Cavs @ Wizards 8pm ET on TNT - Rivalry? Bwahaha!

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by belle155


You know yall have all kinds of fans now, welcome him with open arms
Naw, #%$* that and the woodwork he crawled out of.
Originally Posted by RUDOLPH1996

Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by MBen32

@ the Wizards getting up to play the Cavs, but they are barely gonna win 20 games this year.

Can't stand a team who sucks, but gets up to play well agaisnt "rivals" word to Maryland vs Duke/UNC

the wizards suck? oh please...
your boy lebron got shut down tonight.
and it seems to me that a lot of cav fans are salty tonight because agent 0 called it a "rivalry" during his interview

and to th e dude that said how come the wizards couldn't win more then 30games with butler & jamison, they weren't just missing agent 0.
they were missing their starting center, brenden haywood (sp)
the team was just full of rookies who just couldn't carry this team.

Come on with that @*@%.... Caron and AJ couldnt carry them huh??? Funny that Bron and a band of merry men still won at least 30 games since he arrived in the league... the 50 Million Dollar man (AJ) ....... Yall have 2 wins against us... one with the Prez in the da building against the Chi. ( without Gil and Haywood).... so where was that effort ALL YEAR??? GIL was right, its a "rival" series...... in the playoffs..... when u all get back there.. come see us......
this just reeks of awesomeness
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by RUDOLPH1996

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by RUDOLPH1996

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Damn...if we could have played Cleveland a little more often in the regular season, we might have had a winning record this year

At least the Lakers show up for meaningless games when they played us

SMACK!!!!! 0-3 in playoff series against the CAVS... %%!%%....
and you all were 0-4 vs. the Spurs...what's your point?

DoubleJ.... get to a FINALS and holla then.... Fall back and off into the darkness..... lol
Unlike your franchise, we HAVE been NBA champs...

why do Cleveland fans have such a sense of entitlement? Yall really act like your %%$$ don't are REALLY taking pride in getting swept? Talkin' out your +@@ about "get to a finals...bla bla bla." How about yall WIN a finals series....

Dude hop off.

Worry about your SORRY ran organization. How they putting a 125 million dollar investment on the court for nothing.

Or how they won't even be able to afford to pay their #1 pick

Or how you fired your coach after 1-10 and replaced him with a bum in a suit.

See you in the first round Wiz...oh wait...


[frank s.] Start spreadin' the news.... [/frank s.]

only a year and some change until you kill yourself.
@ dudes really going hard to keep letting people know they been rooting for the Cavs Ehlo and Price and if you weren't you aren't welcomed to rootfor them.
why does this guy have the knicks & cavs in his sig with the eagles and the mets

damn... been at school all day and didnt get to catch the game... Honestly, can't believe the Cavs let this happen but they def going to bounce back. Goodjob wiz.
"Records never matter when you play the Wizards," James said. "It doesn't matter if you're in first place or who is not in first place. It's always going to be like that every time we play them."


I'm in Paris so I only saw the first half, but #**! this. Cavs looked like they didn't give a %**% until the 4th quarter from the highlights, and theywere going half speed in the first half.

Oh well, Wizards came to play and they got the win, so congrats to them. Still though, I refuse to congratulate their irrational fans on this board, does areasonable Wizards fan even exist?

GabeGrams: I'm not dealing with your %**% anymore. You go from having LeBron and the Knicks in your sig to now the Cavs and the Knicks in your sig. Youpicked a convenient time to be a Cavs'll be under investigation the rest of the year. You admit you haven't been here from the'start,' but in reality you haven't even been here from this year's 'start:' I didn't see you until 35-40 wins in.

DoubleJs07: horrible argument, I mean, really? You're pointing to a rumor as a rebuttal? I hope you're not in politics or law. If you really wanted toget us back, all you had to do was mention how our city hasn't had a championship since like T-Rex and Brontosaurus walked like land.

Either way this thread is indicative of the Cavs year: all the morons, bandwagoners, haters, and probably even pedophiles came into post simply because we havethe MVP and the best record in the league. I'm not going to address everyone because I'm on vacation in Paris, and would actually prefer some time toenjoy the sites instead of dealing with invalids.

Let's pick up the pace Cavs, quit screwing around and lock up home court throughout...cruising into the playoffs is only going to lead to a lacklusterfirst round.
Originally Posted by MBen32

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Cavs getting KILLED by the cherry picking quick transition outlet passes.

_'s just defending the shot and sprinting back upcourt hoping for a miss and an outlet.


Isn't that what the guard suppose to do, hope for a miss and either make sure their aren't any long rebounds or sprint down court and try to getfastbreak pts by receiving outlet passes?

My observations from this thread, it looks like some Cav fans get a little sensitive when they lose and some Wiz fans get to happy win they win their 18th game
I'm from DC and all but why are some Wizards fans and players acting like they just won the NBA championship last night. The fact of the matter is this,the Wizards will be WATCHING the Cavs in the playoffs this year while those clowns are at home, it's just that simple. A marginal victory over the Cavslast night does not replace a piss poor season filled with countless disappointment. I mean seriously, this loser mentality that we have in this urea has gotto stop, the Wizards are not on the Cavs radar, but for some reason the Cavs are on the Wizards radar, SMH. Classic example of little brother chasing bigbrother only to always come up short. It's the same around here when it comes to Skins vs. Cowboys.
Originally Posted by belle155


yea. Who are you to tell me who the hell I can root for? Been my ONLY team since the 03 draft when they were trash
. Don't even root for the Hometeam Rockets since that draft. Made trips toCleveland to see those guys play at least 5 times this year and Cleveland aint exactly a destination town. Bron put me on the Cavs originally but I love thisyears squad because of the chemistry. Call me a bandwagon fan or whatever. Didn't know you had to be down from day one to root for them here or pass a NTfan legit test. Its the internet and it aint that serious.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07


Good work deangelo....kept this bamma out late last night

(tell me this fool ain't got his own line of Lebron James affliction rip-off bamma wear?)
yoo.. i just noticed this

Been my ONLY team since the 03 draft
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