Cool short film "Tick Tock" - Youtube 5 minutes.

I'm still trying to figure out what that box meant. Box of time? I'm over thinking it
Awesome film though

I love it. Really creative. The running shot was awesome and it didn't look too shaky. I'm assuming he was using a shoulder camera mount to hold it still.


Are you friends with the director? What camera was he using? equipment?

I want to ask more questions, but I don't know if you know him.

edit- just saw it on his youtube comment section or whatever.

Why don't I have access to good equipmeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnntt?! ;_;
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

I don't get it

but whats you don't get?
the guy is tryna get away from his ugly girlfriend via super moon-walk.
watch it again and u will see.
Not trying to be a downer, but it could have been "cleaner" in the execution.
I have to give props on the quality of the equipment used and they shooting was very good for a one shot.
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