Cheap unique eBay items.

Sep 24, 2008
Sup NT.
Im looking to buy a few random things from eBay. like Iphone cases, dumb pointless stuff. i order a few items from
now i just want other random, unique things.
buy my plane ticket to vegas. that's a pretty random purchase, do you want me to send you the invoice?
I had a bad habbit of doing this before, but a lot of that stuff is of unexcuseably poor quality, so I fell back. Looking forward to this thread though.

This is good if you're not comfortable with going to buy condoms in the store, or if you're not sure wich condom you should rock with. 50 assorted condoms for $9.99 + $4.00 shipping. Wrap dat thang up man. No excuse now.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I had a bad habbit of doing this before, but a lot of that stuff is of unexcuseably poor quality, so I fell back. Looking forward to this thread though.

This is good if you're not comfortable with going to buy condoms in the store, or if you're not sure wich condom you should rock with. 50 assorted condoms for $9.99 + $4.00 shipping. Wrap dat thang up man. No excuse now.

implying that OP is gonna have sex[/img]

You may not be heavenly, but that shouldn’t stop you from walking on water thanks to this inflatable human hamster ball. At approximately 7 feet tall, this inflatable walk on water ball will provide hours of fun on the water, and possibly induce claustrophobia.

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[h1]Moving Ink Blot Masks [/h1]

If you’re looking for a truly creepy mask then look no further than these Moving Inkblot Rorschach Masks. These hand made masks are akin to the mask seen in the movie Watchmen with the endlessly changing ink blots, and come in five different ink blot styles.

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[h1]Self Sustaining Ecosphere [/h1][/img]

This self sustaining ecosphere is like owning your own little world. The ecosphere is a balance of water, air, and life; technology for this self sustaining ecosphere was developed by NASA scientists in an attempt to study our own planet’s biosphere.

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Now you’ll no longer struggle to relieve yourself during those half awake bathroom visits in the middle of the night with glow in the dark toilet paper. Functional and fun, you’ll know you’re getting a complete wipe when the toilet paper stops glowing.

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[h1]AK-47 Rifle With Chainsaw [/h1]

Whether you’re taking on hordes of zombies or just fighting one up close, the AK-47 rifle with an attached chainsaw is the go to weapon for zombie apocalypse survival. While not yet officially for sale, these unique AK-47 rifles are a must have item for doomsday preppers.

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If you are constantly uncovering yourself from the bed sheets at night because you can’t maintain a cool temperature then you need a Bed Fan. The Bed Fan will quietly disperse hot air under the sheets and keep you cool all night long so you can get a good night’s rest.

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[h1]Brass Knuckles Taser [/h1][/img]

Land some electrically charged blows to any potential attacker with these brass knuckles tazers. These knuckle enhancing stun guns pack an impressive 950,000 volts of electricity in every single punch, enough to paralyze your attacker even if you punch like a little girl.

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and finally...


No more fights need to occur over who gets the tastier corner brownies thanks to this endless edges brownie pan. With this uniquely shaped brownie pan, now every brownie piece will have a fine crust for added deliciousness in every little bite.
[h1]Nose Shower Gel Dispenser [/h1][/img]

This over sized novelty nose shower gel dispenser is awesomely bad. Load it up with green shower gel, shampoo, face-scrub, or soap and you’ll have a tough time feeling like you’re cleaning yourself while squeezing out goopy liquid from a big nose to wash yourself.

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I have the CHEAPEST DC comics and random image comics in my ebay account.... even if you don't read em they look good on your book shelf
sorry im team raw.. and if i get a kid.. im cool with that..
been to NYC and Vegas this year already..
Originally Posted by FREAKSHOW

sorry im team raw.. and if i get a kid.. im cool with that..
been to NYC and Vegas this year already..

your life is complete
You should look into Kid Robot figures they literally sell blind box figures cant get much more random then that. They got family guy series, south park, the simpsons, futurama, street fighter etc etc
Originally Posted by FREAKSHOW

sorry im team raw.. and if i get a kid.. im cool with that..
been to NYC and Vegas this year already..
i didn't say anything about you going to Vegas

I said send me to Vegas
Originally Posted by rocman23

Originally Posted by FREAKSHOW

sorry im team raw.. and if i get a kid.. im cool with that..
been to NYC and Vegas this year already..
i didn't say anything about you going to Vegas

I said send me to Vegas

   LOL i must of read it fast. hahahaaaaa.....
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