Current Coupon Codes - REQUESTS OR ?s = WARNING

Anyone know if I need a friends and family coupon for factory stores or clearance stores for next weekend? Someone who works at NTSF posted a pic of them on my Instagram.

Yes you need a coupon, each one has a different bar code.

I need one badly but no one willing to hook it up :smh:

Some guy on ebaynhas the audacity to charge $20!for a free coupon.....SMH

(+Free shipping if your order is over $60)

Use Promo code "GET20"
anyone know which Nike Factory outlets are actually handy out friends and family coupons instead of being stingy about it? I really need myself a couple. I'll try making some calls to my local outlets tomorrow will post up results if I remember. Preferably in the SOCAL area if you have any information at all.
im a nike employee in the bay area ... the family and friends coupons are not to give out because they do not want everyone using them and making less money for the store which affects daily weekly monthly and quarterly sales goals which will effect bonuses ... but some employee in store arent so stingy or new. just ask for some and ensure them that u will fill out the survey online after making purchase from your receipt. and actually do it ... ull get a $5 gift card too. i can be persuaded .
Hey Shuttlesworth I'm from the bay. Can I get one? I can ensure you that after my purchase. That I would fill out the survey using the receipt I get after my purchase.
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$25 off $100 doesn't work when I try to buy USA replica shorts.

We are sorry, but the promotion code or source code you entered is not valid. Please recheck the code entered and try again. Sometimes the letter " i " can be mistaken for the number one or the letter " L " and the number zero can be mistaken for the letter " o " and vice versa.

I made purchases on finishline and don't need these because I have a ton of WC $20 off cards

$15 off $75 or more

Not working for me either. I tried to chat with a representative and they said "It should work" haha, thanks buddy, maybe I'm just a dumbass then and my computer hates me... Those guys are about as helpful as a zit on my ***.

I think you can try to call in your order though, and try using the code that way.

$25 off $100 doesn't work when I try to buy USA replica shorts.

We are sorry, but the promotion code or source code you entered is not valid. Please recheck the code entered and try again. Sometimes the letter " i " can be mistaken for the number one or the letter " L " and the number zero can be mistaken for the letter " o " and vice versa.


For some weird reason, it works for me online now...

$25 off $100

Yesterday I called in and did a customer chat about this code yesterday. Spent a really long time with the FTL reps I spoke to trying to get it to work... In the end i decided w/e looks like I can't use the codes and just make my purchase without the coupon. Of course the very next day the codes work fine >_
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