Bros over %+!%?


Jun 22, 2008
plz help me out I wanna know whose fault this is and how i can make it right? This kid Steven this girl thats been liking him for ever but he couldn't careany less about her or from the way he talked about her it sounded like it. He use to say how he just wants to "hit it and quit it" that she was a
backup girl if he doesn't get with the girl he was going for he can always go back to her. I did care cause i didnt know her i was texting her but most ofit was about steven and when he stopped talking to her cause she was " a tease"

i started talking to her and the more i talked to her the more cool she got and i didnt get why he didnt like her cause she was better looking then all theother girls he was going for. So i started being good friends with her and he even told me to go for her but i know she just wanted to be friends and i didntwant to mess that up. Anyways i was talking to him about her and telling him how he messed up and how she was cool. Then out of nowhere he goes yeah she is ido like her and i wanna go for her i was pretty pissed cause he talked
hella $#%! about her like he hated her and just cause i told him how i liked her he's ganna go for so i jewed him by telling her all the things he said
about her and how he almost had a theresome but didnt cause he didnt have a condom.

It was wrong of me to do that but i didnt really care but she did me in wrong by telling him i told her. im not ganna lie it was a ##+*% move by me. So i gotmad at her and stopped talking to her and he was mad at me but he got over it cause he wanted me to tell her it wasnt her fault and to start talking to heragain.

We all got over it and or i thought i did but i guess i wasnt cause i went to a party with him and we were messed up or i was and he was talking $#%! about herand the next did i was texting her and she was asking me what did he did at the party i told nothing but she kept asking so i said @@$* it so i told her but ifound out later he was texting me form her phone and know both of them are pissed at me. I know this was long but its not even all of it i cut parts of it offlol
I'm not putting no dude over the box

I don't care if thats putting it on a pedestal, that mean you N_s ain't seeing it
You a hater OP...

The worst kind of all, you a child though so I'll let you live.

Learn to indent though kid.
I didn't read all that garbage, but you gotta find that equilibrium.
Originally Posted by yendro

plz help me out I wanna know whose fault this is and how i can make it right? This kid Steven this girl thats been liking him for ever but he couldn't care any less about her or from the way he talked about her it sounded like it. He use to say how he just wants to "hit it and quit it" that she was a
backup girl if he doesn't get with the girl he was going for he can always go back to her. I did care cause i didnt know her i was texting her but most of it was about steven and when he stopped talking to her cause she was " a tease"

i started talking to her and the more i talked to her the more cool she got and i didnt get why he didnt like her cause she was better looking then all the other girls he was going for. So i started being good friends with her and he even told me to go for her but i know she just wanted to be friends and i didnt want to mess that up. Anyways i was talking to him about her and telling him how he messed up and how she was cool. Then out of nowhere he goes yeah she is i do like her and i wanna go for her i was pretty pissed cause he talked
hella $#%! about her like he hated her and just cause i told him how i liked her he's ganna go for so i jewed him by telling her all the things he said
about her and how he almost had a theresome but didnt cause he didnt have a condom.

It was wrong of me to do that but i didnt really care but she did me in wrong by telling him i told her. im not ganna lie it was a ##+*% move by me. So i got mad at her and stopped talking to her and he was mad at me but he got over it cause he wanted me to tell her it wasnt her fault and to start talking to her again.

We all got over it and or i thought i did but i guess i wasnt cause i went to a party with him and we were messed up or i was and he was talking $#%! about her and the next did i was texting her and she was asking me what did he did at the party i told nothing but she kept asking so i said @@$* it so i told her but i found out later he was texting me form her phone and know both of them are pissed at me. I know this was long but its not even all of it i cut parts of it off lol
You shoulda wrote it like this......less brain pain.

But dood's a sucker. So are you, toughen up and stay out of other people's arguments.
There are too things that make you very wack:

1) You outed your boy because you were catching feelings over some broad that you just wanted to be friends with.

2) Using the expression jewed.


You a hater of the worst kind.
Freshman high school drama ftl. Learn to write and not be a !#*#* to your friends.
Just know, you lost he won.
Originally Posted by yendro

hahaha for real i need to slap myself but how do i get past it?

You need to do more than that son, you're a hater...

Thats not good, you should seek therapy. Talk to a shrink to get that ironed out.

You need to ask yourself "WHY am I such a hater?"
Damnn, u and your mans some clowns for pullin some +#%* like that. And that chick is lame too.
haha i know i was hating but it i thought he was just doing it to make me feel *$%%%+. i dont care if he goes out with her or whatever i was just pissed causehe did it after i told him i like her.
Yeah i wouldnt talk to me too. Whatever i need to stop thinking about myself and think about others.
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