Blue retro ones release date? Help

May 4, 2003
Just wondering if anyone knows the actual release date. The release date thread has them in march. Other sites have the 31st of January. And I've heard the1st as well. Any help or additional pics would be nice
^ He specifically asked for HELP, not sarcasm... you guys kill me with all this negativity... I also would like to know the RD but IDK if thread-starter isreferring to the PHAT lows in blk/varsity royal or another pair of blue Retro 1 . . .
Originally Posted by RetroSniper

^ He specifically asked for HELP, not sarcasm... you guys kill me with all this negativity... I also would like to know the RD but IDK if thread-starter is referring to the PHAT lows in blk/varsity royal or another pair of blue Retro 1 . . .
I wasn't being sarcastic, I was serious. I just wanted people to find out for themselves before asking.

January 1st, 2009


now lock.
Well the reason I made a thread is because I was getting a different answer from every place I asked. I called niketown and they claim they won't bedropping til the end of the month, if they even drop at all. And what's up with all the negativity on this board. It's not like I'm a newb andtotally unaware of how to find out info. It's just that the info was unclear so I asked to be clarified.
I swear NTer's these days...why cant everyone be nice

but yea there are rumors just wait till it gets closer to the release date then we will have a 100% answer

but yea what jumpman23 says "1/01/09"
^thats the word right can only wait and see, i would know for sure but ive decided to pass on these. If i had the money i would cop though, mycollection is a little starved of blue colorways
i was trying to figure this out to
i was seeing a lot of diff dates
im hoping its the 1st of jan
well I guess we will find out on thursday (Jan 1st) but in all honesty, I dont see them releasing until later in the month. If they were going to release thisweek, we would have more info on them.

Anddd, I might cop. Id have to see them in person to decide.
Originally Posted by RetroSniper

^ He specifically asked for HELP, not sarcasm... you guys kill me with all this negativity... I also would like to know the RD but IDK if thread-starter is referring to the PHAT lows in blk/varsity royal or another pair of blue Retro 1 . . .

well said...dudes be killing me with that !!!! anyway those 1's are a pass...
Whoa...they're alright. They're growing on me...but an all blue shoe is another reason for me to not cop
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