Cop Gets Owned By A Law Student

I don't trust anybody with a gun period idk if you got a nice shiny badge,a USmc insignia,or a nice lawyer.I don't trust you period
I'm gonna walk around with my gun out, all while recording myself do it, ooo I'm a cool guy..

Stupid as #*!@
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by Jay02

Him spewing laws is all funny and what not...until someone like him shoots somebody.

goldenchild9 wrote:

Too many Americans think assbackwards are lunatics
There are ways we can keep our gun rights without letting somebody walk down the street with a gun in sight. I dont care what the law is the cop is right. The cop or the pedestrians dont know what that kid could do.

You don't trust anyone walking down the street with a gun? Yet the cop is right. Some of you fools honestly don't deserve freedom if you're so apt to give it away to some punk with a badge.
Why would I be worried about a cop having a gun its his job. Ive never had a reason to be afraid of a cop with a gun because typically they're busy stopping people who are doing something like shooting others. If I saw whoever the hell you are walking down a street with a gun...I'd call the cops. If it werent for these punks with a badge there would be chaos. There's douche bag cops out there but people who bash everything about them are the WORST. 
Talk about a dumb example. Are firearms allowed on a campus? Go look up VTech's rules on carrying concealed weapons or otherwise 

If a kid is setting out to kill people whats the difference? It was wrong because he was on campus and shot a bunch of college students but not a family walking down the sidewalk in public? The example given is relevant. This dude on camera could be just as crazy as the VT shooter no matter how much of a nerd he is when it comes to the law. 
 Dude was mad annoying. 
People need to quit assuming the reason the man behind the camera was carrying a gun. The point was he was within his legal right to do so, he was partaking in lawful activity and was stopped for doing so. This man is a model citizen. He used the one tool it takes to take power away from those put in a place of authority. To hate on this man for having the knowledge and the guts to defend his legal is foolish. He is simply using open and public information to protect his rights as a civilian.

May all that have been against this man be strip searched and anally probed so you can fully appreciate the rights the law has given you.
The student did a good job. Liberal nters are liberal. So liberal they are willing to give away their rights all to feel "safe"
I think there is another one of these vids this guy put up and it was the same cop I think
Originally Posted by Durden7

Kid came across as a massive Dbag.

so youd rather see the kid get harassed and probably cuffed right? im glad he dropped some knowledge power tripping cops

most cops that harass you when they know they wrong are dbags
Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by Jay02

Him spewing laws is all funny and what not...until someone like him shoots somebody.

I dont trust anybody walking down a street with a gun.

There are ways we can keep our gun rights without letting somebody walk down the street with a gun in sight. I dont care what the law is the cop is right. The cop or the pedestrians dont know what that kid could do.

You don't trust anyone walking down the street with a gun? Yet the cop is right. Some of you fools honestly don't deserve freedom if you're so apt to give it away to some punk with a badge.
Why would I be worried about a cop having a gun its his job. Ive never had a reason to be afraid of a cop with a gun because typically they're busy stopping people who are doing something like shooting others. If I saw whoever the hell you are walking down a street with a gun...I'd call the cops. If it werent for these punks with a badge there would be chaos. There's douche bag cops out there but people who bash everything about them are the WORST. 
Talk about a dumb example. Are firearms allowed on a campus? Go look up VTech's rules on carrying concealed weapons or otherwise 

Lol. Let me guess, your dad is a cop. How very lucky you are to have never been mistreated by a police officer. You are part of an ever decreasing minority.
At the end of the day, fool was walking around with a gun.. If anyone of y'all seen a dude walking outside your house with a gun you would have called the Police and you would have expected them to at least stop and confront the dude walking around with his gun out. Yeah, he may not be doing anything, but who says everyone else walking with their gun out is not going to do anything crazy with it
The officer said he stopped dude because people called it in and were concerned.
It's possible in that area where the student was, it's rather uncommon for people to walk around with guns or what not.
If he is following up a call, he does have a right to approach him because there are crazy people in the world. And even though majority of people walking around with guns are licensed and trained, you never know. But once the student started exercising his rights dude should have just fell back

I would imagine any lawyer would do the same thing, I mean after all that schooling they should be able to

It's hard to say if he was looking for that situation, by the time the video was on the officer already had his gun...I'm sure he could have started the video by the time the office pulled up to him. But regardless why don't know what happened before hand.

This may vary but also people don't know that you are allowed to video police officers when they have stopped, furthermore you can get them to identify themselves and say their badge number.
Lol at all the gun control people in this thread.

So what he was open carrying. Personally I'm not a fan of it but if he wants to that's good for him. Practically speaking concealed carry>open carry tho.

I also have no problem with a police officer going up to him making sure he isn't up to no good. But people like him are attention %@@@%+ and are the reason for more gun laws.

If he would just been polite and told the officer his business and not been a dbag no one would even know about this but he wants to show off.

I can say that its obviously partly the officers fault for not knowing OC is legal in his state. There was a video a while ago in California where the cop was as polite as he could be and the guy with the camara was still being the biggest douche he could possibly be.

And to all the people who are scared of people with guns just so you know, a lot more people CC than you think so chances are where ever you go at least one person who's packing.
some of you guys lie a false world.

if you can carry a gun , cops cant be on you bout this and that.

dude knew his rights.

yeah so he is a d bag cuz he knew what an officer could and could not do ?

alot of the cops games would not work if more of the world was educated.
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

Originally Posted by Jay02

Originally Posted by Bandit Country

You don't trust anyone walking down the street with a gun? Yet the cop is right. Some of you fools honestly don't deserve freedom if you're so apt to give it away to some punk with a badge.
Why would I be worried about a cop having a gun its his job. Ive never had a reason to be afraid of a cop with a gun because typically they're busy stopping people who are doing something like shooting others. If I saw whoever the hell you are walking down a street with a gun...I'd call the cops. If it werent for these punks with a badge there would be chaos. There's douche bag cops out there but people who bash everything about them are the WORST. 
Talk about a dumb example. Are firearms allowed on a campus? Go look up VTech's rules on carrying concealed weapons or otherwise 

Lol. Let me guess, your dad is a cop. How very lucky you are to have never been mistreated by a police officer. You are part of an ever decreasing minority.

lol no my dad is not a cop...far from. And even though it was nothing serious I have been screwed over by a cop. Which is why I said there are some $##%#*!@# cops out there.
Look I get it, its important that our rights are protected. All im saying is I personally would be sketched out if some random was walking down the street with a gun visible.
Originally Posted by AR Guy

Lol at all the gun control people in this thread.

So what he was open carrying. Personally I'm not a fan of it but if he wants to that's good for him. Practically speaking concealed carry>open carry tho.

I also have no problem with a police officer going up to him making sure he isn't up to no good. But people like him are attention %@@@%+ and are the reason for more gun laws.

If he would just been polite and told the officer his business and not been a dbag no one would even know about this but he wants to show off.

I can say that its obviously partly the officers fault for not knowing OC is legal in his state. There was a video a while ago in California where the cop was as polite as he could be and the guy with the camara was still being the biggest douche he could possibly be.

And to all the people who are scared of people with guns just so you know, a lot more people CC than you think so chances are where ever you go at least one person who's packing.

still, people are acting as if they would be ok with that. If Im standing in line at the Post Office and a guy comes in wearing a gun in a holster for all to see, Im hitting the ground. 
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