boom shaka laka

OP sounds awkward.

But yes, it’s really hard to have friends at 30+.

And I think the majority of that is simply there’s no mental energy nor time available to invest in it.

-Work takes up about 630 am to 7 pm
-Time with girlfriend or family takes up the remaining few free hours
-What else is there time left to do?

awkward how bruh.

you make time is what it is. don't use time as an excuse. you can still call up your friend. my problem is not having one to call. big difference. not having friends don't make one awkward. they don't go synonymously. the fact you think there's a correlation means you're mentally inept
awkward how bruh.

you make time is what it is. don't use time as an excuse. you can still call up your friend. my problem is not having one to call. big difference. not having friends don't make one awkward. they don't go synonymously. the fact you think there's a correlation means you're mentally inept
I can see why you have such a wealth of friendship :lol:
Got a gay friend I had to ghost, not for nothing like op, son was just too needy and texted too much, more than my women. If you don't respond to his text within the hour dude runs to facebook playing victim with some tumblr quote. That's just too much.
Mouf is mouf op

All my best friends went to different states after high school and we lost touch

Literally only have 1 friend Now lol

im the same, tough time making friends, but the reason for that is after the betrayals I’ve been through in both friendships and my previous relationship . I just don’t trust anyone anymore
Bro, you sound EXACTLY like me. I never really liked anyone from my high school. I met all my childhood friends in elementary or middle school. I don’t deal with ANYONE from my childhooh neighborhood.

I was an only child so I’m use to being alone. I get agitated and annoyed REALLY fast. So I need alone time. I’m the dude who who girls cal conceited/mean and who the dudes know like “Oh, that’s whats his name, do not piss him
off because he’ll let you have it”.

I’ve caused so many scenes at the corner store, in the grocery store, etc. at family functions, etc. my temper is TERRIBLE. I always have on nice clothes or dope shoes and I literally see people staring, wanted to ask me questions so bad but they be afraid. And I ride SOLO. I’m always in the car by myself, two deep at the most.

I’m that dude who pulls up at any function for about a hour them I leave without telling anyone. They be like “damn, where’d ______ go?!?!?:lol:

I have two Rottweilers and a snake, people say I love my dogs more than human interaction. :lol:

i have no temper issues tho. I know myself too well and I got at least half my dad in me. I’d have killed someone by now if I couldn’t control my emotions.

This hits tho.
I'm 30 and have a decent amount of friends still. Only a couple I keep in touch are from high school but I met everyone else in my 20s.
It's tougher to see everyone frequently when you get older but I still talk to a lot of people if not daily, weekly.
if anything this thread says more about certain people's homophobic tendencies, since they seem to enjoy the comments left by these bozos

they don't go synonymously. the fact you think there's a correlation means you're mentally inept

i knew you are going to contextualize my post and used it as the reason. lol. bruh you put no contribution to this thread.

A lot of cattiness here. Do you tend to react emotionally of the rip? Because people don't like dealing with that **** and that might be part of why you're struggling to connect with someone.
Not trying to antagonize you but it's genuine input.
This is just a thread/ forum. I have come to learn that any serious post I put out I'd have to scrimmage through a lot of troll post to get something worth reading. And this thread is evident of that. You have a lot of these posters - mind you some are in their 30s+ making a joke out of a post meant to bring awareness. I know I am not the only one struggling with this. Even before pandemic, people rather socialize online than in person.

So rather than see me as the problem- why don't you look around. Keep others in check and realize that I can either speak up, or ignore them, which I chose to do the former.

Keep my name out outch ya mouf!

I stand by my statement.

I'm not sending another ***** lunch.

But back to OP.

Past like 25 I never even wanted to "make friends"

Outside of work I have like 5 legit friends.

I just don't have the time or patience to deal.
This is just a thread/ forum. I have come to learn that any serious post I put out I'd have to scrimmage through a lot of troll post to get something worth reading. And this thread is evident of that. You have a lot of these posters - mind you some are in their 30s+ making a joke out of a post meant to bring awareness. I know I am not the only one struggling with this. Even before pandemic, people rather socialize online than in person.

So rather than see me as the problem- why don't you look around. Keep others in check and realize that I can either speak up, or ignore them, which I chose to do the former.

You're legit coming off as insufferable and seems like you don't think anything can possibly be wrong with your social skills.
Hope you figure whatever out.

Nothing to keep in check, this is how NT has been and if that doesn't work for you there's tons of other forums out there for you to go to.
You're legit coming off as insufferable and seems like you don't think anything can possibly be wrong with your social skills.
Hope you figure whatever out.

Nothing to keep in check, this is how NT has been and if that doesn't work for you there's tons of other forums out there for you to go to.

by your logic, everyone who don't have friends is "awkward, have social problem".

some people are just introverted, some people are not big talkers, some people are selective with who they invite in their circle.

You come off as a person who , only see things through your own lens and anything that veers off from that - there's a possiblity that something is wrong with them"
by your logic, everyone who don't have friends is "awkward, have social problem".

some people are just introverted, some people are not big talkers, some people are selective with who they invite in their circle.

You come off as a person who , only see things through your own lens and anything that veers off from that - there's a possiblity that something is wrong with them"

What the hell are you going on about :lol: I literally said nothing that matches up with this, I was specifically talking about the way you talk and you keep reinforcing my thoughts.
Moving the goalposts to make yourself look like "the better person" ain't it. I know plenty of introverts that socialize fine, but when they open their mouths they don't blow smoke up their own *** like you are.
Quit the "woe is me" stuff and stop propping yourself up as someone that deserves something and maybe work on not trying to be the smartest person in the room when you aren't.
Black barbershops, got a crew there, got a crew at the park where I ball in the summer. Got friends at the gym, got friends through former occupations, and still tight with former college teammates and classmates, and people met through travel. Covid has run my phone bill through the roof!
Sorry to hear that man. I do think that certain people make friends easier than others and I also think that certain personality types make it easier as well. I recently relocated for work and I have more friends now than I ever have. Mostly because my girl aint here, she would try and drain ALL my time.

No offense, but sounds like what you are looking for is a best friend, which takes years and years to cultivate.

Most of my friends here have been through shared experiences, apartment, work, or through my gym. I also have the day 1 bros but none of them live in my city so its digital and/travel to keep up.

I would recommend joining a gym like one with classes, I also would recommend finding a girlfriend.
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