California Supreme Court UPHOLDS gay marriage ban.... but existing same-sex marriages to stand

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

It's great how when you don't have an answer to a question you can just ignore it and move along.
what question did i overlook? if youre talking about your "do you remember" hogwash of a question i already answered it ... look above
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

It's great how when you don't have an answer to a question you can just ignore it and move along.

two heterosexual parents can give birth to a gay child.

your argument is flawed.

I hope your not talking to me, you must love that
Originally Posted by RKO2004

This is going nowhere yesterday. Its just people bickering back and forth over opinions and facts. If someone doesn't agree with homosexuality, they are bigots and bad people. And if you support homosexuality, you are a good person. Its the same argument its always been. Its going nowhere. Lets just all wait and see what happens in the end. Arguing now is doing nothing but turning people against one another. Everyone who disagrees with gays are bigots. Lets just move on and carry on with life.
Thank you! I am obviously the bad guy cause I believe in a certain thing.
Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

It's great how when you don't have an answer to a question you can just ignore it and move along.

two heterosexual parents can give birth to a gay child.

your argument is flawed.

I hope your not talking to me, you must love that

You still haven't answered a simple question however.

Honestly the only solution to this problem is what I stated a page ago and so many times previously.

Thats opinion.....If you have a club thats been had been given exclusive rights and rewards by the government and the clubs rules since day one were only men and women who are in love can be in this club. The rules state that only straight couples can be in it but gay people want to be in the club for the exclusive rights and rewards. Why cant the gay people start their own club and still recieve the rewards that the srtaight club recieve? Whats so difficult about that?

Why not eliminate the original club since it is unconstitutional by origin in the first place and start a new club where both parties can join and call it the "Civil Union Club" and have everyone be happy? If people want to get married in a Church or wherever their religion permits, fine, but the official documentation I and every other resident of this country receives from the state should be one of Civil Union, NOT marriage.
Originally Posted by cartune

Nako XL wrote:
Civil Unions in California offer the same rights as marriage like I said it seems that the gay community just wants what the straight people have which is somewhat understandable but I also understand why people are like no this is only for men and women

but like i said, it's still a union, and the decisions of states like california influence other traditionally less "progressive"states.

not all states offer equal rights in civil unions as they do in marriages. and other states are looking to the californias and the massachusetts fordirection.

that's why this decision is so important.
now we see whos REALLY overlooking statements and rebuttals ... LOL

Why not eliminate the original club since it is unconstitutional by origin in the first place and start a new club where both parties can join and call it the "Civil Union Club" and have everyone be happy? If people want to get married in a Church or wherever their religion permits, fine, but the official documentation I and every other resident of this country receives from the state should be one of Civil Union, NOT marriage.

why should the original club have to be eliminated? whta type of solution is that? like hold up wait a second you cent exist because theres a group of peoplewho want to be in the group and cant lolololol ... BUMP THAT ... its up to the new people to start their own "group" and deal with it ... and if theytruly believe gay is the new black, i guess people will so badly want to be in their group that they will overpower the old group and the world will cease toexist ...
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Why not eliminate the original club since it is unconstitutional by origin in the first place and start a new club where both parties can join and call it the "Civil Union Club" and have everyone be happy? If people want to get married in a Church or wherever their religion permits, fine, but the official documentation I and every other resident of this country receives from the state should be one of Civil Union, NOT marriage.
why should the original club have to be eliminated? whta type of solution is that? like hold up wait a second you cent exist because theres a group of people who want to be in the group and cant lolololol ... BUMP THAT ... its up to the new people to start their own "group" and deal with it ... and if they truly believe gay is the new black, i guess people will so badly want to be in their group that they will overpower the old group and the world will cease to exist ...
Sooo we just create segregation? AWESOME solution. It isn't like that hasnt caused problems in the past.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

now we see whos REALLY overlooking statements and rebuttals ... LOL

Why not eliminate the original club since it is unconstitutional by origin in the first place and start a new club where both parties can join and call it the "Civil Union Club" and have everyone be happy? If people want to get married in a Church or wherever their religion permits, fine, but the official documentation I and every other resident of this country receives from the state should be one of Civil Union, NOT marriage.

why should the original club have to be eliminated? whta type of solution is that? like hold up wait a second you cent exist because theres a group of people who want to be in the group and cant lolololol ... BUMP THAT ... its up to the new people to start their own "group" and deal with it ... and if they truly believe gay is the new black, i guess people will so badly want to be in their group that they will overpower the old group and the world will cease to exist ...
Why not eliminate the original club since it is unconstitutional by origin in the first place

Pay attention.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Why don't people just stop worrying about what others do? I say if you want to like another man if you're a man, then fine. You do you...

Plus that means that's 1+ more female available for me
o so now you are a strict constitutionalist LOL ... i hope youre consistent in all facets of political opinion ... which means you are a rebulican ... whichmeans you couldnt have possibly voted for obama ...
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Why not eliminate the original club since it is unconstitutional by origin in the first place and start a new club where both parties can join and call it the "Civil Union Club" and have everyone be happy? If people want to get married in a Church or wherever their religion permits, fine, but the official documentation I and every other resident of this country receives from the state should be one of Civil Union, NOT marriage.
why should the original club have to be eliminated? whta type of solution is that? like hold up wait a second you cent exist because theres a group of people who want to be in the group and cant lolololol ... BUMP THAT ... its up to the new people to start their own "group" and deal with it ... and if they truly believe gay is the new black, i guess people will so badly want to be in their group that they will overpower the old group and the world will cease to exist ...
Sooo we just create segregation? AWESOME solution. It isn't like that hasnt caused problems in the past.

Its not really segregation. IT WAS NOT MADE FOR THEM! Damn how hard is it to understand that marriage was CREATED FOR THE CHURCH AND ITS PEOPLE.Man and Woman. Not Man and Man or Woman and Woman. Its like telling a girl she can't play in the NBA. It wasn't made for her. They have the WNBA for areason. Stay in you're lane and try tweaking civil unions to have the same physical benefits. No offense anyone but this is getting old. Its not made foryou. Plan and simple. God designed it for Man and Woman. Marriage is a spiritual bond, not meant to be legal. Spiritual.
Originally Posted by LB510

Originally Posted by nnarum

Why don't people just stop worrying about what others do? I say if you want to like another man if you're a man, then fine. You do you...

Plus that means that's 1+ more female available for me

how soon we forget ... one lesbian couple and there are two less females for US ...
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by LB510

Originally Posted by nnarum

Why don't people just stop worrying about what others do? I say if you want to like another man if you're a man, then fine. You do you...

Plus that means that's 1+ more female available for me

how soon we forget ... one lesbian couple and there are two less females for US ...
Perfect logic
. Add one lose two.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

we are all animals ... every animals purpose on earth is to reproduce ... being gay is not normal ... marriage should be reserved for unions between men and woman ...

gay couples can have all the rights they want under teh law as a married couple, but they shouldnt be allowed to get married ...


Then whats the difference between marriage and them getting the same rights? Nothing but a word. Let them get married.

why do they care so much about marriage? its a man made "title" that does nothing but gives the two people certain rights as a union ... maybe im wrong but what religion or tribe or whatever pratices marriage rituals between same sex people?

if they get the rights then shut the hell up ... this is nothing but a celebrity driven high profile pointless case ... pull yourskirts down $@@@$!$
That was so elegantly put, thanks for adding so much value to this conversation.

The fact there should be a difference between church and state strips the word of any religion back bone value it should hold. Therefore, granting them rightswith one hand, but humiliating them by making them ostracized with the other is exactly what discrimination is.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

o so now you are a strict constitutionalist LOL ... i hope youre consistent in all facets of political opinion ... which means you are a rebulican ... which means you couldnt have possibly voted for obama ...

Right because there is no gray area in political thought, it's all just black and white. Please stop, you're making yourself look foolish.

You're right, it was, which is why no one should get a marriage license from their state government. If you want to be married go to a churchor wherever you please, but if you want to enter into a civil union between a man and a woman, man and a man, woman and a woman and receive the rights of acivil union, then that is what should be given out by the state. Not a marriage license.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Why not eliminate the original club since it is unconstitutional by origin in the first place and start a new club where both parties can join and call it the "Civil Union Club" and have everyone be happy? If people want to get married in a Church or wherever their religion permits, fine, but the official documentation I and every other resident of this country receives from the state should be one of Civil Union, NOT marriage.
why should the original club have to be eliminated? whta type of solution is that? like hold up wait a second you cent exist because theres a group of people who want to be in the group and cant lolololol ... BUMP THAT ... its up to the new people to start their own "group" and deal with it ... and if they truly believe gay is the new black, i guess people will so badly want to be in their group that they will overpower the old group and the world will cease to exist ...
Sooo we just create segregation? AWESOME solution. It isn't like that hasnt caused problems in the past.
Its not really segregation. IT WAS NOT MADE FOR THEM! Damn how hard is it to understand that marriage was CREATED FOR THE CHURCH AND ITS PEOPLE. Man and Woman. Not Man and Man or Woman and Woman. Its like telling a girl she can't play in the NBA. It wasn't made for her. They have the WNBA for a reason. Stay in you're lane and try tweaking civil unions to have the same physical benefits. No offense anyone but this is getting old. Its not made for you. Plan and simple. God designed it for Man and Woman. Marriage is a spiritual bond, not meant to be legal. Spiritual.

Gays not being accepted by the church is something else entirely that I wont get into.
AR covered what I was gonna say with his post right above this.
Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share thesame last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then thehormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?
LazyJ10 wrote:

That was so elegantly put, thanks for adding so much value to this conversation.

The fact their should be a difference between church and state strips the word of any religion back bone value it should hold. Therefore, granting them rightswith one hand, but humiliating them by making them ostracized with the other is exactly what discrimination is.

see this is getting out of hand ... WHY DO THEY WANT TO BE A PART OF SOMETHING THAT WASNT INTENDED TO BE FOR THEM? itshouldnt even be an issue ...
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Why not eliminate the original club since it is unconstitutional by origin in the first place and start a new club where both parties can join and call it the "Civil Union Club" and have everyone be happy? If people want to get married in a Church or wherever their religion permits, fine, but the official documentation I and every other resident of this country receives from the state should be one of Civil Union, NOT marriage.
why should the original club have to be eliminated? whta type of solution is that? like hold up wait a second you cent exist because theres a group of people who want to be in the group and cant lolololol ... BUMP THAT ... its up to the new people to start their own "group" and deal with it ... and if they truly believe gay is the new black, i guess people will so badly want to be in their group that they will overpower the old group and the world will cease to exist ...
Sooo we just create segregation? AWESOME solution. It isn't like that hasnt caused problems in the past.
Its not really segregation. IT WAS NOT MADE FOR THEM! Damn how hard is it to understand that marriage was CREATED FOR THE CHURCH AND ITS PEOPLE. Man and Woman. Not Man and Man or Woman and Woman. Its like telling a girl she can't play in the NBA. It wasn't made for her. They have the WNBA for a reason. Stay in you're lane and try tweaking civil unions to have the same physical benefits. No offense anyone but this is getting old. Its not made for you. Plan and simple. God designed it for Man and Woman. Marriage is a spiritual bond, not meant to be legal. Spiritual.
Gays not being accepted by the church is something else entirely that I wont get into.
AR covered what I was gonna say with his post right above this.

There are gays in church. I think its more so of their lifestyle that is not accepted. It really does put everything into a twister because thetwo sides don't really fit. We are sinners though so I guess if they want to go, they can go.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

LazyJ10 wrote:

That was so elegantly put, thanks for adding so much value to this conversation.

The fact their should be a difference between church and state strips the word of any religion back bone value it should hold. Therefore, granting them rights with one hand, but humiliating them by making them ostracized with the other is exactly what discrimination is.

see this is getting out of hand ... WHY DO THEY WANT TO BE A PART OF SOMETHING THAT WASNT INTENDED TO BE FOR THEM? it shouldnt even be an issue ...

So why were African Americans allowed to be a part of something (America) that, at the time, wasn't intended to be for them?

CallHimAR wrote:
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

o so now you are a strict constitutionalist LOL ... i hope youre consistent in all facets of political opinion ... which means you are a rebulican ... which means you couldnt have possibly voted for obama ...

Right because there is no gray area in political thought, it's all just black and white. Please stop, you're making yourself look foolish.

so you realize you just proved my original point right?
I honestly must have missed your original point because it makes no sense.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

o so now you are a strict constitutionalist LOL ... i hope youre consistent in all facets of political opinion ... which means you are a rebulican ... which means you couldnt have possibly voted for obama ...

Right because there is no gray area in political thought, it's all just black and white. Please stop, you're making yourself look foolish.

so you realize you just proved my original point right?
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

LazyJ10 wrote:

That was so elegantly put, thanks for adding so much value to this conversation.

The fact their should be a difference between church and state strips the word of any religion back bone value it should hold. Therefore, granting them rights with one hand, but humiliating them by making them ostracized with the other is exactly what discrimination is.

see this is getting out of hand ... WHY DO THEY WANT TO BE A PART OF SOMETHING THAT WASNT INTENDED TO BE FOR THEM? it shouldnt even be an issue ...

So why were African Americans allowed to be a part of something (America) that, at the time, wasn't intended to be for them?
Because they brought us over here, raped, humiliated and killed us. We weren't leaving without a fight. We didn't ask to come. We werestolen.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

So why were African Americans allowed to be a part of something (America) that, at the time, wasn't intended to be for them?

CallHimAR wrote:
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

o so now you are a strict constitutionalist LOL ... i hope youre consistent in all facets of political opinion ... which means you are a rebulican ... which means you couldnt have possibly voted for obama ...

Right because there is no gray area in political thought, it's all just black and white. Please stop, you're making yourself look foolish.

so you realize you just proved my original point right?
I honestly must have missed your original point because it makes no sense.

please stop posting because of that ridiculous comparison ... and my original point was why should the original have to cease its existence, andthen you said cuz its unconstitutional, and then yous aid theres a gray area with teh constitution ... LOL
I don't understand how people can miss such obvious parallels between the two situations though. While the plight of African Americans was much moreprofound there are at least some aspects of each situation that are similar.

please stop posting because of that ridiculous comparison ... and my original point was why should the original have to cease its existence, and then you said cuz its unconstitutional, and then yous aid theres a gray area with teh constitution ... LOL
I didn't say there was a gray area with the constitution, I said that there was a gray area in political though which means that while I maybe staunchly Liberal from a economic prospective I may also believe in upholding the separation of Church and state that is clearly mentioned in ourConstitution.

Also, stop adding "LOL" to everything you write, maybe then people will begin to take your opinions seriously.
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