Clive Owen is a horrible actor.

Jan 16, 2006
Besides Children of Men, dude is a joke. Shoot Em Up was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. After seeing that I cant take the man seriously anymore. Ijust finished watching King Arthur and this man cannot act for his life. Plus he got to kiss Ms. Knightly?
I can't agree with that statement. I think he is pretty consistent.
Closer is one of my favorite movies and I thought he was good at Inside Man as well, their even making a second one.
He was good at Children of Men, Sin City and decent at Derailed.
He still have a big career ahead of him, it seems like he is just getting started.
Originally Posted by RFX45

I can't agree with that statement. I think he is pretty consistent.
Closer is one of my favorite movies and I thought he was good at Inside Man as well, their even making a second one.
He was good at Children of Men, Sin City and decent at Derailed.
He still have a big career ahead of him, it seems like he is just getting started.

Clive is a horrible actor?

You could've said the same about Heath pre-Brokeback and TDK...Matter of fact, People were saying the same thing.

Now look.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Besides Children of Men, dude is a joke. Shoot Em Up was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. After seeing that I cant take the man seriously anymore. I just finished watching King Arthur and this man cannot act for his life. Plus he got to kiss Ms. Knightly?

His voice, facial expressions, he just cannot act. He cant deliver. Using King Arthur as an example, it coudve been such a great movie, but this guys actingwas garbage. Trying to be too emotional and get into the medievalish knight role, naw man he cant pull it off. Dude was trying too hard. Only thing that savedthat movie was the sax king and the sax
I thought he was good in Derailed, and Shoot em Up was just a crazy movie, not a whole lot of in depth acting it that. I just read an article that said he didtheatre in Europe so he should have some skills.
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