Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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That's what I think when I see the cats with the American flags on the back of their trucks. I'm calling ******** on it being a patriotic cause
This is embarrassing :smh:

Not all Giants fans are like that. I would've loved to have Kaepernick as a back up. You can beat your wife, beat a murder charge, kill dogs and **** is is cool but kneeling down is a problem :smh:
This is embarrassing :smh:

Not all Giants fans are like that. I would've loved to have Kaepernick as a back up. You can beat your wife, beat a murder charge, kill dogs and **** is is cool but kneeling down is a problem :smh:

Kill dogs was a problem too
 [h1]Giants owner: Signing Kaepernick would anger fans[/h1]

Giants fan checking in. Would've copped a Kaep jersey asap.
So it's looking like Kaep ain't gonna get a job this season. If so I'm boycotting the NFL
Kaep doesn't have a job but Osweiler and Fitzpatrick do, amazing

The same way people ostarcize Kap now is the same way Ali was ostracized back then funny how now everyone loves Ali but back then it was not the case

I'm late, but it's just a classic case of them revising history to their benefit. Same thing with them whitewashing MLK and only reducing him to the I Have A Dream speech.
I'm not even surprised at John Mara said. That's my team but these owners are old white men. A large percentage of them won't care about racism towards black people.

And some people still wanna say he's not being black balled. :lol:

I just hope Kaep prepared for this to happen. Ali was greater than him at his sport and America hated him with a passion and he lost a lot of money.
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I really despise how lightly America takes mental health. Like this guy here is so filled with rage he believes his media is filled with Kaepernick. There isn't a single sensible person that can claim that.
Most NFL fans are inbred racist hicks that get pleasure from black men/minorities bashing their brains into jello for their entertainment, so it hurts them when one of those black men speaks up as if he's a human being with emotions and thoughts of his own. Sounds a lot like the history of this country,doesn't it? They'll be quick to tell you that it's not comparable to slavery since these athletes are being paid millions, but the overall sentiment of "they're only good for entertaining us" is still there.

NFL owners blackballing Kaepernick in fear of their fans boycotting games over a @#$@$@ kneel while this is happening:

According to Ian Rapoport of NFL Network, Manziel re-hired his former agent Erik Burkhardt and is in Indianapolis “drawing real interest” from teams at the NFL Combine.

This is after being in court for domestic violence just a few months ago as well as years of substance abuse. Somehow Kaepernick is the "THUG"
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Manzeil is a f'n mess. Hit his girl and a coke head but it's always been this mindset with people that "We have to help little Johnny". But Kaep whos actually proven something in the league nobody wants to sign him.

Bottom line is when a black man speaks up for his people white people will hate him.
Unbelievable. Unbelievable

Is it really unbelievable though? What is actually surprising about it?

It's like saying "OMG, can you believe that racist thing that guy said on the youtube comments?"

I mean I understand that but this live on Facebook. Not sure how a human being can watch that video and find the cop innocent.

I legit don't have a clue what to do if I got pulled over today.
Ultimate excuse is that a cop has to react in a split second and in a different situation he could have died if he hesitated.

Basically boiled down to ol boy in Get Rich or Die Trying, "  Its like when I'm right I'm right, when I'm wrong I could been right, so I'm still right cause I coulda been wrong, you know, and I'm sorry cause I could be wrong right now, I could be wrong, but if I'm right... "

They lean and depend on them "if"s. They could at least acknowledge that he was wrong and SOME SORT of punishment was coming but they rather lather up in what could have possibly happened
These cops have been using the "in fear of my life" phrase since the first bullet ever was fired. If I was supposedly that fear-stricken, law enforcement would be the last career I go into.
But you thinkin' of legitimate fear. They not all legit fearful. I'll give it to some who have bought into the "superpredator" stereotype, idiotic racist and uninformed. But the rest just ride that wave and use it as a prop. "I can overreact and claim fear and be good"

Similar to the kid who was caught on the phone talkin' to his mom saying he's a white kid and that he if he just cries he can get away with killing his brother
 Boller said, “The records will show that only July 23rd, 2013 in a phone call to your mother from the Holding Center you stated, and I got a quote from the court reporter, ‘I am a 16-year-old blond. Probably all I have to do is cry in front of the jury and they’re going to feel sorry for me.’ End quote.”
Unbelievable. Unbelievable

Is it really unbelievable though? What is actually surprising about it?

It's like saying "OMG, can you believe that racist thing that guy said on the youtube comments?"

I mean I understand that but this live on Facebook. Not sure how a human being can watch that video and find the cop innocent.

I legit don't have a clue what to do if I got pulled over today.

Racists don't think like human beings. The way their mind works is maintain white surpremcy. That's who runs this country.
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