Cigarette Smokers: How and Why?

im a couple of days into my personal rehab of smoking, it is a sheep activity but after a while its something you "must" do. the addiction is nasty.
Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

The first few times I smoked a cig I was like this ++%% is wack and I didnt see the hype but it's hard to say after a few more the nicotine got me I guess

Look at this mentality (further proves my point). First few times he smoked, he considered it "whack" why keep doing it? Whats the logic in that?

-The Juice

That can go for drinking tho brah.....I'm pretty sure the first time people took swigs of some strong alcohol they wasn't like "damn this %+@$ taste like heaven"
laugh.gif know? 
Originally Posted by Futuristic

Most people I know that smoke cigarettes either drink a lot or were on probation at some point.

Another good point. I have boys who get on papers and start buying Blacks by the pack. I'm like no sirrrrrr.
Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Cigarettes are one of those things people do to seem "cool" cause they see someone doing it and act like they didn't do it to be cool. They are lying. Smoking is such a conscious decision and your body rejects smoking the first time you try to inhale, that's why you get that burn when you first start doing it. There is no reason why a person should start smoking other than because "other people do it", when you start smoking and become addicted.....then it's a different story

Smoking is such a sheep activity

-The Juice
I disagree.
First time I smoked were when a friend gave me some of those swisher mini cigars (like cigs) you could either inhale them or choose not to. I eventually started inhaling, and then said screw this im just going to cigs cause they were easier and just felt better to inhale. The thing is I never did it to look cool, and would rather do it alone or with only friends who smoke cause even I think its tacky. I always though I would be able to kick the habit if i wanted but i thought wrong. The best I did was 2 months without one.

I hate cigs, wish i never started. Its a shame cause i rejected them for so long. Then eventually caved. 
Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Cigarettes are one of those things people do to seem "cool" cause they see someone doing it and act like they didn't do it to be cool. They are lying. Smoking is such a conscious decision and your body rejects smoking the first time you try to inhale, that's why you get that burn when you first start doing it. There is no reason why a person should start smoking other than because "other people do it", when you start smoking and become addicted.....then it's a different story

Smoking is such a sheep activity

-The Juice
I disagree.
First time I smoked were when a friend gave me some of those swisher mini cigars (like cigs) you could either inhale them or choose not to. I eventually started inhaling, and then said screw this im just going to cigs cause they were easier and just felt better to inhale. The thing is I never did it to look cool, and would rather do it alone or with only friends who smoke cause even I think its tacky. I always though I would be able to kick the habit if i wanted but i thought wrong. The best I did was 2 months without one.

I hate cigs, wish i never started. Its a shame cause i rejected them for so long. Then eventually caved. 
A good friend of mine was smoking and other people around me were smoking so I eventually picked it up in college. It relaxes you when ever you're feeling stressed or anxious..I used to love taking smoke breaks with coffee while studying. I got extremely addicted at one point so I decided to quit last April. Haven't touched a cigarette since and my friend who got me into it followed suit.
A good friend of mine was smoking and other people around me were smoking so I eventually picked it up in college. It relaxes you when ever you're feeling stressed or anxious..I used to love taking smoke breaks with coffee while studying. I got extremely addicted at one point so I decided to quit last April. Haven't touched a cigarette since and my friend who got me into it followed suit.
Originally Posted by Jay02

I hate cigs, wish i never started. Its a shame cause i rejected them for so long. Then eventually caved. 
The money you spend on cigs isn't enough for you to kick though?

-The Juice
Originally Posted by Jay02

I hate cigs, wish i never started. Its a shame cause i rejected them for so long. Then eventually caved. 
The money you spend on cigs isn't enough for you to kick though?

-The Juice
I was watching some show last night and realized how disgusting it is to see a couple who both smoke. I don't know why it bothered me so much.
I was watching some show last night and realized how disgusting it is to see a couple who both smoke. I don't know why it bothered me so much.
started smoking senior year of HS for bout a year and a half.then stopped for a good 7-8 months. picked it up again. but now stopped. havent smoked a cigg in about 3 months and Im pretty sure Im not going back

as for the herbal, used to smoke Ls daily,but cut down. now its maybe an L or 2 a day, 2-3 days a week max.

Its all mental. One can simply tell themself they will quit and they can. but others are weak minded and have a difficult time in convincing themself to quit. I suggest, if you want to quit, first slow down, smoke less and less a day gradually. til youre down to 1-3 a day and you will see that you can quit.
started smoking senior year of HS for bout a year and a half.then stopped for a good 7-8 months. picked it up again. but now stopped. havent smoked a cigg in about 3 months and Im pretty sure Im not going back

as for the herbal, used to smoke Ls daily,but cut down. now its maybe an L or 2 a day, 2-3 days a week max.

Its all mental. One can simply tell themself they will quit and they can. but others are weak minded and have a difficult time in convincing themself to quit. I suggest, if you want to quit, first slow down, smoke less and less a day gradually. til youre down to 1-3 a day and you will see that you can quit.
Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Cigarettes are one of those things people do to seem "cool" cause they see someone doing it and act like they didn't do it to be cool. They are lying. Smoking is such a conscious decision and your body rejects smoking the first time you try to inhale, that's why you get that burn when you first start doing it. There is no reason why a person should start smoking other than because "other people do it", when you start smoking and become addicted.....then it's a different story

Smoking is such a sheep activity

-The Juice
I disagree.
First time I smoked were when a friend gave me some of those swisher mini cigars (like cigs) you could either inhale them or choose not to. I eventually started inhaling, and then said screw this im just going to cigs cause they were easier and just felt better to inhale. The thing is I never did it to look cool, and would rather do it alone or with only friends who smoke cause even I think its tacky. I always though I would be able to kick the habit if i wanted but i thought wrong. The best I did was 2 months without one.

I hate cigs, wish i never started. Its a shame cause i rejected them for so long. Then eventually caved. 

LMAO, first time I was handled a rillo I took it home and tried to roll it myself.
Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Cigarettes are one of those things people do to seem "cool" cause they see someone doing it and act like they didn't do it to be cool. They are lying. Smoking is such a conscious decision and your body rejects smoking the first time you try to inhale, that's why you get that burn when you first start doing it. There is no reason why a person should start smoking other than because "other people do it", when you start smoking and become addicted.....then it's a different story

Smoking is such a sheep activity

-The Juice
I disagree.
First time I smoked were when a friend gave me some of those swisher mini cigars (like cigs) you could either inhale them or choose not to. I eventually started inhaling, and then said screw this im just going to cigs cause they were easier and just felt better to inhale. The thing is I never did it to look cool, and would rather do it alone or with only friends who smoke cause even I think its tacky. I always though I would be able to kick the habit if i wanted but i thought wrong. The best I did was 2 months without one.

I hate cigs, wish i never started. Its a shame cause i rejected them for so long. Then eventually caved. 

LMAO, first time I was handled a rillo I took it home and tried to roll it myself.
started with the black n milds senior year ('05)
just recently started working out again so i quit cold turkey.. been about a month

might take a puff or two, however, during a night of heavy drinking.
started with the black n milds senior year ('05)
just recently started working out again so i quit cold turkey.. been about a month

might take a puff or two, however, during a night of heavy drinking.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

How do they make you feel? Does the smell not bother you or anything?

How did you start smoking?
How did i start? i always did "hoot rat things with my friends" like smoking cigs and blacks around the neighborhood and such...

so i knew how to freak dude beau who i call my brother, at the time, was smoking blacks....

we worked a paper route, where we would get twisted all night, then go to work at like 4 am

so i'd be sitting with him for like 9 hrs and he'd be smoking blacks but he would NEVER freak them

it drove me so nuts, i started freaking them for him....and after a while of freaking his blacks, i figured i should smoke em too...

then, one night, drunk, im asking my dude, mike,  for a black....he gives me like "i dont feel like freaking this *@%$"

he goes "bro, open the glove box...."

and it was like in PSA commercial, swear the newport box was glowing...

that was in....2004

ive smoked everyday since.

how does it make me feel? quick headrush.....when you're lucky...

most times, its just like a.....scratching-an-itch type of relief....i dunno

the smell? oddly enough, i HATE cigarette smoke....i KNOW it makes me stink....i HATE when multiple people are hotboxing cigs (no circulation of air) etc.

cig smoke ESPECIALLY stinks once the smoke settles and it leaves the tar behind....reminds me of very dirty section 8 housing...

i just love the way a newport hits the lungs, tho


i will eventually actually starting to dislike smoking....slowly...

but for right now....i be uber-stressed.....i blow trees, too....

i dont have not in bad health....and i enjoy it...

that's how i justify poisoning my body, at least...

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

How do they make you feel? Does the smell not bother you or anything?

How did you start smoking?
How did i start? i always did "hoot rat things with my friends" like smoking cigs and blacks around the neighborhood and such...

so i knew how to freak dude beau who i call my brother, at the time, was smoking blacks....

we worked a paper route, where we would get twisted all night, then go to work at like 4 am

so i'd be sitting with him for like 9 hrs and he'd be smoking blacks but he would NEVER freak them

it drove me so nuts, i started freaking them for him....and after a while of freaking his blacks, i figured i should smoke em too...

then, one night, drunk, im asking my dude, mike,  for a black....he gives me like "i dont feel like freaking this *@%$"

he goes "bro, open the glove box...."

and it was like in PSA commercial, swear the newport box was glowing...

that was in....2004

ive smoked everyday since.

how does it make me feel? quick headrush.....when you're lucky...

most times, its just like a.....scratching-an-itch type of relief....i dunno

the smell? oddly enough, i HATE cigarette smoke....i KNOW it makes me stink....i HATE when multiple people are hotboxing cigs (no circulation of air) etc.

cig smoke ESPECIALLY stinks once the smoke settles and it leaves the tar behind....reminds me of very dirty section 8 housing...

i just love the way a newport hits the lungs, tho


i will eventually actually starting to dislike smoking....slowly...

but for right now....i be uber-stressed.....i blow trees, too....

i dont have not in bad health....and i enjoy it...

that's how i justify poisoning my body, at least...

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