
i absolutely love black women as a black man myself but i honestly think i need to give up pursuing them. ive tried different ethnicities , complexions , age and i get no love. smh , meanwhile white women just warm right up to me. idk why but jungle fever seems to be the move.
Well,you don't have to date your race and your race only

Free will

You'll get that feeling when you stop giving a **** what people think is "right"

Do you.
Start my new job in a few weeks and I'm nervous. I don't know the environment, and I don't know how in-depth my work will be. I feel like there's a lot of pressure on me to perform. I have the ability, but going into a new environment and not knowing what to do for those first few days is crazy.

I guess I'm nervous because it's my first full-time salaried job, I don't graduate until May.
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Start my new job in a few weeks and I'm nervous. I don't know the environment, and I don't know how in-depth my work will be. I feel like there's a lot of pressure on me to perform. I have the ability, but going into a new environment and not knowing what to do for those first few days is crazy.

I guess I'm nervous because it's my first full-time salaried job, I don't graduate until May.
what's your gig going to be bro
ive never smashed the same girl twice. i been talking to this mad cool chick but I'm afraid if i smash i might jus cut her off

i hate how i procrastinate. been lagging on this application for school need to finish it asap. need to organize myself better
Start my new job in a few weeks and I'm nervous. I don't know the environment, and I don't know how in-depth my work will be. I feel like there's a lot of pressure on me to perform. I have the ability, but going into a new environment and not knowing what to do for those first few days is crazy.

I guess I'm nervous because it's my first full-time salaried job, I don't graduate until May.
Congrats fam

Best advice I could give you is to not seek to meet other people expectations (but still do what you do best fam and if you can try to work for yourself and start your own ****)

Good luck fam :pimp:
I admit, I don't waste any time at all talking to people that I know have no similar interests with me. I just don't see the point, il be nice enough but if they want to start a convo im quickly avoid it or shut it down and not care if they see what im doing. But when I find someone with the same interests I put everything into that friendship. I guess I don't do things half arsed. Which is true.
ive never smashed the same girl twice. i been talking to this mad cool chick but I'm afraid if i smash i might jus cut her off
I admit, I don't waste any time at all talking to people that I know have no similar interests with me. I just don't see the point, il be nice enough but if they want to start a convo im quickly avoid it or shut it down and not care if they see what im doing. But when I find someone with the same interests I put everything into that friendship. I guess I don't do things half arsed. Which is true.
Both of you sound wary of letting others (or the wrong types of people in your eyes) get too close to you. 

While it is important to have similar interests, it's important to be able to connect to them beyond just relatable interests. There's more to friendships, or at least meaningful ones, than that.
Both of you sound wary of letting others (or the wrong types of people in your eyes) get too close to you. 

While it is important to have similar interests, it's important to be able to connect to them beyond just relatable interests. There's more to friendships, or at least meaningful ones, than that.

Yeh true. Its mainly at work I do it too. Outside of work im more open to it and do it at the gym most days in fact. I work with 50 year old ladys and am the only male pretty much 80% of the time (im 28yrs old btw) I know they see me as I don't want to be a part of their group of friends. I don't care tbh tho cos I can do my own thing at work due to my role.
My brother moved back in a few weeks ago

Except for 1 fight we've finally been getting along with each other .

I feel as though I need to have a sit down with my mom and tell her my thoughts about her but I couldn't imagine how she'd handle it.
- I'm not ready to go back to class. The first day of the new semester I couldn't go due to my ride being out of commission but now everything is set and I am in no mood to go at all. 8:00 am business math class ain't the wave :lol: I'm praying I drag myself outta bed tomorrow morning.

- i have a tendency to linger onto things that bother me. I analyze the situation over and over again wondering if things could've played out differently. Chronic over thinker.
- I'm not ready to go back to class. The first day of the new semester I couldn't go due to my ride being out of commission but now everything is set and I am in no mood to go at all. 8:00 am business math class ain't the wave
I'm praying I drag myself outta bed tomorrow morning.

- i have a tendency to linger onto things that bother me. I analyze the situation over and over again wondering if things could've played out differently. Chronic over thinker.
Think of it this way, at least it's syllabus week so you should be able to coast through this first week. 
 My classes start next Tuesday and I'm not ready to go back either, but at least it'll give me something to do since it's been getting a little boring with most of my friends already back.

I'm the same way in that I'm constantly overthinking everything. It's a gift in that you'll ponder every possible outcome or factor in a situation so that you'll have a good understanding of it, but it's a curse in that you never stop thinking and it can wear on you at times. I've found that keeping busy or having my mind preoccupied on something else is the best way to limit the pointless overthinking.
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Its weird but, when I don't take valium I don't feel right. Nothing interests me and am unhappy. I went a few weeks without any and notice how down I felt so I popped a 5mg and I feel like myself again, its strange. I feel happy, minds less clouded. Do I keep taking it? Ive been on off it for a few years and ppl say its not good to take for a long time, but what if it makes me feel like 100% better and I enjoy life with it? I wish I never had to take it but I do
Its weird but, when I don't take valium I don't feel right. Nothing interests me and am unhappy. I went a few weeks without any and notice how down I felt so I popped a 5mg and I feel like myself again, its strange. I feel happy, minds less clouded. Do I keep taking it? Ive been on off it for a few years and ppl say its not good to take for a long time, but what if it makes me feel like 100% better and I enjoy life with it? I wish I never had to take it but I do

Benzodiazepines are unfairly demonized. Those drugs help people, who have acute anxiety (panic attacks) and generalized anxiety (existential doubt and angst), enjoy a much better quality of life.

In your case, you seem unusual because in your case benzodiazepines help you with depression and anhedonia (an inability to feel pleasure). Benzodiazepines alleviates suffering but normally in also cause the patient to sleep not long after taking the pills.

While I would recommend against drug dependence, perhaps benzodiazepines will really help you. Try to find a sympathetic psychiatrist or general practitioner who might be able to accommodate you. I would also suggest taking Valerian, Kava and even chamomile teas and extracts. Those herbs might allow you to reduce your anxiety and you can avoid the downsides that come from benzodiazepine addiction.

Good luck

As far as my confession is concerned. My fiancee and I are both huge The Wire fans. She is a red headed lawyer and I am a pale man with dark brown and curly hair. We have role played and reenacted the McNulty and Pearlman scenes. We planned it out where I visit her at night and I ask about how to clone a pager, she tells be about the "exhaustion argument." We ad lib, we make love and when we finish we recreate the dialogue from the season 1 episode.

We also impromptu did the season 2 sex scene. I had a bit too much Jameson but unlike McNulty, I was able to get it up for "Pearlman." Obviously we did the season 1 episode 12 bit where Pearlman felt "drunk" as soon as D'Angelo started to snitch on everyone. We did not bang in a public parking garage but her private driveway worked just fine.

We have also done some Game of Thrones scenes. Furthermore, if Halo 5 or 6 has Chief and Cortana knocking boots, best believe that I will wear my old, green paintball armor and she will find her purple body glitter.
I just hope your not reenacting the Cersei/Jamie scenes :lol:

Luckily, I look like either a Baratheon or a Tyrell. My girl looks like Sansa. We are far from Jaime and Cersei.

One of my best friends looks like Jaime Lannister and his current girlfriend looks like Cersei. To that, my buddy said that he likes brother-sister prons. He said he would never actually do it but still that is creepy. My friend and his girl they probably do a Jaime Cersei thing on the regular.
Rex, you crazy man! :nerd:

Your grammar is still impeccable after all these years. My man!

matters7, benzos can be very helpful but also habit-forming. I've seen what you're going through and it's possible Valium has been masking some underlying depression. Like Rex said, find a good psychiatrist. The solution may be to transition from benzos to an SSRI and then wean that off. The caveat to all this is that depression and anxiety are very intertwined even though we like to think they are separate problems with separate treatments. In reality they overlap in many ways. Ultimately try to figure out (perhaps with the help of a therapist) why you feel this way and possible ways you can change how you think and approach problems in your life.
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Benzodiazepines are unfairly demonized. Those drugs help people, who have acute anxiety (panic attacks) and generalized anxiety (existential doubt and angst), enjoy a much better quality of life.

In your case, you seem unusual because in your case benzodiazepines help you with depression and anhedonia (an inability to feel pleasure). Benzodiazepines alleviates suffering but normally in also cause the patient to sleep not long after taking the pills.

While I would recommend against drug dependence, perhaps benzodiazepines will really help you. Try to find a sympathetic psychiatrist or general practitioner who might be able to accommodate you. I would also suggest taking Valerian, Kava and even chamomile teas and extracts. Those herbs might allow you to reduce your anxiety and you can avoid the downsides that come from benzodiazepine addiction.

Good luck

As far as my confession is concerned. My fiancee and I are both huge The Wire fans. She is a red headed lawyer and I am a pale man with dark brown and curly hair. We have role played and reenacted the McNulty and Pearlman scenes. We planned it out where I visit her at night and I ask about how to clone a pager, she tells be about the "exhaustion argument." We ad lib, we make love and when we finish we recreate the dialogue from the season 1 episode.

We also impromptu did the season 2 sex scene. I had a bit too much Jameson but unlike McNulty, I was able to get it up for "Pearlman." Obviously we did the season 1 episode 12 bit where Pearlman felt "drunk" as soon as D'Angelo started to snitch on everyone. We did not bang in a public parking garage but her private driveway worked just fine.

We have also done some Game of Thrones scenes. Furthermore, if Halo 5 or 6 has Chief and Cortana knocking boots, best believe that I will wear my old, green paintball armor and she will find her purple body glitter.

Rex, you crazy man! :nerd:

Your grammar is still impeccable after all these years. My man!

matters7, benzos can be very helpful but also habit-forming. I've seen what you're going through and it's possible Valium has been masking some underlying depression. Like Rex said, find a good psychiatrist. The solution may be to transition from benzos to an SSRI and then wean that off. The caveat to all this is that depression and anxiety are very intertwined even though we like to think they are separate problems with separate treatments. In reality they overlap in many ways. Ultimately try to figure out (perhaps with the help of a therapist) why you feel this way and possible ways you can change how you think and approach problems in your life.

Thanks fellas.
Yeh I see a psychologist currently, not a psychiatrist though. Ive been through numerous anti-depressants that I took myself of after finding it masked any thoughts I had so could never acknowledge how I feel. Now its a lot better but im not sure if they left some damage to my body, after reading that I don't feel myself without a benzo it had me thinking did them SSRI's actually cause my body to no longer function properly?
Valium is all I take now which I find a good thing, and only take it when I really just cannot for the life of me sit down and chill. Which happens. Ive got the rest under control now I feel, well almost. I just find it weird I feel this way when I take a benzo, from my knowledge it should be the opposite.
getting bored.. feel like meeting some new females n just ******* around. dont know if i really want a relationship anymore
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