Comfort comparo. xi low ie and cdp xi.

Dec 30, 2008
I just compared the comfort level of my xi low ie's from a couple of summers ago and my cdp 11. I put one on each foot and to my surprise the xi ie'sfelt way better than the cdp. It seems that jb rushed the cdp xi out. Anybody else feel free to compare and contrast.
the cdp 11s are terrible in the comfort department. what really helps though is to switch out the insole to a soft gel insole... but yes the 11 low i.e. is amuch more comfortable shoe. I NEED SOME BRED 11 LOW IEs! sz 11.5 or 12 anyone?
pm me
the xi low's are mad comfy, i use my low's to play ball all the time, the only bad thing is that it squeaks so much but other than that its fine,can't speak about the cdp 11's, i don't own a pair.
i love my XI low's, there my favorite of all the XI's, the I.E that is, still trying to get my hands on some bred ones size 11.5...HOLLA
Definitely more comfy in low ie, it's just they squeak like crazy, I even tried the baby powder trick still...
with all the CDP's I tried on(6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17) the comfort/fit sucked on them compared to the previous retros(more so in the 11, 16, 17 than the 6, 7,and 12 by far though)
eveybody run... quick if we hurry we can all return every 2 pack.

cmon thats unfair the xi lows fit like some new balance.
cdp 11's are the most uncomfortable J ever. The retros are much better but im not into the lows
yeah the ie lows from a couple years ago are much more comfy to ball in. I got blisters on my feet just from shooting around in my CDP 11s.
OG lows > retro lows > OG mids > retro mids > re-retro lows > CDP mid

All the lows I'm referring to the i.e. editions.

Here's my custom pair. Look MUCH better imo.
Lows are more comfortable because of the fact that the leather on it stretches better than the patents on the 11 mids.
IMO the XI lows are the most comfy bball shoe.
but the CDP XIs dont feel too bad after being broken in
Originally Posted by jepeh21

the xi low's are mad comfy, i use my low's to play ball all the time, the only bad thing is that it squeaks so much but other than that its fine, can't speak about the cdp 11's, i don't own a pair.

Threw mine out due to squeeking
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