Call of Duty: MW3 -Official Xbox360 Thread-Out Now!- Got 99 Problems but Sales Ain't One..

Just picked this up today, probably going to start playing tomorrow and hit online in a couple weeks once I get good at it.

Can't wait to run with NT
I had a triple earlier with a decoy care package

What's wrong with these kids?

Servers down now though.
yeah i kept getting servers down and then we ran like 2 games and my xbox froze, im thinking everyone elses did too

im just gonna stick to day time cod, get to level 80 and wait for a patch...fix the hit detection, nerf the type 95, make elite work; shouldnt be hard to do at all BUT DO IT I WANT TO PLAY TO THIS GAME!
im honestly not having hit detection problems. cant get enough of this game.

all most maxed out the acr, gun is beastly. 89000 weapon xp from lvl 30-31 tho...damb

the ims is to dope. got it in a CP and was pissed the first time like *## is this a big claymore? them joints can hold down a dom flag or chokepoint like a bawse!
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

yeah i kept getting servers down and then we ran like 2 games and my xbox froze, im thinking everyone elses did too

im just gonna stick to day time cod, get to level 80 and wait for a patch...fix the hit detection, nerf the type 95, make elite work; shouldnt be hard to do at all BUT DO IT I WANT TO PLAY TO THIS GAME!


the gun is fine the way it is
bf3 fans are like agheists... always trying to explain why theyre right and what you think is wrong....

we get it fambs...
I'm not sure about that henz0 guy...the messages he sends me breathing heavily and moaning while I'm playing are pretty distracting.

The guy even sends me flamboyant text messages...NT how do i go about this situation? I feel like im getting harassed.
exploding care packages

it's great when 2 or 3 enemies all try to run up on it and get it at the same time
Originally Posted by pootaing

I'm not sure about that henz0 guy...the messages he sends me breathing heavily and moaning while I'm playing are pretty distracting.

The guy even sends me flamboyant text messages...NT how do i go about this situation? I feel like im getting harassed.

heres the truck glitch i encountered earlier when playing domination, same %%+# from mw2 but easier to do...i liked that map too

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