California teen named nation's first transgender homecoming queen!!!!!

[quote name="LordOfCastamere" url="/t/570153/california-teen-named-nations-first-transgender-homecoming-queen/120#

For the record, he/she is good looking. Shrugs.

The ****!

NT passes on Miley Cirus and any female over 5'9 145 but can get down with trannies.

Y'all some sick SOB's[/quote]
I never passed on Miley Cyrus but thanks for your profound input. He/she is actually quite feminine, I'm not gonna sit here and lie that he/she isn't attractive at least based on that picture.
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I guarantee you these are the same fools who were condemning the racist remarks against the Indian American becoming Miss America. Hypocrites are disgusting.
I guarantee you these are the same fools who were condemning the racist remarks against the Indian American becoming Miss America. Hypocrites are disgusting. :\

Don't be an idiot dude. Transgenderism is an entirely different thing from race. So you're telling me we should just start letting men with dresses and wigs compete in all female pageants. I'm all for equality, this makes absolutely no sense at all. Also are you gay? You really find a guy in a wig attractive?
Don't be an idiot dude. Transgenderism is an entirely different thing from race. So you're telling me we should just start letting men with dresses and wigs compete in all female pageants. I'm all for equality, this makes absolutely no sense at all. Also are you gay? You really find a guy in a wig attractive?

What does it matter who or what he finds attractive ?

That isn't the point of this discussion.

People need to stop being so judgemental, this isn't simply about dressing up in a dress, it's a mental aspect behind.

As for the whole "talking to their kids discussion" :rolleyes :rolleyes

In this day and age kids see way worst on the Internet and TV rather than some kid that feels more comfortable as a female.
What does it matter who or what he finds attractive ?

That isn't the point of this discussion.

People need to stop being so judgemental, this isn't simply about dressing up in a dress, it's a mental aspect behind.

As for the whole "talking to their kids discussion" :rolleyes :rolleyes

In this day and age kids see way worst on the Internet and TV rather than some kid that feels more comfortable as a female.

I hate when people say don't be judgemental. That's impossible, everybody is critical of somebody in some way. If you want to talk about the mental aspect, lets talk about how most trannies regret their decision of surgery or end up falling off the deep end due to their surgery because they were confused at the time.
I disagree. Not for them voting for old dude (I only acknowledge male/female/intersex(which there aren't that many of, science baby)) but I disagree with gender being forced on everyone all the time.

I really think this is going to mess up a whole generation. There are books out there on how to raise you "transgender toddler" how the F do you know that a 3 y/o is transgender? I always go back to the girls I smashed that absolutely knew, unequovically, incontrovertably that they were lesbians when they were 18, now that they are 24 they look back on that as a phase.

It's crazy  how  a kid plays some wack music "He's going through a phase" but when they decided that they are gay we are suppose to accept that as a mature decision. I'm 24 and I'm still going through phases in my life, these kids aren't old enough to walk and chew gum but yet they can make sweeping choices that effect the rest of their life. I think this whole "Gay" thing is way overblown and forced at this point.

I will gladly force my children into gender roles, my little girl will get dresses and stove tops, my boy overalls and tonka trucks, and I will tell them that everything they do in highschool is a phase.  IF they grow up and are truly gay than thats different, I've been around enough kids/teens to know the difference between who someone is and a phase they are going through.

GAY RIGHTS (I.E The free alienation of property) is a completely different issue.
Don't be an idiot dude. Transgenderism is an entirely different thing from race. So you're telling me we should just start letting men with dresses and wigs compete in all female pageants. I'm all for equality, this makes absolutely no sense at all. Also are you gay? You really find a guy in a wig attractive?
I never said transgenderism was the "same" as race, I did say the ignorance associated with it is the same as racism. Learn how to read.

And he/she looks attractive in that picture. Sue me.

I said he looks feminine, so that makes me gay? Someone give this guy a nobel prize, you're one smart cookie. I don't know how he does it.
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Slap in the face to real women.

This is unfair for them. The whole, "Who should they compete against" question really boggles my mind.

Part of me says they should be isolated but that sounds so harsh but who picks who they should compete against? Just weird.
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Slap in the face to real women.

This is unfair for them. The whole, "Who should they compete against" question really boggles my mind.

Part of me says they should be isolated but that sounds so harsh but who picks who they should compete against? Just weird.
Wait, don't people VOTE for the homecoming Queen? Clearly most people in the school don't have a problem with it.
Wait, don't people VOTE for the homecoming Queen? Clearly most people in the school don't have a problem with it.

No, that means most people that voted don't have an issue with it. We can't assume everyone voted.

But even if that is the case, it still raises an issue. How is it fair that they get to compete vs. real women.

That person is not a woman.
I hate when people say don't be judgemental. That's impossible, everybody is critical of somebody in some way. If you want to talk about the mental aspect, lets talk about how most trannies regret their decision of surgery or end up falling off the deep end due to their surgery because they were confused at the time.
Damn son, you seem to know a lot of trannies and about how they think.

I love when people use anecdotal evidence to support their prejudices.
No, that means most people that voted don't have an issue with it. We can't assume everyone voted.

But even if that is the case, it still raises an issue. How is it fair that they get to compete vs. real women.

That person is not a woman.
Well shouldn't people who have a problem with this have voted? Is it really that hard to believe a majority may ACTUALLY be ok with this? Even the women in question?

lol you're acting like being a transvestite somehow gives them the upper hand against "real women". It's not fair, how can I compete with that.

I would understand that argument if it were a cross-dressing male playing in female basketball, but you're really over here crying that a male entering a beauty contest is unfair. So many luls.
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I disagree. Not for them voting for old dude (I only acknowledge male/female/intersex(which there aren't that many of, science baby)) but I disagree with gender being forced on everyone all the time.

I really think this is going to mess up a whole generation. There are books out there on how to raise you "transgender toddler" how the F do you know that a 3 y/o is transgender? I always go back to the girls I smashed that absolutely knew, unequovically, incontrovertably that they were lesbians when they were 18, now that they are 24 they look back on that as a phase.

It's crazy  how  a kid plays some wack music "He's going through a phase" but when they decided that they are gay we are suppose to accept that as a mature decision. I'm 24 and I'm still going through phases in my life, these kids aren't old enough to walk and chew gum but yet they can make sweeping choices that effect the rest of their life. I think this whole "Gay" thing is way overblown and forced at this point.

I will gladly force my children into gender roles, my little girl will get dresses and stove tops, my boy overalls and tonka trucks, and I will tell them that everything they do in highschool is a phase.  IF they grow up and are truly gay than thats different, I've been around enough kids/teens to know the difference between who someone is and a phase they are going through.

GAY RIGHTS (I.E The free alienation of property) is a completely different issue.
LOL THIS is what's going to mess up the whole generation. Out of a long list of things conveniently the thing you have a prejudice against is what's going to send this generation into a downward spiral. Where have we heard this story before? History repeats itself.  I'm sure white people who were against interracial marriage thought it was unnatural and was going to be the downfall of the country.

Maybe they are right??

Yea, when my kid decides at an early age that he is straight I'm a tell him to hold off on that feeling for a few years. It's just a phase.
Damn son, you seem to know a lot of trannies and about how they think.

I love when people use anecdotal evidence to support their prejudices.

And you seem to be attracted to men, even though you say you're not gay. Go on this website called "Google" and look up articles on transgenders and depression
Well shouldn't people who have a problem with this have voted? Is it really that hard to believe a majority may ACTUALLY be ok with this? Even the women in question?

lol you're acting like being a transvestite somehow gives them the upper hand against "real women". It's not fair, how can I compete with that.
I don't think you've been to a highschool lately. Teh whole "group mentality" If I was in hs I would not have voted. I remember teachers putting in this special needs kid in the race for Homecoming king even though he didn't get any votes. I figure they were on some "after school special" steez. There is almost no taking what highschoolers do seriously. Between mtv/being an adolescent/peer pressure/ etc. Highschool kids have no idea who they are or what they want.
LOL THIS is what's going to mess up the whole generation. Out of a long list of things conveniently the thing you have a prejudice against is what's going to send this generation into a downward spiral. Where have we heard this story before? History repeats itself.  I'm sure white people who were against interracial marriage thought it was unnatural and was going to be the downfall of the country.

Maybe they are right??

Yea, when my kid decides at an early age that he is straight I'm a tell him to hold off on that feeling for a few years. It's just a phase. :rofl:

This is exactly what's wrong with your argument. You are comparing race to transgenderism. You're makes no sense at all actually. A person is born with their race, they don't have surgery to transform themselves into something they're not and if they do, they are ridiculed.
And you seem to be attracted to men, even though you say you're not gay. Go on this website called "Google" and look up articles on transgenders and depression
lol I wonder if they are naturally predisposed to depression, or are depressed because of how horrible excuses for human beings view and treat them?
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Well a lot of people probably didn't vote because they didn't care or out of laziness.

And it isn't like it is a presidential election where there are only two real choices. If there are 5+ people on the ballot this person winning doesn't translate into MOST people voting were in favor of it. So you can't use the, "If she won then most people were in favor of it." No that isn't the case.

Presidential Election
Candidate 1: 57%
Candidate 2: 43%

Homecoming Election
Candidate 1: 15%
Candidate 2: 10%
Candidate 3: 35%
Candidate 4: 20%
Candidate 5: 20%

Assuming "she" was Candidate 3, MOST people that voted still weren't in favor of her winning.
This is exactly what's wrong with your argument. You are comparing race to transgenderism. You're makes no sense at all actually. A person is born with their race, they don't have surgery to transform themselves into something they're not and if they do, they are ridiculed.
I'm comparing ignorance that is racism to the ignorance associated with prejudices against transgenderism.

I love the "black people can't change" argument for hatin' homosexuals and transgender folks. Classic. So if black people had the ability to hide their race it would make racism ok. Yall are killing me right now.
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Well a lot of people probably didn't vote because they didn't care or out of laziness.

And it isn't like it is a presidential election where there are only two real choices. If there are 5+ people on the ballot this person winning doesn't translate into MOST people voting were in favor of it. So you can't use the, "If she won then most people were in favor of it." No that isn't the case.

Presidential Election
Candidate 1: 57%
Candidate 2: 43%

Homecoming Election
Candidate 1: 15%
Candidate 2: 10%
Candidate 3: 35%
Candidate 4: 20%
Candidate 5: 20%

Assuming "she" was Candidate 3, MOST people that voted still weren't in favor of her winning.
35 percent were in favor, i actually like that number. And there is no evidence that the other 65 percent were bigots, but maybe I'm giving human beings too much credit. Shrugs.
LOL THIS is what's going to mess up the whole generation. Out of a long list of things conveniently the thing you have a prejudice against is what's going to send this generation into a downward spiral. Where have we heard this story before? History repeats itself.  I'm sure white people who were against interracial marriage thought it was unnatural and was going to be the downfall of the country.

Maybe they are right??

Yea, when my kid decides at an early age that he is straight I'm a tell him to hold off on that feeling for a few years. It's just a phase.
A. Never compare race relations to gender studies

B. Gay rights (i.e  marriage) and Gender equality are two different issues

C. I'm going to think my kid is going through a phase for everything he does until they prove that it's not. After their 3rd homosexaul partner that they brought home, then I'll acknowledge he's gay.

D. Stop trying to figure out toddlers sexual orientation.

And I want to make this perfectly clear, I know this blows you simpletons minds, but I don't agree that all these people are gay, nor do aI agree they were "born that way" (because if I did I would also have to conciede that pedophiles are also born that way, and thats something I refuse to say), but I will defend tooth and nail their right to be gay.
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I'm more commenting on how the world is way to liberal, I said I'm cool with gay rights and gay marriage, these two issues need to stop being bundled into one. Gay rights and Gender equality are two different issues.  I don't ever recall reading a book that said "it's ok that your 3 y/o is into black guys" or  has "transrace" issues. Gender and race are two very very different things. Race is something that is decided by genetics, gender is something that is decided by society (Sex is decided by genetics, not gender read a few books on the subject) You can't wake up one day and say "You know, I don't want to be black anymore." And you really shouldn't be so focused on your kids sexuality, I've seen little boys that were clearly probably gay, but grew up to be straight as an arrow.

I don't want my 4th grader coming home "daddy, what is transgender" hell I don't want my 4th grader coming home "daddy, whats a vagina" thats to damn young.

And to say that people don't go through "Gay" phases is to prove you don't know any "gay" or "ex gay" people. I'm not saying they all go through phases, but some do. By the people in my family, by the lesbians I've smashed I can say with all confidence that there is a good amount of homosexuals that won't be homosexual by the time they are in their twenties.

Yea people are way too liberal, started with that whole all men are created equal nonsense. Don't let the liberal media teach you how to act and feel, if you got hate in your heart let it out.

Everybody is all of a sudden ant-liberal when it is something they hate.

How am I supposed to explain this to my child?
The fact that people who ask that question are even having children gives me goosebumps.

I am sure some straight people go through phases, how does this contribute anything to this convo?

I've had sex with a lesbian, she wasn't a lesbian at all she was "bisexual". Human sexuality is a continuum, many gay people are living straight and are even married to the opposite sex because of the stigma associated with it.
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The issue I have is if someone isn't in favor of a situation like this they HAVE to be labeled as ignorant/bigot, etc.

Can I just believe WOMEN should be the only ones considered for HomeComing QUEEN without being labeled anything?
The WNBA could get very interesting by 2022. All's I'm sayin'.

I do have ONE question about this whole transgender topic:

Can someone be a transgendered homosexual?

Like can a person, born a man, be attracted to women, but still feel as if they belong in a woman's body? So they are essentially a lesbian trapped in a man's body. Does that ever happen?
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