Cover your webcams or else....

Not even going to front, you definitely should. Especially with androids,
, all 13 exploits were utilized for malicious attacks. I've seen posts on hacking websites proving they've been able to access peoples Android system files, SD cards, locked photos, etc.

Article from quote:
dat AndroRAT. its real out here.

Your files, camera, and mic are not safe if someone is interested.
Yea man there are some good programs for Android.. I know somebody who was about to get married and put the spyware on her phone to see if she was cheating. He was paying $50 a month for it. He said it was cheaper then a paying a PI

He was able to remote in at any time and hear any conversation by enabling the mic/gps location/ and could turn on the camera at anytime. he also could read her text messages real time and phone call log and even listen to her calls

anyway he called off the wedding and beat the breaks off her, she have been cheating on him for 5 years

It takes less then 1 minitue to install that stuff, dont let others use your phone at all, if you do create a guest account on your phone or make so the person can use the dialpad and call out but that is it.. It is ways to do that

it is real out there becareful
Is there any way to find out if you've been the victim of people remotely hacking your computer/cellphone's camera?
 usually your computer is compromised if you dont have any firewall or internet security on it. usualy those hackers have intended targets

Also dont let others use your computer because they can sneak that junk on your computer behind your back or create a guest account for others with disabling of installation of any app and other stuff
I been wise to this since I seen it in a movie before it was actually possible in the real world.
yeah reading this i was thinkin i seen this in a movie or somethin a while back

Meh ... its not like i walk round naked in front of the comp anyway, they want pics of me picking my nose, eating, or staring with my mouth open reading something so be it. Nothing exciting here
I was about to say didnt someone make this thread a while back ?

Then I saw the created date :lol:

Stay safe NT :nthat:
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