College Studying Help

Some of the posters put up some great advice. Mind you if you don't get a subject use the internet, textbook everything you can. I've seen many youtube videos for math, websites and tutoring centers for chemistry and it all pays off with A and A-.
engineering to poli sci will automatically boost your marks
Great tips with the first 3 posters.

My tips:
1. Delete/Limit your time (to 1 hour/day) on social networking sites (helped me alot)
2. Get ready to sacrifice alot of things:
 -No partying on weekdays (meaning thirsty thursday's if you have class on friday)
 - Cut down with your hang time with your friends, not saying avoid them just limit to breakfast, lunch, dinner, going to gym, etc
 - No drinking during the weekdays, not saying don't drink just limit your compsumption
3. Get organized:
 - Get a calendar, organizer, etc to list test dates, paper dates, office hours, etc
4. Class:
 - Go to every class (your paying to be there, so use it)
 - Sit in the front (or in the first three rows at least to keep from sleeping and dazing off)
 - Pay attention in class
 - Take good notes
 - Don't bring your laptop to class, unless neccessary, (IDK how many times I would just go web surfing during class 
) plus its annoying for others behind you
 - Bring a recorder (IDK how many times I would forget the one important thing the teacher said or daze off for a second) - just remember to ask the prof first, if they say no, just hide it
 - Ask questions prevalent to the subject, it shows your professor that your interested
 - Don't sit near a window - you can easily get distracted looking outside and its contents
 - Don't sit near anyone talkative, annyoing, etc - its annoying and distracting
5. Outside of class:
 - Go to office hours and ask them questions to show your interest in the topic
 - Get study buddies - not the hottie (who knows nothing) but the nerds (who actual know whats going on in class)
 - Use the tutors/writing center availble to you - your paying for it, so use it, and abuse it
5. Study, study, study:
 - Go to the library, empty class room, wherever you have minimal distractions
 - Read the material, memorize, and repeat
 - Use your notes, make index cards, use the recorder, etc
 - Instead of cramming for tests, break down the material to manageble parts/week
6. Other tips:
 - Do some studying on the weekends (before you go out at night) - its free time, use it

Just remember college is a fun time but don't treat it as one big party. Treat college as if it was your business and that its success is based on you.
Great tips with the first 3 posters.

My tips:
1. Delete/Limit your time (to 1 hour/day) on social networking sites (helped me alot)
2. Get ready to sacrifice alot of things:
 -No partying on weekdays (meaning thirsty thursday's if you have class on friday)
 - Cut down with your hang time with your friends, not saying avoid them just limit to breakfast, lunch, dinner, going to gym, etc
 - No drinking during the weekdays, not saying don't drink just limit your compsumption
3. Get organized:
 - Get a calendar, organizer, etc to list test dates, paper dates, office hours, etc
4. Class:
 - Go to every class (your paying to be there, so use it)
 - Sit in the front (or in the first three rows at least to keep from sleeping and dazing off)
 - Pay attention in class
 - Take good notes
 - Don't bring your laptop to class, unless neccessary, (IDK how many times I would just go web surfing during class 
) plus its annoying for others behind you
 - Bring a recorder (IDK how many times I would forget the one important thing the teacher said or daze off for a second) - just remember to ask the prof first, if they say no, just hide it
 - Ask questions prevalent to the subject, it shows your professor that your interested
 - Don't sit near a window - you can easily get distracted looking outside and its contents
 - Don't sit near anyone talkative, annyoing, etc - its annoying and distracting
5. Outside of class:
 - Go to office hours and ask them questions to show your interest in the topic
 - Get study buddies - not the hottie (who knows nothing) but the nerds (who actual know whats going on in class)
 - Use the tutors/writing center availble to you - your paying for it, so use it, and abuse it
5. Study, study, study:
 - Go to the library, empty class room, wherever you have minimal distractions
 - Read the material, memorize, and repeat
 - Use your notes, make index cards, use the recorder, etc
 - Instead of cramming for tests, break down the material to manageble parts/week
6. Other tips:
 - Do some studying on the weekends (before you go out at night) - its free time, use it

Just remember college is a fun time but don't treat it as one big party. Treat college as if it was your business and that its success is based on you.
Originally Posted by USA Pride4Life

Put the marijuana down and give your liver a much needed vacation. I see that path that lies ahead of you, but only you control your own destiny. Im going to need you in the libraries 8 hours a night. Ten if we have to. Secondly, you got a phone? An iphone? You a baller? Im going to need for you to cut you service down to a basic 400 minute a month package. No incoming/outgoing text messages, we can't have your mind wandering during lectures. Lastly, delete ANY social networking sites that you're a member of. MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Ustream, AdultFriendFinder, Niketalk, etc. have no place in your life right now. Instead of DM'ing Kara, you'll be raising your hand and asking questions, you'll go the extra mile on your presentations, all while making a better you.

I smoked DRO pretty much everyday b4 class for the past 2 years and I'm about to graduate with honors this spring. Don't blame the herb. I also drink the occasional brew b4 class as well. 

Here are some tips:
-Do all of your homework, ON TIME.

-Aim for an A on every assignment whether its an exam, a paper, EVERYTHING.

-Talk to your teachers during office hours a couple times, show them you are interested in what they have to teach.

- Do ANY and ALL extra credit opportunities.

-If you have to choose between a party and studying go with the studying. The hard work will payoff in the longrun.
Originally Posted by USA Pride4Life

Put the marijuana down and give your liver a much needed vacation. I see that path that lies ahead of you, but only you control your own destiny. Im going to need you in the libraries 8 hours a night. Ten if we have to. Secondly, you got a phone? An iphone? You a baller? Im going to need for you to cut you service down to a basic 400 minute a month package. No incoming/outgoing text messages, we can't have your mind wandering during lectures. Lastly, delete ANY social networking sites that you're a member of. MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Ustream, AdultFriendFinder, Niketalk, etc. have no place in your life right now. Instead of DM'ing Kara, you'll be raising your hand and asking questions, you'll go the extra mile on your presentations, all while making a better you.

I smoked DRO pretty much everyday b4 class for the past 2 years and I'm about to graduate with honors this spring. Don't blame the herb. I also drink the occasional brew b4 class as well. 

Here are some tips:
-Do all of your homework, ON TIME.

-Aim for an A on every assignment whether its an exam, a paper, EVERYTHING.

-Talk to your teachers during office hours a couple times, show them you are interested in what they have to teach.

- Do ANY and ALL extra credit opportunities.

-If you have to choose between a party and studying go with the studying. The hard work will payoff in the longrun.
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by VCXV

-Be willing to make the ultimate sacrafice in choosing the Library, even on some weekend nights, over going to parties, or bars, or whatever with your buddies. This is KEY. I'm telling you most of the college kids, if your not at a prestigious ivy league school or someplace like Stanford whatever, take college lightly as if its still highschool and use it as an opportunity to party for 4 years. Don't sink to that level or set your bar/status quo to what you typically see around you. If you want to succeed, then you have to go beyond your own expectations.
This HAS to be your first move otherwise you wont ever succeed.

no need for tht if u stay on top of your stuff. bust ya %%$ during the week and always party wkends but be sure to be back on your grind first thing in the morning. all u need to do to help your studying is to review daily simple as that
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by VCXV

-Be willing to make the ultimate sacrafice in choosing the Library, even on some weekend nights, over going to parties, or bars, or whatever with your buddies. This is KEY. I'm telling you most of the college kids, if your not at a prestigious ivy league school or someplace like Stanford whatever, take college lightly as if its still highschool and use it as an opportunity to party for 4 years. Don't sink to that level or set your bar/status quo to what you typically see around you. If you want to succeed, then you have to go beyond your own expectations.
This HAS to be your first move otherwise you wont ever succeed.

no need for tht if u stay on top of your stuff. bust ya %%$ during the week and always party wkends but be sure to be back on your grind first thing in the morning. all u need to do to help your studying is to review daily simple as that
Thanks, my problem was I did not sacrifice enough to do as good as I could. It's going to be a tough 32 weeks but it should pay off.
Thanks, my problem was I did not sacrifice enough to do as good as I could. It's going to be a tough 32 weeks but it should pay off.
Not really sure if these tips will really make a difference seeing as how you're going from a really tough major to a fairly easy one.

Engineers make bank. You not up for the challenge or just had a change of heart?
Not really sure if these tips will really make a difference seeing as how you're going from a really tough major to a fairly easy one.

Engineers make bank. You not up for the challenge or just had a change of heart?
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