Body Modification, Crazy People vol OMG is that real???

Feb 15, 2003
Ryan and Dave are the most unique identical twins you'll ever meet. After tiring of piercing, tattoos, and implants about three years ago, they began exploring much heavier surgical modifications. Dave had spent two and a half years in pre-med at Queens University in Kingston, and using contacts made both there and online he and his twin brother have changed themselves in ways far beyond anything anyone else has ever attempted.

BME: Let's quickly talk about how this all got started.

RYAN: I guess when we were about thirteen we started getting tattooed. This is when we were living in Phoenix. I won't deny that we had pretty poor judgement and got some pretty bad tattoos. Luckily, they were fairly light and over time we got some real nice coverups, as you can see.

DAVE: Our lives in Phoenix were actually pretty rough and our parents knew that we were running with the wrong crowd, so when we were sixteen they sent us to live with our aunt in Toronto -- Canada -- it was a bit of a culture shock but turned out for the best. I finished high school at the top of my class and was offered a biology scholarship at Queens University which soon transitioned into Pre-Med. Ryan stayed in Toronto and got hooked up with the piercing scene.

RYAN: Some friends of mine were just setting up a new studio -- Dave and I had been doing piercings on our friends for about a year, and it just seemed like the right thing at the right time so I decided to become a piercer. At this point the piercing community was pretty young and it was an "anything goes" scene and still mostly underground -- I got to meet a lot of guys into amputation and castration and really heavy stuff. It got me thinking a lot about what we wanted to do with our own bodies. I introduced Dave to them as well and he shared my feelings.

BME: What happened next?


[size=-1]Ryan "holding on to" Dave's arm.[/size][/td] [/tr][/table]
RYAN: After discussing and thinking about it very seriously for about a year, we decided to take the big step. To put it simply, Dave had his entire right arm (since we're left handed) amputated at the shoulder and we surgically reattached it immediately behind my right pectoral muscle.
BME: Wow. If I wasn't looking at it right now I'd never believe it. How was the procedure done?

DAVE: Obviously there was no clinic willing to do a procedure like this (we didn't even bother to ask), so we had to do it all under local anaesthesia since we simply didn't have the facilities to safely administer general anaesthesia. We had a group of two practitioners and two assistants working on us. First we elevated my arm and using an Ace bandage we slowly squeezed all of the blood out of it. Then we tourniquetted as high up on the shoulder it could be, and injected lidocaine into the exsanguinated veins. Almost immediately there was no feeling whatsoever. An amputation knife cut through the skin and muscles, and a bone saw did the final removal. Bleeders were ligated and the wound was cleaned up. This entire part of the procedure took about forty minutes.

RYAN: At the same time as Dave was being worked on, the other practitioner and his assistant prepared the attachment site on my chest. Veins and arteries were spliced to supply blood to Dave's arm and the skin and some of the subcutaneous tissue was peeled up to merge as smoothly as possible. Luckily the healing went smoothly. The transplant healed up in about a month, as did Dave's stump.

BME: You're a bit vague as to who did it. Who were the "practitioners" and how did you find them?

DAVE: When we had the procedure done we signed non-disclosure agreements and legally swore to protect the identities of everyone involved. As far as how we met them, you'd be amazed how many kooks you meet in med school. That's as far as I'm willing to go on that question; I'm sure your readers will understand. This type of procedure is simply not acceptable.

BME: Did you have any difficulties with rejection?

RYAN: That's the nice thing about being identical twins! We share the same genetics!

BME: You can't be that identical -- You're wearing glasses and Dave isn't.

RYAN: Dave wears contacts; he's vain. Anyway, because our genetics are the same, healing a transplant is no more difficult that healing a severe laceration. I'm exaggerating a little, but it's not the same as a regular transplant.


[size=-1]Dave[/size][/td] [td]

[size=-1]Ryan[/size][/td] [/tr][/table]​
BME: The arm is amazing, but I've got to admit that this "alien finger" thing you've done is really something. It's unlike anything I've ever seen before. It's actually quite disconcerting!
RYAN: Yeah, we're very proud of it. When people see the arm, they think it was an accident -- transplants like this do get done every once in a while for medical reasons. The finger though, that's art. We challenge anyone to take body art to a higher level.

BME: How did you pull this one off?

DAVE: First we removed the centre joint of my finger, along with the skin and just over an inch of overhanging tendon. Then we split Ryan's finger at the end of the first joint. It was relatively easy to insert the extra joint, especially since we had so much extra tendon to play with. The amazing thing is that Ryan actually has feeling in the end of that finger now -- the nerves were compatible!

BME: Dave, why are you wearing a bandaid over your stubby finger?

DAVE: When we put my finger tip back on, minus the middle joint, we didn't have enough tendon to work with so I don't actually have very much mobility in it. I tend to bang it a lot. We're actually going to remove it altogether and remove the bone right down to the wrist. That will let us shift the little finger over without much apparent scarring giving us a very realistic three fingered hand.

BME: Can I ask what the two of you do for a living? I assume you don't have regular jobs.

DAVE: We make a great living in the traditional world. I'm not going to say the name of our company, but to suffice it to say that we're the sixth largest producer of adult entertainment software in North America. The Ferrari Dino 246 that Ryan is leaning on right now is a $50,000 car. That may not seem like a lot of money, but we paid it off in one day. Not all "freaks" are punk kids.

BME: I know you don't really like talking about this that much, but... why?

RYAN: First and foremost, we consider ourselves artists. A lot of our friends and associates who have similar interests have a more fetish oriented body modification attitude about it -- while we respect that point of view, it's not what we're about.

BME: Any regrets?

DAVE: I guess I'm the one that should answer that one. No. Not at all. We share everything. I don't feel that I've given anything up. I'm not sure if anyone who's not an identical twin can really understand the strange bond that's going on here. I've never had a phantom limb pain. It really feels like it's all still a part of me.

BME: What modifications does the future hold for you two?

DAVE: We've got some genital work planned that's pretty exciting. As soon as it happens we'll be sure to update BME readers with some photos.
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[size=-1]This interview posted April 1, 1999[/size]
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Twice I've been told by practitioners that they've been asked to do a nose amputation, and twice they've told me that they refused. Third time's the charm, as I finally met "Witz Sinariz", who managed to find a practitioner to go through with it. While he wears an artificial nose in his day to day life, he agreed to "out" himself here. Seeing it, it doesn't even look real, and is quite difficult for my brain to even parse, but Witz swears that to him it looks completely natural.

* * *

BME: Why did you want your nose removed?

WITZ: I don't know, ever since I was a kid I imagined it. I don't know if they have anything to do with it, because it's the chicken and the egg, you know, but two things stand out. First, I remember watching Sesame Street episodes when I was very young, where Bert and Ernie would take their noses off, and it just really stuck with me, and I wished I could play that game... That, and my uncle always played "got your nose" with me and it was something I really remember fondly.
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BME: What made you actually want to amputate it for real?

WITZ: There was never any question of wanting it for real. I just didn't know if it was possible, and if it might wreck my life because of others' reactions... But I read a lot of the interviews with digit and limb amputees on BME and other places, and the thing that struck me was that no one ever questioned them, because no one ever assumed it was on purpose. I realized that if I did this, I'd "get away with it".

BME: What was the process of finding a practitioner willing to do it?

WITZ: I tried doctors and plastic surgeons - no luck. I thought about doing it myself with some sort of "accident", but I thought I'd be left a terrible scar, or worse, doctors would try and rebuild it, leaving me with a deformed nose rather than a flat face. I contacted practitioner after practitioner, and eventually found one willing to do the procedure after asking him for it for almost two years.

BME: What was the procedure?

WITZ: After freezing the area, "H" made an incision down the middle of my nose, and peeled it open to each side. The cartilage was almost completely removed, and he chiseled away the bone in the bridge of my nose to reduce the bump. A hyfrecator was used to cauterize the bleeders, and the tissue was pulled back over the wound, excess was removed, and sutured.

[Note: I have a DVD from Witz coming tomorrow, so full photos of the procedure and more photos are in the next BME/extreme update in the "miscellaneous amputations" section, and the video of the procedure should be posted shortly on BMEvideo. - Shannon/Roo]

BME: How was healing?

WITZ: No problem at all. I'm very healthy. It took about two weeks for the initial healing, and a month more before it was totally healed.

BME: What did you tell your friends and family? Your doctor?

WITZ: I don't have a doctor, and my immediate family is deceased. I am very work focussed, and most of the people I know are co-workers. I just told them I didn't want to talk about it and left it at that. They didn't push me. I suppose now that the cat's out of the bag, they could find out. Maybe I'll try and figure out how to tell them before you put this online, but more likely I'll just deny it... Really, who'd believe it?

BME: I hope you don't mind me asking, but did you seek counselling or therapy in advance to make sure that you weren't "crazy"?

WITZ: Why would I do that? I understand that this might seem strange to others, but it doesn't to me, and it feels very natural and normal. I don't feel like I have to explain myself to anyone else. I'm happy and successful - so what if I'm different than you. Why would I want to put myself through having to explain myself to some therapist that's not going to understand me anyway?


BME: What made you decide to close your nose completely? Is it a problem not having nostrils?

WITZ: I didn't want it to look like I had a messed up nose - I wanted to have no nose. I wouldn't have done it if I'd have been left with a hole. It's not a problem - sort of like having a plugged up nose all the time. If I get a cold, I just spit it out and sort of "hork it up" instead of blowing my nose.

BME: Are you happy with how it turned out?

WITZ: I wish the scar was less visible - I really want to have a perfectly flat face that makes it look like I was born that way - but other than that I'm ecstatic. With time I expect the redness in the scar to go away.

BME: Do you have any other body modifications?

WITZ: I have a few tattoos, and stretched ear piercings, but nothing major other than this. But I don't really see this as a "body modification" in the same way... I just felt like this was right.

BME: Do you mind me asking what you do for a living, and how this has affected your day to day life?

WITZ: I work as a graphic designer and make a good living from it. To be honest, this doesn't affect me at all. I wear an artificial nose when I need to, and I love being able to take it on and off, and it lets me decide who I want to reveal it to. But even people who notice that I have no nose would never believe I chose to do it - like I said, in terms of how others treat me, it hasn't changed anything.

BME: Thanks for talking to us. Any advice for others who want to make radical changes to their bodies?

WITZ: Don't take life too seriously.


�����Shannon Larratt


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[size=-1]Since 1994, Shannon Larratt has been the editor and publisher of BMEZINE.COM, the largest and oldest full-spectrum body modification publication on the planet. Copyright [emoji]169[/emoji] 2008 Shannon Larratt. Permission is granted to reprint this article in its entirety as long as credit is retained and usage is non-commercial. Requests to publish edited or shortened versions must be confirmed in writing. For bibliographical purposes this article was first published April Fools, 2008 in Toronto, Canada.

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"We've got some genital work planned that's pretty exciting"
.That sucks for who ever is giving up his part.
I must say it does look weird, but i think its cool how he can now feel his brothers finger as its his own. i never imagined that possible in a situation likethis.
Im guessing there hoping for the same result in there genital area but one of them is definately taking a L
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