Boy stars in Barbie commercial

50 pages of "My beliefs make me a better person than you".
Why do you always do this little subliminal stuff in these threads?
I only point that out cus it alludes to how innate and intrinsic the male and female gender roles are in relationships
More so alludes to what society think female and male roles are.

In a gay relationship if one guy does most of the cooking we would assume he's the more feminine one. In a lesbian relationship the chick who turns to First Take instead of Wendy Williams we would assume she's the more manly one.

That has nothing to do with them, that's just how we view them.
We view them based off of what they display, which is part of who they are ( since no one sees everything).
For ex. Hunter gathers, and nurtures can possess the the same exact attributes, but only in varying degrees.
The hunters can be nurturers and vice versa, but they are hunters because this is their more dominant attribute.
This creates a need for the other attributes that one is not dominated by, to create balance. Everything is about balance.

Same sex marriages are balanced because of the masculine/ feminine or dominant/recessive attributes.
That is why one seems more manly and the other, more of a woman.
( They are just clearly overriding the physical constraints/imbalance to achieve this).
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So basically if you don't fully support and embrace homosexuality 100% you're an intolerant bigot? Why is it so hard for all you "tolerant" people to respect others beliefs? It's not enough to just respect a difference but you also have to welcome it with open arms as well without question? Ok.
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Difference is one is a disability the other isn't.

No parent wants their child to be born was a disorder or a disability.

Of course we want disabled kids to be afforded the chance to live a quality life. We want them to be able to go to college, have a career and be self-sufficient.

Why? Because many born with disabilities can indeed be completely independent. So we don't need society needlessly outcasting these kids.

Stop twisting his words.
It is a disability, not being aroused by punani is a disability and should be treated with meds.....
NT may have the most ignorant demographic of any forum, I've seen in a minute. There has definitely been a population change for the worse.
Or maybe you're just getting older.  

Go visit a forum like 4chan, bodybuilding, or a sports/video gaming forum that predominantly caters to adolescent males.  Go browse Twitter for five minutes.  

You'll find a lot more sexism, heterosexism, and racism there than you will here.  I won't attempt to speculate as to what portion of that is a function of moderation vs. attitudinal differences in each user base.  

If your posting interest lies primarily in achieving shock value, you'll get a lot more bang for your buck elsewhere.  NikeTalk is one of few places catering to this age group that isn't overrun with people using "gay" as a pejorative, people using racial/homophobic slurs, people making sexist kitchen jokes, people using the word "rape" to refer to resale prices, racist, hypersexualized "Tyrone" memes, etc. etc. etc.  Thousands and thousands of person-hours have gone into that.  

We're not perfect, but the only way we would be is if we had a hand selected user base in the hundreds, not thousands, and we pre-screened every single comment.  Perhaps the biggest difference is simply this:  we're trying and committed to improving.  I wonder how many people can honestly say the same and how many just complain to feel holier than thou.  

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness. 
So basically if you don't fully support and embrace homosexuality 100% you're an intolerant bigot? Why is it so hard for all you "tolerant" people to respect others beliefs? It's not enough to just respect a difference but you also have to welcome it with open arms as well without question? Ok.
Do you respect a racist's beliefs?
Homosexuality is a trait just like the color of someone's skin. So yes, you are a bigot if you don't 100% support it and embrace it.
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Difference is one is a disability the other isn't.

No parent wants their child to be born was a disorder or a disability.

Of course we want disabled kids to be afforded the chance to live a quality life. We want them to be able to go to college, have a career and be self-sufficient.

Why? Because many born with disabilities can indeed be completely independent. So we don't need society needlessly outcasting these kids.

Stop twisting his words.
It is a disability, not being aroused by punani is a disability and should be treated with meds.....

View media item 1767842
Whose mans is this?
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So basically if you don't fully support and embrace homosexuality 100% you're an intolerant bigot? Why is it so hard for all you "tolerant" people to respect others beliefs? It's not enough to just respect a difference but you also have to welcome it with open arms as well without question? Ok.

Who said all that?

Just know if your kid turns out gay its nothing you did or didn't do.
We view them based off of what they display, which is part of who they are ( since no one sees everything).
For ex. Hunter gathers, and nurtures can possess the the same exact attributes, but only varying degrees.
The hunter can be nurturers and vice versa, but they re hunters because this is their more dominant attribute.
This creates a need for the other attributes that one is not dominated by, to create balance. Everything is about balance.

Same sex marriages are balanced because of the masculine/ feminine or dominant/recessive attributes.
That is why one seems more manly and the other, more of a woman.
( They are just clearly overriding the physical constraints/imbalance to achieve this).
You never seen two masculine men together or two feminine women together?
Thread was very educational.

I learned playing with the wrong toys makes children gay.

Seeing gay people makes children gay.

Humans can only have one child.

If that one child is gay they can't reproduce.

And that many NTers don't seem to fully understand the concept of a comparison.

Very educational.
It is a disability, not being aroused by punani is a disability and should be treated with meds.....

You are and have been the most ignorant NikeTalker around so it doesn't surprise me to hear such a statement from you.
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Difference is one is a disability the other isn't.

No parent wants their child to be born was a disorder or a disability.

Of course we want disabled kids to be afforded the chance to live a quality life. We want them to be able to go to college, have a career and be self-sufficient.

Why? Because many born with disabilities can indeed be completely independent. So we don't need society needlessly outcasting these kids.

Stop twisting his words.
It is a disability, not being aroused by punani is a disability and should be treated with meds.....

Wow... This comment takes the cake for the dumbest thing I've read in recent memory. I'm done with NT for the day :rofl:
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50 pages of "My beliefs make me a better person than you".

Why do you always do this little subliminal stuff in these threads?

How many times has NT had this discussion in 2015 alone???

These morality pissing contest are getting old. Its always the same people, too. If I didn't know any better, Id swear this is a forum full of people with low self esteem reaching for ANYTHING to make them feel like a better person.

its getting old, man
Absolutely they're entitled to feel however they want.

That doesn't mean I condone or agree with it.
I get where you're coming from but to me I can't respect someone's opinion/beliefs if it is racist or other socially regressive beliefs.
They're entitled to their beliefs but that doesn't mean I have to respect it.
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You are and have been the most ignorant NikeTalker around so it doesn't surprise me to hear such a statement from you.
Me being ignorant is based on MY OPINION on homosexuality? my previous statement was intended to ruffle some feathers and Im quite sure I did.... you see my opinion is MY opinion, its not right or wrong... now if I believed in what i actually said then that would be a false statement because being gay cannot be treated with meds... you people are so gullable.. 

you have no record of my ignorance you're just mad someone doesnt approve of your lifestyle CHOICES. 
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