Can I Hit Loser? - MySpace/Facebook - Vol 3. New Year, No Fear,and New Prospects (update on pg 1)


u dudes have any luck on chickens on youtube ? yall should give that a try.

just giving some advice from the sideline

was trying but she lives on the other side of the country
. guessall I can do is be friends

Took another L this chick was cool but she has a boyfriend


(the brunette)
Originally Posted by IMPORTKING


u dudes have any luck on chickens on youtube ? yall should give that a try.

just giving some advice from the sideline

I've messed with it. Had a little convo with the hot crack head chick on YouTube. The only problem is some chicks don't mess with Youtube everyday andthey don't know how you look so they may not want to mess with you.
Originally Posted by Joe Dirt

Originally Posted by Danny Tanner


Don't get your hopes up, you see that scar on her left arm-tetanus shot scar- that's a sign she was not born in the United States.

Shes from the Ukraine, chances are high she overstayed on a Visa and is desperate to find a scrub to help her obtain a green card.

Smash but do not become attached.

Thanks bro. I found out that she has a child. I deleted her number
I posted her pic already the brunette.
Albert O.

Today at 11:48am

can i borrow you. ill give you back.

Ciara A.

Today at 2:31pm

Haha what?

Albert O.

Today at 2:33pm

well i see i got your attention. so can we start negotiating the terms of lease?

Ciara A.

Today at 2:34pm

i'm confused

Albert O.

Today at 2:35pm

I don't mean to confuse. I just wanna get to know you.

Ciara A.

Today at 2:36pm

Alright then

Albert O.

Today at 2:37pm

alrighty. so what kinds of things are u in2

Ciara A.

Today at 2:39pm

music, friends, horses.

Albert O.

Today at 2:40pm

well I'm into music and friends but I don't really mess with horses. Do you ride them or just like them?

Ciara A.

Today at 2:44pm

I ride. I compete out of state with them and stuff

Albert O.

Today at 2:47pm

well that's cool.
are u in high school?

Ciara A.

Today at 2:49pm

i'm a senior

Albert O.

Today at 2:50pm

senior year will be fun.
I just graduated.
Do you know where your going to college at yet?

Ciara A.

Today at 2:51pm


Albert O.

Today at 2:52pm

BOoooo you should go to wvu!

Ciara A.

Today at 2:53pm

Nah, I don't want to be that far away from home

Albert O.

Today at 2:55pm

I hear ya. thats the only reason i'm going to wvu lol


Albert O.

Today at 2:58pm

you know your the first ciara i've ever meet.

Ciara A.

Today at 3:00pm

I'm the coolest one you'll ever meet, too

Albert O.

Today at 3:01pm

haha I bet you will be. Do you know anybody named Albert?

Ciara A.

Today at 3:02pm

Can't say i do

Albert O.

Today at 3:03pm

well i guess this is a day of firsts lol

Ciara A.

Today at 3:07pm

Haha yep

Albert O.

Today at 3:09pm

I was looking at your profile pic and you got a cute smile.

Ciara A.

Today at 4:25pm

Thank you

Coaches where should I take this?

"If ever girl had a smile like yours, I would've thought I died and was in heavy, absolutely gorgeous

Any guy would be lucky just to have opportunity to see that."


"It's no problem at all, it's my pleasure letting you know how beautiful you are and I can only imagine how beautiful you are within"


"Anytime sweetie, but I do like the idea of meeting the coolest Ciara ever, sound good?"


" No problem, so when do I get to make you smile even more
" << or something along those lines

Danny Tanner - if she has a child, you can still beat and run before it/they call you daddy.
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

New girl help coach how should I approach this one?

Albert O.

Today at 11:47am

can i borrow you. ill give you back.

Kristen C.

Add as Friend

Today at 5:34pm

Report Message

haha..ok, how exactly do you plan on borrowing me? lol
lol first and foremost, unless you want some salty dude on NT to completely #*%% block you, erase her name next time ..they will screw you(pause)

you can go with the 40 year old virgin approach "how do you want me to borrow you and if I do can I keep you

or you can go with the routine thats found in 90% of this thread.

Gotta do your scouting report and research rookie

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

New girl help coach how should I approach this one?

Albert O.

Today at 11:47am

can i borrow you. ill give you back.

Kristen C.

Add as Friend

Today at 5:34pm

Report Message

haha..ok, how exactly do you plan on borrowing me? lol
lol first and foremost, unless you want some salty dude on NT to completely #*%% block you, erase her name next time ..they will screw you (pause)

you can go with the 40 year old virgin approach "how do you want me to borrow you and if I do can I keep you

or you can go with the routine thats found in 90% of this thread.

Gotta do your scouting report and research rookie



sorkoram i see u still got the OG myspace poppin, im bout to switch back, i dont even like the 2.0 i jus thought itmade me look more grown man haha

dunno what i was thinkin becuz i only be messin with like 18-22 yr olds... few older shorties but only smashed one... kids scare me

i need to be added to the coaches... i deleted abuncha old convos cuz i gotta girl n im on my Bill Bellamy but at one point i hada like 40% conversion rate
Originally Posted by youngflykidchris

yall dudes sleepin on facebook

i use facebook to smash girls I know. not random skeezers. bringingthem into my "Real" e-life would backfire, i already know it.

sork where's that draft preview??
Me: Can I borrow you? I promise I'll give you back

Her: Borrow me for what?!

... Do I go for the forward and direct or the innuendo?
Originally Posted by Powfo

Me: Can I borrow you? I promise I'll give you back

Her: Borrow me for what?!

... Do I go for the forward and direct or the innuendo?
I hate people like you that refuse to read the scouting reports, learn the playbook and then come running to the sideline after running the firstplay. I'm in a good mood so I'll tell you what to say.

You know a couple of laughs, some smiles, maybe steal a hug or two
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Powfo

Me: Can I borrow you? I promise I'll give you back

Her: Borrow me for what?!

... Do I go for the forward and direct or the innuendo?
I hate people like you that refuse to read the scouting reports, learn the playbook and then come running to the sideline after running the first play. I'm in a good mood so I'll tell you what to say.

You know a couple of laughs, some smiles, maybe steal a hug or two
Good looks. I'll read thru the thread more thoroughly.
The other week I was denied my facebook messaging rights because i sent out millions of "Can I borrow you" to random skeezers. pretty big failure onmy part
Originally Posted by SneakerLips

The other week I was denied my facebook messaging rights because i sent out millions of "Can I borrow you" to random skeezers. pretty big failure on my part
Not failure, but success. That overzealous approach is exactly what you need to excel in this game. Just spread them out though.
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