Confessions of a Disney Employee

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

"Can't give black people power" SMH
He's Black though, and right.

You can't tell me that Black people don't OD power trip ... especially on other Blacks.

"that's it! im going out in a blaze of bacon, sausage and egg."

"hey adamantium, we need you over here"
"that's it! im going out in a blaze of bacon, sausage and egg."

"hey adamantium, we need you over here"
"that's it! im going out in a blaze of bacon, sausage and egg."

"hey adamantium, we need you over here"
"that's it! im going out in a blaze of bacon, sausage and egg."

"hey adamantium, we need you over here"
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