Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

You guys, AMC wants you to watch their new show. They know you're going to tune out the minute you see the BB preview, so they run this show a little longer. It's quite simple.

This was a cheap ploy by AMC, i expect better from this network.

Airing the show after BB is enough of a lead in.

Ehh, not really cheap imo. All they did was skip a commercial break. They are in the business of getting ratings.

Plus the preview went up on AMC's website at pretty much the same time as it aired on that show, so you didn't have to watch.

:rofl: yeah how is that cheap?! It's common sense marketing...y'all really are mad you had to wait? The preview wasn't gonna be a sneak peak o 3 mins of the next'll be available tomorrow...this new show is interesting, it's just BB is the king and this is an unknown but it's not like amc made you sit down and made your remote permanently fixed on the channel. Didn't realize previews were this significant when it would be there tomorrow if you don't wanna watch :lol:
Ehh, not really cheap imo. All they did was skip a commercial break. They are in the business of getting ratings.

Plus the preview went up on AMC's website at pretty much the same time as it aired on that show, so you didn't have to watch.

just skipped a commercial break?

the first commercial did not air until 30 minutes into the show. :lol: and I'm not one to care for previews.
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Oh yeah, if Jesse is just gonna self destruct on another guilt trip AGAIN I'm not gonna be interested. I'm tired of it. Don't care for w/e road to redemption he'll be on if that's what set up.

I got tight watching him throw away that money like that. I would've drove to Vegas after Badger and Pete were on their Trekkie steez :lol:
I don't want Walt to get away, he has to pay for the lives he destroyed. Based on that flash forward I'm pretty certain he has felt some kind of heat in one way or the other whether from Hank and the DEA, Lydia or Jesse


When Hank closed the garage **** got real. :wow:

Why can't my dude Jesse just chill, son is too emotional now. I can definitely see him committing that soon.

Skyler lookin good again :nerd:

That flash foward openning scene has to be at least 1 year later.
I have expected a Scarface ending for years, but for some reason, my first instinct when I saw the ricin tonight was that he was going to use it on himself.

And then Gilligan is on this show talking about "we don't like to do what people expect," and I think everyone has grown to expect a bloodbath finale.

Think about it. Remorse is possible. OR, it is his final way of getting over on everyone. Before the cancer or the DEA or a headshot gets him, he can get himself. One last act of control over everything.
I've been hoping for a Godfather 2 ending for awhile. He's the king, but it cost him everything and it's worthless.
I thought Hank and Walt would play cat and mouse for a couple episodes, that last scene was me like :wow:

Me too but I knew that something good had to happen this episode. Thanks to the flash forwards we know there's A TON of stuff left to cover and I already know that the show isn't gonna leave any loose ends so with only 7 episodes left to finish the story I'm honestly expecting **** your pants moments EVERY WEEK B

I've been hoping for a Godfather 2 ending for awhile. He's the king, but it cost him everything and it's worthless.

Definitely still plausible. Vince has gone on record about borrowing from The Godfather (oranges, prison montage/baptism scene) Maybe some others I can't think of.
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