California Colleges what's their reputation? Just a couple questions

A degree is a degree, my stats professor went to school in nebraska and later landed a 6 figure salary at trust fund of the west in downtown LA, I also knowseveral people who graduated from CSU's that went on to work well paying jobs like professors, lobbyist etc. I think they just get bashed a lot for havingweak campus life/sports etc.
UC Riverside is on the rise, the Brand new commons is sick, our sports are getting better and we're the third most diverse school in the nation.
And if you're tryna do engineering, UCR will get the best research opportunities so you can get a job fresh out of school
i m assuming your looking into these schools because they are much cheaper than private schools. I graduated from ucsd, and am currently getting my masters atucla. and honestly if you have decent grades it really doesnt matter whether which university you go to. but ucsd is totally dead there mainly because its inla jolla and residents are usually really old or really uptight. students there are either studying or sleeping, but on the plus side, they have the bestmexican food around the area. ucla is a lot more lively and everyone seems to have a lot of school spirit, but i really dont have time to partake in thefestivities.
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

I'm going to Cal Poly starting next year, Civil Engineering. I can't wait till next thursday though, when I get rejected from CAL
Got a couple friends at Cal Poly studying for the same thing, and they hate it. Speaking of, im heading up there again in two weeks
Cal Poly is

However, i live in Sacramento, and i go to Davis parties every so often, they are usually pretty wack, bunch of people who were squares in high school tryingto have a good time, good for them i guess, but it doesnt cut it for me. Oh yeah, the population is also abou 85% Asian.
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