OF

we not talking about yall

why yall feeling so guilty, b?

The evaluation criteria is different because the circumstances of the underrepresented minorities are (generally) different. Is that fair? No. But neither are the number of hurdles that "minorities" GENERALLY have to face in comparison to their counterparts.

Slavery that happened in over Europe =/= CHATTEL SLAVERY that occurred in America, though.

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Yes, I see now why we "thieving, manipulating scumbags" shouldn't be racist. You've set such a wonderful example. I've seen the error of my ways thanks to your laudably coherent and articulate argument. 
Is he lying though?

lmao, right.

Previous generations of white people were a-holes, yes. We've acknowledged this.

how about the current generation of a-holes?


But other races have enslaved people too and no one says a damn word about that because everybody loves vilifying white people.
in the USA? do tell.

White people are going to be the villain forever no matter what. I think that's clear by the way that you guys are blaming my generation for things that happened a billion years ago even though I haven't seen a DIME of slave trade money. 
you got it. sucks white people had to claim dominance over a population of people they enslaved, huh? see, you're people were being dominated. it was unfair to you that your ancestors put a stigma on your skin, huh? well they put a stimgma on our skin, as thats still negative today, in 2011. so yeah, cry about it, b....its true...white people will always been villians to minorities they decimated...(i.e. native americans, blacks and to an extent  mexicans) dont you wish your ancestors hadnt been villians? LMAO

what do you mena a billion years ago? this is the problem right there...youre crying that we're punishing you for events that are so important to you that you say things like "a billion years ago"

how about my MOTHER went to segregated schools....she adhered to "colored only" signs...

my mom is 58.

thats very recent.
not 58 billion years old 58, period.

and as far as you never having slave have no idea who's paid you with slave money

could be your first job at the golf course

coulda been a tip at the resturaunt you bus at

coulda been the pizza parties over your best friends house at sleepovers

you honestly have no idea which companies are even in existance because of slave labor....

someones great great great great grandson could have gotten a trust from slave labor, started a car dealership and gives you a hookup cause its your high school buddy.....

but the real tragedy is that, even without the aforementioned money being exchanged

simply being white, in america, a country in which the standard social norms are all white-centric, does carry a completely different set of advantages than being anything OTHER than the standard race in america.

how would i know, right?

i can easily pass for white. i look more hispanic than black

if i spoke proper to you and didnt tell you what i was, i could pass.

ive seen it with my own two eyes.

ive been "treated black" and ive been "treated white" iand im telling you THERE IS A DIFFERENCE....period

i dont care if that makes you feel guilty...honestly it should.

as long as you dont have hate in your heart for your fellow human being, tho, you dont have to put that guilt on yourself

like you said

it wasnt you, it was your ancestors

so if YOU personally arent perpetuating the oppression, then why do you feel the need to be so vocal about how wrong people are for being upset about slavery?

you should be on our side here.....


Originally Posted by AIRMATT

it's time to get over it...

, please, ruffridah @ yahoo dot com, what have you ever gotten over in your life?

these are the same kids who cant get over not getting what they wanted for christmas.
In every thread this dude Curb talkin' all high and mighty.

I wish I knew you so in person I could slap the hell out of you.

You're lame.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

In every thread this dude Curb talkin' all high and mighty.

I wish I knew you so in person I could slap the hell out of you.

You're lame.

QFT, i had to go back and edit my previous post...don't wanna get banned coz of that wanker
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

In every thread this dude Curb talkin' all high and mighty.

I wish I knew you so in person I could slap the hell out of you.

You're lame.


and you follow me in every post to say basically the same thing.

good job.

you should get over it, too.

(p.s. why would you have to know me in person to slap me? come visit columbus. ill let you slap me.)
Moorish Americans will receive reparations one day op just learn more about your history and you will understand yourself 
Originally Posted by RLAK824

Moorish Americans will receive reparations one day op just learn more about your history and you will understand yourself 

I'm sorry. It's the Moops.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

You keep playing this "woe is me card". Talking about "You think I'm garbage when I don't have a racist bone in my body. I haven't benefited at all from slavery
" Even while you thrive in a system that was designed to keep you ON TOP (although you continually try to deny your white privilege). 

You mean I could be on top right now? +!* am I doing working 60 hours a week to feed my family and get an education if it's so easy to be ON TOP?
I got it all wrong! All I have to do is flash my "I'm a White male" membership card at some corporate office to get a high paying job, right?

I need some of that white privilege you keep talking about.

google search oprah and race

find the segment with the white dude who took pills that turned his skin black

hear his experience as a black male vs. a white male...

then come back and deny it.

if you're not down to do that.

stop posting.

Who is this Oprah you speak of?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by GRyPR33


You mean I could be on top right now? +!* am I doing working 60 hours a week to feed my family and get an education if it's so easy to be ON TOP?
I got it all wrong! All I have to do is flash my "I'm a White male" membership card at some corporate office to get a high paying job, right?

I need some of that white privilege you keep talking about.

google search oprah and race

find the segment with the white dude who took pills that turned his skin black

hear his experience as a black male vs. a white male...

then come back and deny it.

if you're not down to do that.

stop posting.

Who is this Oprah you speak of?

I remember that also i recall when queen latifah had a talk show and for a month (which coincedently after this study her top rated talk show was cancelled go figure.) she did the same thing. She took certain members of black families ie maybe the dad, kids etc or mom aunt etc and dress them up/paint them etc as the opposite race and had them switch families. Like they took a redneck from covington, ga and his son and place him dressed up/painted as black men and placed him in a family in watts. And the blacks as whites etc and switch. They did this from all different lifestyles from mississippi to detroit to texas to new jersey so on and so forth.

Each family had a week to swap races. I find it odd if everything is so equal and fair why didnt not one single white family survive a least a week as being black? Most after two or three days just up and wanted to quit. Had a white guy up and quit after not catching a cab in brooklyn because he was black and then he went to a bank and needless to say they was following him and he ends up in a ruckus with the law. Another one went for a job as a black man and was told not hiring, then he went as a white man with less qualifications and they said was hiring and hired him.

And like I stated this was done in all aspects and walks of life, and different education, economic and social backgrounds. But one thing was clear it was a distinctive difference in treatment and opportunites for the blacks who dressed as whites as oppose to the whites who went out in the world as blacks.
I benefited from slavery
. They bred us like horses and now I am a super athlete with wild genetics.

But I don't think we should get reparations tho. Say if each black person got like 40k or something I dunno, it would be complete madness. Look at what a lot of african americans (mostly in inner cities) do with money when they do get it? Look at what most are doing with money when they do get it already. I mean seriously, a high percentage of them would just blow it.

I dunno, it is a tough conversation and someone will always be offended
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by jaysfiend23

you dont see the jews asking for handouts when there ancestors were slaves for thousands of years
Not that I am condoning this thread or anything.... Haven't read any of it...Actually randomly picked this page and saw your post first... But you do know what happened after the Holocaust right???? Jewish people got reparations..

The age on nt has def been getting younger and younger. The rampant ignorance on issues and the stuff these kuds have the audacity to say. So whe gonna sit here and act like the state of israel doesnt exist, and their lobbying and financial imfluemce dont exist now because of reperations and their chosen people status.
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

I benefited from slavery
. They bred us like horses and now I am a super athlete with wild genetics.

But I don't think we should get reparations tho. Say if each black person got like 40k or something I dunno, it would be complete madness. Look at what a lot of african americans (mostly in inner cities) do with money when they do get it? Look at what most are doing with money when they do get it already. I mean seriously, a high percentage of them would just blow it.

I dunno, it is a tough conversation and someone will always be offended
They've done scientific studies that prove that the time african-americans were bred as animals was not enough to truly change their genetic makeup.
And your argument against it is that they'll blow it? 
  If its money they're owed what right does anyone have to withhold it based on what they "may" do?

Btw, I wouldn't be receiving reparations if they came out so I have no self-interest
I know what show he's referring to.

I was just pointing out the fact he just told a white dude who's working 60 hours a week that he's ON TOP because he is white while asking him to reference a Black billionaire's show
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