Bruhs...seeing your girl in the arms of another man is the worst feeling ever. do you know that feel

"Any man who dates a woman after I do has it tough....

It's like:

-batting behind Miguel Cabrera
-opening up for Mos Def knowing no one wants to see you spit two bars
-driving that spiffy Prius after just feeling the power of an M6 beneath your foot

You get the picture???"

But no seriously, there is no comparison. There might never be a "better" person than you, just possibly a better fit for that person you left behind or left you behind. It works both ways, so find solace in that.

Things will be straight in the long run.
This especially. Never understood why you would stay friends with you ex, or even look for her online or try to see her on the street. IMO, i think when a dude does that, it's because they want to get back with their ex in the future, so they stay in contact with her.

well for me personally it was because she was a big part of my life and to go from having someone around so often to not at all is a big change. there was a time where we were both "available" and re-connected that it felt like we were going to get back together. but looking back i was foolish to think that. no contact is definitely the way to go but it's a process. you just gotta work through it. i'm currently trying to get through and i find i'm learning a lot about myself as i go along. hoping to come out of this a smarter, better person.
Word per word this. It is what is it. We all been there and gone through that. You just gotta grind it out and take it day by day. Trust me op itll suck at first but when you start getting over it , its :pimp: . And yeah cut off all communication and erase her from all social networks.
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hey guy. **** you.

Why does everyone assume that one night's fleeting screw will make someone's feelings, which were real and genuine, disappear? I never understand that. It belittles relationships as a whole. If all it takes to get over someone is screwing someone else to get your mind off your loss, how strong or real was your relationship in the first place?

Disappear? No it won't disappear over night.. hell it may not disappear for weeks if not months and for some weak minded people... it could take years. The point I was making is to use your time enjoying your single life instead of crying over spilled milk. Enjoying single life for me personally is going out , meeting and screwing new girls. Easiest way for me to get over a break up.

Belittles relationships? What's wrong with that? Once broken up, I don't give a damn about this past relationship or my ex. :lol: I will screw her best friend, her sister, whomever... I am suppose to have some sort of respect for my ex-gf? OP's ex already moved on.. so all that 'real and genuine' relationship blah blah crap wasn't as strong and as "real and genuine" was it for her?
Me and the lady called it quits recently. The hardest thing in the world is seeing her in the arms of another dude, feeling safe with him. Just had to share that will ya'll. good day


she left you for an alpha
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It's happened and will happen to most men at one point in life...sort of builds character if you ask me.

Same thing with being turned down. Some people are so scared to be turned down by a girl, but at least u got out there and tried.
well for me personally it was because she was a big part of my life and to go from having someone around so often to not at all is a big change. there was a time where we were both "available" and re-connected that it felt like we were going to get back together. but looking back i was foolish to think that. no contact is definitely the way to go but it's a process. you just gotta work through it. i'm currently trying to get through and i find i'm learning a lot about myself as i go along. hoping to come out of this a smarter, better person.

damn dat SN to post ratio is strong
don't worry OP you'll find someone better, why would you want to be with someone in a miserable situation. I'm sure it wasn't that great if you decided to break it up.
this is true.

you if dont have this experience point nailed and mastered

when you younger, its got da potential to do devastating damage

when you older....

its probably one of da harder life lessons you'll ever learn.

This is TRUTH. This is a feeling every guy HAS to go through. When your first going through it, it seems like the worst **** in the world. As you get older, its doesn't seem that bad. It toughens you up.
It's happened and will happen to most men at one point in life...sort of builds character if you ask me.

this is true.

you if dont have this experience point nailed and mastered

when you younger, its got da potential to do devastating damage

when you older....

its probably one of da harder life lessons you'll ever learn.

Word, happened to me young, pretty much forgot about it. Shouldn't have, should have kept it lodged as a lesson because it happened again when I was older, and that was one of the rougher things you can go through. But when you're older you see it more clearly and adapt easier. Forget the girl, not the learning experience.
One of the worst feelings.

I remember this happened to me when I was in HS. I was in the cut and saw her talking it up with this dude acting flirtatious. I was in the middle of a convo, and my stomach literally was in my throat after I saw what happened. Sorry OP. Talk to some girls and get your mind off it.
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yea op I know the feeling
but dont let her see you like this or she won
buck up bart....BUCK UP!
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I saw a pic of my ex drunk with a Lakers hat on.... that was probably when it hit me the hardest 

but after that moment, I realized I needed to move on 
I saw a pic of my ex drunk with a Lakers hat on.... that was probably when it hit me the hardest 

but after that moment, I realized I needed to move on 

:rofl: Time for you to give in like the rest of us simps and just become a Lakers fan after the Kings move to Seattle.
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I saw a pic of my ex drunk with a Lakers hat on.... that was probably when it hit me the hardest 

but after that moment, I realized I needed to move on 
Time for you to give in like the rest of us simps and just become a Lakers fan after the Kings move to Seattle.
 ok I'm gonna try to minimize sports talk here, but 1) I don't know for sure that the Kings are moving yet 2) I've been lurking/hanging out in yall's Lakers thread in preparation of the Kings moving

Anyways, I'm far from being good with the break up and its been damn near 8 months brah. That **** burns like no other, I got no shame in saying she was my first true love and didn't ever think I could have feelings for anyone like that till I met her. We were together for 3.5 years, them feelings is hard to shake. Not a day goes by where I don't really think about her, but someday I'll be able to just live my life and I'll be ok. But that day is not today, and I don't see that cleanse coming anyday soon, in the meantime I just gotta try my best to get by and focus on myself. (if I had wrote that a few months ago I'd either be drunk while writing that or holding back tears like a baby, I'm taking steps!)
i could care less lol. of course shes gonna move on and date, so are u. plenty of more women out there.
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