Damn, ya aint see that WSHH video of da NYC trains circa 1986? VOL. WILD STYLE GRAFF all over.

Nothing like what I posted though Ruxxx. I wasn't into "piecing" mainly street bombing. I was only 10 in '86 at the height of the train movement. We hit some trains in the early 90's but by then they only ran for a day if at all. The few pics I did take have been lost throughout the years. I kick myself everyday for being so careless. The few pics I do have left at my moms place are mainly tags and fill-ins.
 yea i remember NY being dirty as hell (I mean it kinda still is but not as bad as back in the '80s 
Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Good find. I could watch old NYC videos for hours. I loved the rawness of NYC then, although it was very dirty and seedy. Crazy I know.
Real talk tho.  We will never know NYC as it once was, all that **#! changed after Giuliani was elected

^ Clearly you don't remember the other stuff that was in that era. Crack, shootings, increased crime rates, racial tension etc. While I am not a fan of Giuliani by any stretch, he did calm that stuff down, alebeit going over the top to do so. 


Say what you want about dudes music...but

Cousins from Astoria would visit almost every summer and put me up on so much as it relates hip hop.

Everything seems so commercial now. Watched Taxi Driver the other day and I could feel the rawness...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

hiphop exploded on those trains
..look how wide spread da culture has gone since...i was alive and i sorta remember how cooked da subway stations used to look like when i was 3, but BARELY.....man, to grow up in da 80's must've been a trip

Yo what's the video name
Dope !*@ thread

So Kool AD was a graf artist? I guess the guy from Das Racist is paying homage?

Speaking of homages..
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

I thought it was gonna be a clip from Style Wars.

Great documentary on graffiti artists from the NYC train graffiti era.
I just downloaded a documentary yesterday about Peter Gatien who owned the Limelight and The Tunnel and a few other clubs in NYC
they talked about how once Guliani got elected he basically went on a witch hunt for Gatien and killed that club scene from the late 80's to 90's

there's another on called NY 77 about the blackout and how gritty Times Square was then.  They showed how a lot of dj's basically got their start

by stealing a lot of equipment during the blackout.  They're both 
That's the NY I remember.... moved out in '96 but there was nothing like it growing up in the 80‘s .
Check out photographer Martha Cooper. She started taking photos of the b-boys & graffiti very early on (starting from the 70s). She has a book or two out (possibly more). I have one of her books at home. I'm typing this at work & I can't remember the title.
Always wonder what was with artists using "one" in their names.
Its pretty much to let others know your the first with that name.

Check out photographer Martha Cooper.
Her and Henry Chalfant were vital in bringing the visual side of Hip Hop to the mainstream.
Originally Posted by DoubleD Productions

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

never mind the graf, that sidewalk@ 1:36.  that's just asking for someone to get knocked in front of a train.

I thought it was gonna be a clip from Style Wars.
me too. 

anyone know graf video from about 10 years ago.  it's writers from paris just bombing the hell out of train stations with no regard.
Dirty Hands 2

yup that's it, i remember the lady loading up a revolver in the subway pay booth thing.
I was born too late..(89) wish I could have seen art like this as rampant as it was during that time 

But I was able to remember the red birds lol 

I will always cherish growing up in NY, Uptown Manhattan no less, in the 80's.

Diverse. Cultured. But no @##%$#!!@%#$# joke.
Wish I could get a huge mural of some OG NYC graffiti for the crib...
Got a perfect spot for it.
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