Boardwalk Empire (season 2) thread Vol. Season 1 Blu-Ray 1/10 *Best Buy 2 per store?!*

well i'll be damn Ms. Schroeder
That was a terrible assassination attempt. FAIL!!!
The big bosses are gonna strike back hard on the dudes under them. 

Van Alden is comedic gold. 

Great episode. 
Great episode from start to finish.

-I don't know why Eli had to be the one to make me as a viewer make the suggestion of killing Nucky off, seems so simple yet I didn't even think of it as an option 
-This whole situation is going to bite Mrs. Schroeder in the #!%, no way she gets away with it.
-Van Alden with the con-job for a baby
Best episode of the series so far imo. Hell is gonna be paid after that assassination attempt. The new prosecutor's decision to have Nucky tailed saved his life
. After Van Alden chose to side with justice,Nucky is even more screwed than before. I kinda felt bad for Margaret after the visit to her siblings but that didn't last at the end of the episode even though we all saw it coming. My dude Slater though stays winning 
,that murder was brutal with the fingers coming off. I'm interested in learning more about him and his past and learning more about that murder.
Can't wait to see the aftermath of all of this next episode
God, I HATE Lucy Danziger's voice and character, every time she comes on the screen I cringe. Hope they write her out

Margaret Schroeder moan

Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

when are jimmy and his mom gonna smash already so we can confirm what we already knew?

I'm sayin though!
Great episode, I like how the last two have built the story of everyone up so well. This show is getting better and better by the week,

I'm really interested to see what type of backstory we can get on Margaret. 
Margaret is a #%# for real 

I'm curious too about the back story behind the dude Slater killed

Next week seems like it'll be a great episode, Chalky better handle business
Loving Van Alden more and more. His life goes to shh and he gets funnier and more likeable with how he fights back. Nice to see Al again even though it was short. Hope for more of these underboss meetings.

That Slater kill seemed to come out of nowhere just to have somebody die this ep

@ that botched murder job. Slater smashed

Very good ep
Good episode but too much Margaret imo, Im more concerned about Nuckys problems than hers.

Whats the story with Slater and the guy he killed in the bathroom?
I keep seeing that the assassination was IRA related. Slater had been searching for the guy for 5 months and the whole reason for Slater being in the States was to kill him.
i totally agree with the other poster, too much dialogue was lost due to the Irish accents. my wife had to recap to me the whole problem Margaret has with her brother. i had no idea what was going on. it's a nice set up.

Side note, I heard Mark Wahlberg on OnA the other day and with him being executive producer of the show already saw the last 2 episodes. he said they were epic.
Originally Posted by BossPlaya0625

Good episode but too much Margaret imo, Im more concerned about Nuckys problems than hers.

Whats the story with Slater and the guy he killed in the bathroom?

Originally Posted by jayvee1220

i totally agree with the other poster, too much dialogue was lost due to the Irish accents. my wife had to recap to me the whole problem Margaret has with her brother. i had no idea what was going on. it's a nice set up.

Side note, I heard Mark Wahlberg on OnA the other day and with him being executive producer of the show already saw the last 2 episodes. he said they were epic.
what is the problem? cause i didn't catch it and i dont feel like rewatching that scene 
Yeah the accents was hard to understand so I didn't know if she lied & said some dude took it when she actually gave it to him & she got pregnant.
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Originally Posted by jayvee1220

i totally agree with the other poster, too much dialogue was lost due to the Irish accents. my wife had to recap to me the whole problem Margaret has with her brother. i had no idea what was going on. it's a nice set up.

Side note, I heard Mark Wahlberg on OnA the other day and with him being executive producer of the show already saw the last 2 episodes. he said they were epic.
what is the problem? cause i didn't catch it and i dont feel like rewatching that scene 
While she was still in Ireland, she got knocked up.  her family was going to send her to a nunnery but she stole the money her mom was saving for her brother to go to America so she could go.  supposedly she lost the baby on the way and pretty much was considered dead by her family.  
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