Dave Chappelle Netflix Specials

Which Special Did You Like The Most?

  • The Age of Spin

    Votes: 17 68.0%
  • Deep in the Heart of Texas

    Votes: 8 32.0%

  • Total voters
here we go again :lol:

It's legit amazing man.

As I said, responding like this frees you of actually having to answer questions and/or face (admit) how you really feel on a topic.

( I think jape jape suggested this ) I think some folks REALLY feel that to support a cause means you must FULLY support EVERYTHING regarding that cause. (See trans-women in sports debate)

It's all performative.
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It being a message board doesn't change a thing.

It's a performance. You ain't the only one though.

Performance for you and osh kosh bosh osh kosh bosh
Is he going to be on this crusade for the last half of his life?

Two years from now you pay to see him and he's going to still be trying to prove he was right?

The special was another level of petty.

I sure hope not

But I've seen his most recent special being applauded more for "triggering" critics than it is for being funny or insightful

So maybe that's his lane now
When I was a kid, I found "Yo Mamma" jokes to be highly offensive.

A classmate named Mick was quite proficient at them & one day he decided to use his talents on me.

This resulted in my delivery of a stiff jab to his lips.

No other kid responded in this way to Mick's talents but me.

I suppose for some folks - the proper response of the Principle / Staff should have been to address Mick's use of words and let me slide.

After all - it was his words that lead to violence. Could even be construed as bullying.

(however back then verbal bullying wasn't a thing - we were expected to be tougher than that, Ex: "sticks and stones" vs. today's "cyber bullying" - but I digress).

Instead I was sent home with a note.

When my Mother asked me what happened - she never asked any questions about Mick - or even what he said except these three:

Has Mick ever seen me?

Has Mick ever been to our house?

Does Mick even know me?

I answered "No" to all these questions - realizing at that moment that nothing Mick said was personal.

I was the one who made it personal. My pride, my ego, my emotions. He joked on everyone the same way.

How could Mick know how hard my Mother worked, or how much she loved me, or how much I loved her?

Why does it even matter?

My Mother taught me that I am accountable for my actions. I and I alone am responsible, no matter what someone else says or does.

"Its not what they call you, its what you answer to." - I never forgot those words.

Ended up feeling really bad about what I did.

I never forgot that lesson.

Kept me out of a lot of trouble.

Mick and I eventually became friends. Once I got out of my feelings I realized he was actually a naturally funny kid.

Began to look forward to jokes and even learned to joke back.

Mick wasn't the only one to learn lessons from these events - I learned as well.

If 7 year old kids can figure it out - IJS.
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When I was a kid, I found "Yo Mamma" jokes to be highly offensive.

A classmate named Mick was quite proficient at them & one day he decided to use his talents on me.

This resulted in my delivery of a stiff jab to his lips.

No other kid responded in this way to Mick's talents but me.

I suppose the proper response of the Principle / Staff should have been to address Mick's use of words.

After all - it was his words that lead to violence.

Instead I was sent home with a note.

When my Mother asked me what happened - she never asked any questions about Mick - or even what he said except these three:

Has Mick ever seen me?

Has Mick ever been to our house?

Does Mick even know me?

I answered "No" to all these questions - realizing at that moment that nothing Mick said was personal.

I was the one who made it personal. My pride, my ego, my emotions. He joked on everyone the same way.

How could Mick know how hard my Mother worked, or how much she loved me, or how much I loved her?

Why does it even matter?

My Mother taught me that I am accountable for my actions. Me and me alone, no matter what someone else says or does.

"Its not what they call you, its what you answer to." - I never forgot those words.

Ended up feeling really bad about what I did.

I never forgot that lesson.

Kept me out of a lot of trouble.

Mick and I eventually became friends. Once I got out of my feelings I realized he was actually a naturally funny kid.

Began to look forward to jokes and even learned to joke back.

Mick wasn't the only one to learn lessons from these events - I learned as well.

If 7 year kids can figure it out - IJS.

chris rock, funny enough, perfectly illustrates it’s all about what you can either get away with or too scared to even try right here

but it‘s on you, if you prepared to deal with the outcome(s) if there is any

Be safe and assume saying anything about anyone below your group's social status will feel the wrath of your comments from society.

re: Charles

I don't know if anyone has studied the correlation between a woman's weight and likelihood of being in a domestic violence situation.

I am sure when, "FatPhobia" is #1 on the Oppression Power Rankings we wil see some "studies" done.

Until then, Chuck is safe to joke about them.

But that's mostly because he is the fat, black, dumb, southerner that pretty much is allowed to say anything.

Maybe if somebody like Aquaman made those comments about obese black women he would get "cancelled."
Would you date a woman who is "overweight"?
Is Dave still doing his tirades or back to comedy?
Why not just go to one of his shows and find out instead of asking NT in this thread that only talks about Dave when it pertains to this topic or adjacent this topic?

The narrative that Dave is solely stuck on this is weird and makes it clear at least most in here only watch his specials and nothing else.
I actually tried to give What's in a Name? a shot two weekends ago and turned it off after about 15 minutes.

Just didn't find it entertaining or funny, honestly.
Why not just go to one of his shows and find out instead of asking NT in this thread that only talks about Dave when it pertains to this topic or adjacent this topic?

The narrative that Dave is solely stuck on this is weird and makes it clear at least most in here only watch his specials and nothing else.
I don't understand your logic.

Instead of wasting time, listening to him rant about Trans people I asked a simple question.

Like you want me to wait until he's in my city, make plans, get ready, and deal with traffic to go to one of his shows for a simple answer? :lol:
I don't understand your logic.

Instead of wasting time, listening to him rant about Trans people I asked a simple question.
The inherent flaw in your logic is the assumption that that’s what his standup is all about :lol:

And asking in this thread is a waste of time given the only time it’s active it’s about the same topic or adjacent to it.
I don't understand your logic.

Instead of wasting time, listening to him rant about Trans people I asked a simple question.

Like you want me to wait until he's in my city, make plans, get ready, and deal with traffic to go to one of his shows for a simple answer? :lol:
Shame on you for only watching his specials?
I'm embarrassed to admit ths but I really like All American including the homecoming season.
"Does the Weeknd perform this song at his shows?"

"Why are you asking this? Go to a show and find out yourself"
Asking that in a thread of ppl that don’t even go to his shows and only keep talking about the same topic and his specials makes no sense :lol
Asking that in a thread of ppl that don’t even go to his shows and only keep talking about the same topic and his specials makes no sense :lol:
Are you under the impression that he saves this material for his specials and may or may not perform this stuff for his regular crowd?

Now I'm no showbiz type, but it seems like it'd make sense to put your strongest material in your filmed specials and then repeat said strongest material or some variation of said material to the crowd at your regular shows.

You wanna talk about things that make no sense? Believing that his material in his regular shows deviates significantly from his specials.

Also have you been to one of his performances recently? I feel like your argument's validity is contingent upon this.
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