Brood X is back

Mar 25, 2021
An Animated Guide to This Year's Massive Brood X Cicada Emergence

The nymphs emerge

Brood X cicada nymphs emerge at night, through exit holes they’ve created in the ground, when soil temperatures reach about 64℉.


A revolting molting

The same night they crawl above ground, cicada nymphs climb to vertical surfaces to shed their skin. Adult cicadas emerge from the shedded skin, littering piles of crunchy exoskeletons in yards across 15 U.S. states.


The bodies mature

Over the course of several hours, the cicadas’ bodies harden and darken. The insects keep a low profile during this time to avoid being eaten by predators—but they will soon fly to the treetops, where their mating ritual will take place six to 10 days later.


The (deafening) mating ritual begins

To woo females, male cicadas emit an ear-splitting mating call—muscle contractions cause their tymbal organ to vibrate, and their hollow abdomen amplifies the sound to deafening levels. A chorus of cicadas can reach 80 to 100 decibels—as loud as a lawnmower.


Predators have their fill

Birds, snakes, turtles, spiders, and small mammals love to eat cicadas—yet all this predation will barely put a dent in their population. (Some brave humans even snack on the protein-rich insects.)


Females lay their eggs

After male and female cicadas hook up, the females slice into small tree branches using their ovipositor—a saw-like organ—and lay nests of 20 to 30 eggs at a time. Females may lay 400 to 600 eggs in total before tumbling to the ground and dying.


The eggs hatch

Six to 10 weeks later, the eggs hatch into tiny nymphs, which fall to the earth and tunnel underground. The nymphs spend the next 17 years sucking on plant sap, waiting for their big moment back in the sun.

One of those things flew in my car a few years ago. I happily stopped in the middle of the street & let it fly out b/c why do they exist?
A coworker was just telling me that there was supposed to be a huge amount is cicada this year.
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