> Bronx teenager puts bookbag on BMW, gets slashed by driver

Originally Posted by superbness

Skip that.. Im pretty sure that teen deserved it. The article said he talked back.. Teens these days dont have no respect...Even when I driving down sidestreets those teens int he streets will not move. I use to wait for them but know i keep driving even faster and make them jump out the street and then they usually cuss me out.. skip that, get out the street, you dont own the street..

But all in all these teens these days need to learn respect
Why don't you just go shoot yourself?

Anyways damn, over a !@#%$# 05 X5???
Yeah, I'm not saying the kid deserved to be slashed but ppl doing anything to your personal property will get you really mad...

This one time I was driving and this kid who looked like a middle schooler was walking along the sidewalk throwing rocks and it happened to hit my window...heimmediately started running the opposite way I was driving...I followed him and eventually caught up to him, and just gave him a little talk and he apologized.I sure did feel like punching him but he was just a young kid
Originally Posted by airkeung88

Just punch the kid, but slashed him? SMH
PUNCH him? I would've asked him nicely to take his bag off my car.If he started getting all smart and wouldn't move it, then MAYBE I wouldpunch him.
[Jay] We don't drive X5's, we give em to baby momma's/Push the big top that's shaped like a Kansas Chicken snack box [Jay]
No one deserves to be stabbed yo...this dude prolly thought he was god driving a damn bmw what a joke. If i was this kid i'd be lookin to max out the fundson this punk.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by ceelo4

I don't get why the kid would argue back after putting his bookbag on someone elses car. Probably wouldve saved him from all the trouble.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Agreed x 10.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Either way, dude didn't deserve to get slashed.[/color]
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

!*+* that, the lil knucklehead shouldn't have done it, period. I'm starting to lack sympathy more and more for people who go out of their own way to cause themselves harm. I guess we should have logged the tree that Sonny Bono hit too, huh? I'm not saying what the driver did was right, I'm saying that I'm tired of people getting pissed at the effect instead of attacking the cause. It's either that or people feel that "the cause didn't justify such a serious effect". In either case, don't start none won't be none is more than sufficient logic. The driver deserves what's coming to him for his over-reaction and the kid deserves what came to him for his stupidity. Cause. Effect.
Never in my NT tenure did I think I'd see a SonnyBono reference...let alone one like this.
overreacted indeed. however, that's the world we live in now. people get killed for a lot less than that. you gonna run off at the mouth, you better beready for what comes next. the kids old enough to know better. its not like he was from a suburb in iowa.
!*+* that, the lil knucklehead shouldn't have done it, period. I'm starting to lack sympathy more and more for people who go out of their own way to cause themselves harm. I guess we should have logged the tree that Sonny Bono hit too, huh? I'm not saying what the driver did was right, I'm saying that I'm tired of people getting pissed at the effect instead of attacking the cause. It's either that or people feel that "the cause didn't justify such a serious effect". In either case, don't start none won't be none is more than sufficient logic.
As much as I want to nit-pick a few parts of your response and reply in disagreement to those nit-picked parts... ... ...
The driver deserves what's coming to him for his over-reaction and the kid deserves what came to him for his stupidity. Cause. Effect.
... ... ... I can't disagree at all with that.
@ asking the kid nicely to remove his bag, like he asked nicely to put it there. I'd have just earthed his young as on the concrete and called iteven. You put your stuff on my car. I put you on your @+@. We're even.

BTW as a rule of thumb NT, whenever me and Ska say the same thing, cosign it. We're never wrong simultaneously. It's physically impossible
A lot of y'all are making assumptions on what really went down, soooo I don't think anyone in here can accurately say whether or not the kiddeserved it. IMO, I don't give a damn what the kid said, there wasn't any excuse for the driver to cause physical harm on the kid unless he wasattacked first. He's gonna spaz out and buck fifty the kid because of a bookbag and some backtalk? Y'all talking about respecting your elders butrespect goes both ways. Just because someone is older doesn't give them the excuse to treat me like %!$% and then expect me to just sit there and take it.Not happening. I ain't saying it's all on the driver because the most likely scenario is that the both of them were probably at fault in thissituation, but the driver CLEARLY stepped over the line and some of y'all are damn near giving him passes for that.

For those saying the kid deserved what he got, I hope y'all remember that when you got your own seed and (God forbid) something like this happens to them.
A lot of y'all are making assumptions on what really went down, soooo I don't think anyone in here can accurately say whether or not the kid deserved it. IMO, I don't give a damn what the kid said, there wasn't any excuse for the driver to cause physical harm on the kid unless he was attacked first. He's gonna spaz out and buck fifty the kid because of a bookbag and some backtalk? Y'all talking about respecting your elders but respect goes both ways. Just because someone is older doesn't give them the excuse to treat me like %!$% and then expect me to just sit there and take it. Not happening. I ain't saying it's all on the driver because the most likely scenario is that the both of them were probably at fault in this situation, but the driver CLEARLY stepped over the line and some of y'all are damn near giving him passes for that.


but don't act like the kid didn't deserve to get touched for putting his %%+% on someone's car, and then arguing about it after.

GTF.OH with that "respect goes both ways" nonsense... up until the knife was pulled, the only person showing disrespect was the kid. twice.

how old are you? if you have a car, i want you to go to your car one day and see some kids messing around with your car, and see how you feel. that %%+% is ablatant violation.
For those saying the kid deserved what he got, I hope y'all remember that when you got your own seed and (God forbid) something like this happens to them.

sorry, but i'm actually going to teach my kids how to respect other people's +$*@**+ property. i don't know what the hell some of these kidsparents are doing...
I can understand that the kid got out of line. Kids these days are out of control, and to throw your bag on someone's car while they're in it, thenmouth off when you're confronted is straight disrespectful.

But he deserved to be stabbed and slashed across the face? Word?
I agree with many.

Kid is old enough to know that a BMW isn't cheap, so why set your backpack on it?

But the man got carried away with it, slashing a little boy?

at the both of them.


its a frickin car!

thats horrible! almost unbelieveable that someone could be so materialistic.

i hope dude gets punished for what he deserves. slashing a kid over a car? wth
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I can understand that the kid got out of line. Kids these days are out of control, and to throw your bag on someone's car while they're in it, then mouth off when you're confronted is straight disrespectful.

But he deserved to be stabbed and slashed across the face? Word?
He didn't deserve to get slashed in the same way the driver didn't deserve to have somebody's bookbag tossed on his car.

If the kid had any respect or concern for other people's property he wouldn't have gotten jacked up. He may be better off in the long run now because Ihope he learned a lesson.

This should be an example for all these young kids thinking they can just pop off at the mouth with no repercussions. Kid has nobody to blame but himself butthe driver OD'd by slashing him. If he would just whooped his behind the old fashioned way I'd have no problem with it.
^I wondered the same thing for a different reason. That driver woulda got MURDERED tryna pull a knife on a 16 year old round here. We had choppers on deckearly back in highschool. I'd never rush some random kid out HERE __.

I have a hypothetical question NT....

Let's say Jeff is a 10 year old and he like to play by the street. His mom tells him not to do so repeatedly, but Jeff figures no one would run over a lilkid in a school zone, would they? So one day, Jeff kicks his ball out in the street and innocently chases after it when WHAM..... he'sstruck by a Mac truck pushing 42 mph.

Now think about that. Should the truck driver had been speeding? No. But who does the real fault lie with? Whether the truck was doing 12 or 112, itwouldn't have mattered if Jeff wasn't so damn hard headed.

That's all I'm saying people... address the real issue, not the symptoms.
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