Could you date a woman that was smarter than you?

yes. I also cosign Man Listen. To me it's not so much what you know as much as it is applying it to real life situations
Originally Posted by toast1985

Nothing wrong w/ a smart chick, I personally love a mental sparing.

...What I'm not a fan of, are chicks who think they know everything...aka Smart-arses. Very condescending these broads usually are, they're always the voice of reason, and they usually kill any fun w/ their ##$!!%% facts.

...If those are the smart chicks you're referring to, I'm w/ you OP.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

......nothing wrong with that at all
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Terrible execution of a .GIF[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Anyway, Of course. There seems to be a lot of airhead females out there..
What's wrong with having a smart lady by your side?[/color]
For real nothing is wrong with having a chick smarter then you, unless she fees the need to constantly show you up
Originally Posted by Pat10leather

Originally Posted by toast1985

Nothing wrong w/ a smart chick, I personally love a mental sparing.

...What I'm not a fan of, are chicks who think they know everything...aka Smart-arses. Very condescending these broads usually are, they're always the voice of reason, and they usually kill any fun w/ their ##$!!%% facts.

...If those are the smart chicks you're referring to, I'm w/ you OP.
yea its the girl at Wake Forest (smart as hell) who has liked me for a couple years
laugh.gif that i'm single I need to get at her again...but idk shetoo good of a girl...
I will post this one last time, after that I give up. In no way am I saying there is anything wrong with a smart chick. People are reading too much into mypost, a chick can be bright as can be while still being not as bright as you comprende? Nothing wrong with a chick that challenges you, has her masters yadayada yada Nobody wants an idiot for a girl, it is my fault for the confusion seeing as though I made the thread, but nowhere did I state I wanted a dumb chick,in fact I never said I even minded a chick being smarter than me (I stated I used to).

So please stop with the there is nothing wrong with a smart chick, I am aware of that. If guys didn't date chicks that were smarter than them alot of menwould be single, that is NOT the question or statement I am making.
I doubt she gonna be smarter, but she has to have high intelligence so she near my level. Not in a nerd/school/condescending type of way either...justcan't stand females that are dumb as rocks.
Don't have an issue with smart girls, but a lot of intelligent women act like they know everything and treat everyone else like idiots. I'm not feelingthat.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

of course.
To smash is one thing...

But to connect on an intellectual level is something else. Not saying that I have to be superior but given my attitude from the go of being ambitious anddriven I always found the Miss Indep./goal oriented types really attractive.
this is the first smart chick i've ever dated, and it's good to have someone that understands references to stuff that i don't have to break down,and can put me on to something new.

only thing about it is it's harder to sell them dreams. dumb broads will believe anything.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Just because you don't want your woman to be smarter than you doesn't mean you want a bimbo.
but in your case, that's the only alternative
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