I mean, it's gotten to the point where it seems there just looking to see how bad they can make something and still have it sell-out.

There is really nothing else to say

This by itself = No sale
This + "Really limited release" = Sold out in the first hour

omgg are u serious... is there a way we can contact jordan brand or make a petition or some kind of legal action towards this? or tell him/them to stop theproduction of such horrible variant look alikes? have better pairs than these
I knew they were going to be bad... but this is so far beyond that. I agree, this is the worst Jordan out of the numbered series,hell... probably out of Jordan Brand PERIOD.
Originally Posted by bjvig414

these didn't turn out very well...
HA... understatement of the century. At least the consensus is unanimous on these. For those of you talking about copping to resell, don'teven waste your time or money. You will definitely take a loss on these.

I'm just waiting for that one hypebeast to come forward and say they actually like these so we can all proceed to flame.
OMG...those are complete trash...

Ah well i'll add to the pics

First This is how i am looking now (because i am at work as we speak)

And when i got a Second look i was like:

and the i was just like.....

man even homer was like:

Man even he was like:
i thought itd look better than the very first pic of them on the exclusive info. but it looks exactly like it..not my kind of style.
i saw the first pic and just shook my head and then i see the second one and i laugh so loud i wake up the wife and kid. It's two in the morning i haveread this whole thing and this is just wrong on so many levels, you don't want my money and it shows JB. Thank you for saving me the loyal customers moneyby continuously releasing this BS. Goodnight JB literally and figuratively.
HAHAHA they cannot be serious...i think my little 5 year old cousin could paint something more creative and attractive than that! Eiwwww dude!
I'm speechless! This shoe is a complete slap to the face of any real JB consumer...

Like someone already said, these look like fake fakes!

Originally Posted by KingofallKickz

why hate if u gonna cop??

And you know that they will. But first they must fill the Air with wild protestations about the indignity and social injustice and the horror perpetratedby JB against the solemnity of the OG. It is the religion of the sneakerhead to be offended by each new unorthodox version of Jordan, carefully scrutinizingthem against the OG in painstaking detail, noting every variation and departure as a new and virulent heresy. Reverend Al Plumpton himself could not mustermore righteous indignation.
jb can't think folks will actually be trying to buy those to spot....if folks are going to buy this is really just to sit on a shelf somewhere...
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