Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

This Todd love is pretty bloated and fake. People like him cuz he seemed dumb, was extra quiet and didn't seem like a threat despite being one. He's real cold. He's a new character that was brought in plays some important parts in the story on it's way to it's end that's whole.

Same thing with this manufactured hate for Lydia. It's simply her character that some find annoying, all her actions and what she says irk some ppl.
After seeing Hank talk about losing his job, it's really crazy how many people Walt has effected with his actions

Hank aint gotta say ****

Jesse yes he dealt with some crap but without Walt would have been dead in a alley, a junkie, in jail or under 10 feet of dirty

His Wife with another man

Son Fine

Daughter Fine

Sister in law Fine

Brock that kid would be alive but still

Everyone else was in the business and knew the risk
I get why some people don't like Lydia...she's been doing dirt for years yet she's always nervous and jittery. I get why people hate Skylar but personally I always hated Marie way more and the Jesse guilt thing has been drawn out over a few seasons...

Todd is almost the perfect number 2 guy imo...he can cook and does exactly what he's told. He takes things literally which is good and bad. Like with the kid he saw him as a problem so he got rid of it.

After seeing Hank talk about losing his job, it's really crazy how many people Walt has effected with his actions

If he wasn't Hanks brother in law he'd be DEAD.
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man people forget that walt would probably still be cooking for gus if it wasnt for jesse trying to gun down those two dudes . not to mention gus and mike didnt want jesse and looked at him as nothing more than a junky..mike even tried to talk walt out of it in half measures....jesse was responsible for almost ruining the gus deal when he showed up high and then when they actually got a chance jesse screwed up and walt missed the birth of his daughter.....and walt a dying man who missed the birth of his child.....STILL...stayed loyal to jesse....and gave him half the earnings with gus for being just an assistant....and speaking of killing innocent people , jesse killed gayle ....last i checked he was hiding in a laser tag he killed gayle to save himself and walt...not just walt....i hope todd puts two hot ones in jesses sissy boy skull cus astleast t-money and a jabroni like jesse whos wasted half of this series crying his ol' feminine fugazi drug dealer tears
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I got a feeling Jesse will kill Todd before all is said and done. As much as I can't stand how Jesse is acting right now I do understand it but yo ***** stop throwing that money away like that!!!
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This rat snitch Jesse :x If son gives up Walt I hope he dies in the most gruesome way possible. Torn apart by gators gruesome.

Makes sense now AMC aired The Departed right before they reran the BB premiere.

They played it cause Matt Damon is in both.

Jesse don't want that money cause it was earned from the heist that killed that kid. It's blood money. I know I couldn't handle seeing a kid killed in front of me. Even Tony Montana doesn't like kids killed
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Lydia is an interesting character

I had assumed Todd was cooking the meth all along

Marie's reaction shocked me. She had no compassion and didn't even think about the consequences like Hank. Funny since she's a kelpto.

And the look on Huell's face when he saw the money. I bet he's like that when he sees a buffet :rofl:
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I still love Jesse's character but they're overdoing this "guilt trip". I mean I understand dude is depressed but why would you draw this much attention to yourself? Chill out. You got your paper, relax. You went through all of that **** to blow it in the end?

I don't even think dude said a word this whole episode. :lol:

But this is the same thing as telling a depressed person "Stop feeling down, just cheer up".. it won't make a difference because he can't even process his emotions right now. He's completely broken down.

He obviously doesn't care or want the money, hence the title of the last episode "Blood Money". Walt looks at his money as a source of pride, as the only proof that everything he's gone through was worth it and that it meant something. Walt wants to give his children their birthright they lost out on when he sold his share in Grey Matter.. Walt should be worth hundreds of millions/billions, but he took his buyout. Jesse, in contrast, sees that money as filthy and a reminder of all the horrible things that's happened to him and the pain he's caused. He hates it and is willing to give it away and risk exposing himself in the process... just to relieve himself of the guilt.

This Todd love is pretty bloated and fake. People like him cuz he seemed dumb, was extra quiet and didn't seem like a threat despite being one. He's real cold. He's a new character that was brought in plays some important parts in the story on it's way to it's end that's whole.

Same thing with this manufactured hate for Lydia. It's simply her character that some find annoying, all her actions and what she says irk some ppl.

Yep. I also like him because of Friday Night Lights.
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eps 2 was aight but man they wasted a lot of time showing how walt moved the moneoy.......i mean that could have been a one minute exchange

none the less cant wait for next week. jesse is overdoing it a little bit. i mean with that kinda cash. go get crunk as hell and party. gets your mind off things real nice.
I find it interesting that everyone wants and likes these cold characters that have no emotion like a Walt, or Dexter, or Gus, but the ones that have to actually go up and down like Skylar, Jesse, Deb get hated on endlessly.

It's so very easy for Walt to sit there and not flinch when a gun is pointed in his face. It's not a real gun.

Asking Skylar to cry so hard that she shakes, or Jesse to go from high to low from scene to scene is pretty difficult, and yet they always manage to pull it off, and more importantly, look believable.

I'm not sure why that's going on, I just find it interesting that so many around here have these feelings towards the characters. They may do or say things that are annoying, or make "ugly faces", but the fact of the matter is, those characters are acting their ***** off. Walt is a "bad ***" for telling Hank to tread lightly, but if Hank felt the urge, he would mop the ******g floor with Walt. Period. Bottom line, end of story.

The show isn't written for that however, so Walt gets to look tough, and bad ***.

People need to get over it. Jesse, Skylar, Deb, and any other annoying actor/actress just mean they are excelling at their job and doing their roles to perfection. Hating them for it is shortsighted and silly when rooting for tough guys that really aren't tough, or bad ***** acting tough in front of fake guns or knives. :lol:
Jesse has already done the "blow all your money on drugs and partying" thing and it didn't make him feel any better. He's in even worse shape now. He's depressed, you don't snap out of it by having a party.

Also, where Walt buried the money is the same place where he and Jesse cooked in the pilot.

From reddit..
I still love Jesse's character but they're overdoing this "guilt trip". I mean I understand dude is depressed but why would you draw this much attention to yourself? Chill out. You got your paper, relax. You went through all of that **** to blow it in the end?

I don't even think dude said a word this whole episode. :lol:

I'm pretty sure money is the last thing on his mind.

So give it away but be smart about it. Dude is giving the cops a reason to be suspicious. He knew the money was dirty from day 1.

todd is my second favorite character next to saul dude is always mad polite to everyone

He's awkward as hell on this show. :lol:
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My man, in my opinion the actress who plays Skylar deserves any award she can get for how she made me hate her in the first couple seasons. Nobody says Skylar is a poorly acted character. If anything she is the best acted character on the show, along with Jesse.

But best acted doesn't equal most liked. there is something to be said about a charismatic character like Walt or Gus. People gravitate towards them way before a Skylar.
Kinda random (and maybe I'm just tripping), but does skylar look like she could be the swede's (from hell on wheels) twin sister?
will be interesting to see what walt's course of action is over the next few episodes. hes always been one step ahead. does he go after his 'loose ends' ?

at what point does the show move forward in time given the preview from the first eps?
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