Charles Barkley pushing back against da political correctness frowning of N word

a professor told me something that stuck to me one day.

da "context of a relationship is MORE important than da content of da relationship"

which plays into what barkley said, no one is going to tell or control da way a dialogue is conducted amongst friends.

at da end of da day, relationship supersedes everything else.

Well said bruh.

At the end of the day, it's really a balancing between when things are expressed among friends and when things are projected for all of society to judge and react. i.e. context.

Is this not why the entire Incognito thing has blown out of proportion? It's not like this is a single incident. Yet, when the media get word--now this has become a national issue.

I definitely agree your overarching liberal agenda statement, because you cannot tell me that I haven't heard the n-word as a sincere term of endearment...

With that said, using the word in a professional workplace, where your job is in essence a public commodity. That's no bueno.
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These are the kinds of topics that no one should even bother to talk to Ninjahood about, the guy is a bigot in the literal sense of the word
you see what happens when im right? name calling

meanwhile da dude in your avi sides with me too

now go buy some of that Barney X jay-z collab
Name calling? That is a legitimate assessment of you from a definition of a word.

big·ot[ bíggət ]1.intolerant person: somebody with strong opinions, especially on politics, religion, or ethnicity, who refuses to accept different views

This is how you act in these debates, I have never seen you give an inch or give other opinions any sort of credence. This has nothing to do with the subject at hand, but rather conversing with you in subjects of this nature period. I have not and will not weigh in on the subject of this thread so that video and your "point" is lost on me.

Nice try though.
you see how you got cornball brothas? here's da complete opposite end of da scale..

this right there is hood *****, that just happenes to be white, it explains da incognito situation PERFECTLY.

at da end of da day it all about whats in your heart, a word is just a emblem to describe a feeling, "a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet".

this is why i kinda laugh everytime i go to da sports section of NT and see how all of a sudden. da red skins is all of a sudden "offensive" when da formation

of da team had no intention of marginalizing people by "using a slur on them".

this is a liberal political correct agenda being unleashed on all aspects of our society.....

I completely agree with you.

Real question though, are you mindful of using such language when somebody who actually has ties to such history is around and would find offense?

While I completely agree with your sentiments, these are the situations that are the stickiest...they go beyond the liberal agenda society pushes...

a professor told me something that stuck to me one day.

da "context of a relationship is MORE important than da content of da relationship"

which plays into what barkley said, no one is going to tell or control da way a dialogue is conducted amongst friends.

at da end of da day, relationship supersedes everything else.
i wouldnt listen to ANY professor that used da instead of the in a sentence

srsly though i agree with what the professor said
puerto ricans in the bx BEEN saying this forever. i personally dont use it very often anymore because im an adult and i use slang much less nowadays. BUT nobody is going to tell me i cant say something ive been saying my entire life. and if it becomes an issue than so be it. its all about context.
puerto ricans in the bx BEEN saying this forever. i personally dont use it very often anymore because im an adult and i use slang much less nowadays. BUT nobody is going to tell me i cant say something ive been saying my entire life. and if it becomes an issue than so be it. its all about context.
so u dont care if some african american was offended by u saying the word to or around them????
some older folks just dont like the word being used period and because u feel u been saying it forever
u dont care and would stilluse it around them???
Charles Barkley kinda somewhat got it right on this one, where as he was completely wrong with his statements on the George Zimmerman trial aftewards.  I don't agree with Barkley when he says he says the N word around his white friends.  That's what he chooses to do but I don't side with him on that one, just the part where he says white people or white America is trying to dictate to black people how and when they can use the N word, which they shouldn't do.
da red skins is all of a sudden "offensive" when da formation

of da team had no intention of marginalizing people by "using a slur on them".
You got that all wrong champ.  Go look up the former owner of the team George Preston Marshall and what his views were on race. 
so u dont care if some african american was offended by u saying the word to or around them????
some older folks just dont like the word being used period and because u feel u been saying it forever
u dont care and would stilluse it around them???

times have changed, old folk can dealwithit.jpg
puerto ricans in the bx BEEN saying this forever. i personally dont use it very often anymore because im an adult and i use slang much less nowadays. BUT nobody is going to tell me i cant say something ive been saying my entire life. and if it becomes an issue than so be it. its all about context.
so u dont care if some african american was offended by u saying the word to or around them????
some older folks just dont like the word being used period and because u feel u been saying it forever
u dont care and would stilluse it around them???
This is part of the reason I stopped using it so frequently. I didn't really respect the perspective of those who were offended until maybe 7 years ago. Now I rarely say it, and if I do I'm probably drunk with my boys (I know I let off at lease 14 this past weekend :lol).

But my issue is just being mindful of others. The world is a lot bigger than my circle.
The attitude of someone not being able to tell you what you can say and can't say has got a lot of dudes visiting the dentist earlier than they had planned because once you stick your chest out and proclaim something it tends to turn negative.I've seen it go that route over something as simple as the "B" word because it's really about context but beyond that debate of negative/positive context it boils down to RESPECT.The generation from the 1960's and all the way up to now are disrespectfully ignorant with it being no fault of their own because some where between singing "we shall overcome" and "F*^$ tha police" we kinda have lost our way as far as respect overall goes and this is what they have allowed to happen.When you bend the rules and take that censorship off all hell is bound to break loose,a ***** isn't a ***** anymore she's Jenny from the block,stealing isn't stealing it has categories now petty larceny and white collar crime.

This is reflected in the attitudes of the people "I can say and do what I want to do" noooo you can't,you can only do what they allow you to do and all types of people buck at that idea,roll their eyes and what not but it gets tested everyday and the results usually are the same and that is you're going to be denied,fired,turned down,harrassed,argue or simple dismissed.
I know we have a pop that live by the hood standards but please stop using rappers,hood mentality,Charles Barkley or any black entertainer as a form of validation because a lot of times that means one of two things,your mentally stagnant or that you've chosen to live and die where your at(community).

Again it's a respect thing you wipe your feet off before you enter my home and I'll do the same.I guess I get that from being around older gentlemen of a certain standards who broke all of the rules and who if given the chance would shoot Uncle Sam for all of the money he swindles from everyday working people but that said they just carried themselves in a certain manner respectfully and that's what they receive in return,white or black anything else in between.
Used it more when I was in middle and high school but I cut down on it and other slurs from my everyday speech

**** comes out sometimes though like outta no where no lie
I have something to say that is completely unrelated to the n word.

ESPN and other sports networks have GOT TO STOP perusing Twitter for their news stories. You are not TMZ. You are not E!. You are SUPPOSEDLY a SPORTS network.

I know that professional athletes have always been under media scrutiny but it has gone too far lately.

I agree with Charles Barkley that an apology was not necessary. I don't even know how this tweet caught enough traction to make dude feel like he had to apologize. Like... who made such a big deal out of this in the first place that he felt obligated to apologize? Sadly, there is no longer any journalistic integrity in the world of sports. Only running with rumors and making a big deal out of small issues. Sports journalists need to focus on sports again instead of how they can expose, exploit, and manipulate the coaches and players.
Be careful guys...on NT we're no longer allowed to refer to that team as the word that rhymes with bed shins.
Not eem gonna lie, I wish Asian-Americans were more prominent in major American sports.

Only Vietnamese dude I know that repped was Dat Nguyen on the Cowboys...and some dude who plays for New England in the MLS.

I have something to say that is completely unrelated to the n word.

ESPN and other sports networks have GOT TO STOP perusing Twitter for their news stories. You are not TMZ. You are not E!. You are SUPPOSEDLY a SPORTS network.

I know that professional athletes have always been under media scrutiny but it has gone too far lately.

I agree with Charles Barkley that an apology was not necessary. I don't even know how this tweet caught enough traction to make dude feel like he had to apologize. Like... who made such a big deal out of this in the first place that he felt obligated to apologize? Sadly, there is no longer any journalistic integrity in the world of sports. Only running with rumors and making a big deal out of small issues. Sports journalists need to focus on sports again instead of how they can expose, exploit, and manipulate the coaches and players.
That's what ESPN News is for, if that's what you really want, that's a pretty good source IMO.

As far as the N word, this comes up every time. Stephen A, Incognito, and now this.....*yawns*. Who cares? Nothing is gonna change regardless on the history of the word. White people still gonna rap ALL the lyrics to In Da Club  when you not around.
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agree with barkley

personally i use it when around black people. for instance one of my old good friends who i play ball with from time to time. i tell him all the time .not a big deal at all.

i see it like this . Black people use it and call each other it all the time(as a term of endearment) Don't tell me i cant say it but you can . no bro i dont think so . 

i dont hear mexicans calling each other spics or asian guys calling each other(insert racist name)..... 
It's impossible to pinpoint when the N-word became black America's most cherished possession. But that fact is now impossible to deny.

Black people's right to call each other the N-word is now akin to protecting our rights to vote and to sit anywhere on a bus.

This is what I was referring to last week when I wrote that black American culture has been turned upside down and corrupted by mass incarceration, the destruction of the traditional family unit and commercial hip-hop music. The impact of these corrosive forces can be seen in the values and perspective of African-Americans across economic and class lines. We have a new normal. As it relates to the N-word, Barkley and Wilbon, like many African-Americans, have adapted to the new normal. The N-word is a cherished possession.

We foolishly believe that religiously using the slur given to us by enslavers who saw us as subhuman is a righteous act of defiance against The Man.

Think about it. Imagine Kunta Kinte in "Roots" hanging from a tree being beaten by the overseer for refusing to take the name Toby. Fast-forward 200 years and imagine a well-intentioned white person counseling a young black man to avoid adopting the slur given to him by a white bigot. A fight would break out.
At this point, when I hear it out in public, most times it's not from a black person.

Why do people who aren't black (or people who detest the idea that they're black) make arguments to defend their usage of it? :lol

They idolize the blacks who promote their urge to use it, then they place blame on them for the heavy usage in society.

"But rappers say it all the time. :("
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