"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

I actually feel that if they did a straight adaptation from the comic books or even the animated series I would be all in to seeing that brought to life.

But when I hear DOFP I really want to see some tie in with cable, bishop, apocalypse, and stryfe. Somehow someway if their gonna go do alternate timelines I would pay triple price to atleast see some kinda time-slide action even if it's the secret ending.

A cable movie is soooooo needed and it can flesh out the X universe and give it another shot.
i want a rated R wolverine movie with a good adaptation of the classic yellow and blue suit. i truly believe if they rebooted a wolverine movie and did it right it could surpass TDK or avengers. Wolverine is one of the most known and over used characters in all of comics. i NEED to see wolverine go berserk and just destroy everybody. Maybe take the TDK route and have it focus on his inner battle against his own beast. While we're at it make it a trilogy.


if they did this, it would be amazing. I most definitely would like to see this happen but I know it is just a dream. Imagine the fight scenes being epic, violent, gory, and full of rage it would be :smokin.
If Bryan Singer directs X-Men again, then this will be an absolute pass for me, he destoyed X-Men in my opinion. Did not like any of them.

1st Class >>any X-men movie made

i think it would be dope if they went computer animated like with Resident Evil/ Final Fantasy.
If Bryan Singer directs X-Men again, then this will be an absolute pass for me, he destoyed X-Men in my opinion. Did not like any of them.
1st Class >>any X-men movie made
i think it would be dope if they went computer animated like with Resident Evil/ Final Fantasy.tH
The first two were too sterile, they brought some rawness in first class.

They really need to get a bit more high concept and darker for the next one. I always feel safe watching an x-men movie. If they can pull of the days of future past storyline, they might be able to do some great stuff.

I say get rid of singer and get either one of the following:

Rian Johnson (Looper, Brick) 

Danny Boyle (See 28 days later, Sunshine)

Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code)
Wow, can't believe all the hate on First Class. That's NT for ya. It was by far the best X-men movie. The Bryan Singer movies are trash.
Wow, can't believe all the hate on First Class. That's NT for ya. It was by far the best X-men movie. The Bryan Singer movies are trash.

I didnt understand the hate for it either when it was clearly the best telling of any X-Men story, plus it was original
honestly as long as he directs this, i expect nothing but trash, especially being from fox, i really want fox to lose its rights to X-men, if X-Men was done right, i think it could be bigger than Avengers
I didnt understand the hate for it either when it was clearly the best telling of any X-Men story, plus it was original

just because its the best, doesnt mean its remotely good. The bar was set pretty low

I see what you're saying but despite the low bar I enjoyed First Class *Kanye shrug*

honestly as long as he directs this, i expect nothing but trash, especially being from fox, i really want fox to lose its rights to X-men, if X-Men was done right, i think it could be bigger than Avengers

all of this is very true
I don't hate first class, but I don't love it either and in my book, maybe the nerd in me talking, that's a fail. Before you bash here's why; they have literally 1000's of story lines to choose from all written fr by frame (comic book) and yet they develope their own that is worse. They also have their costumes already created for them yet they, once again, come up with their own that is garbage..... I don't understand why they want to make everything so realistic, it's a movie about a guy with metal claws in his arms, a guy who shoots lazer beams out of his eyes and the most powerful man is somehow stuck on a wheel chair lol.... Realistic is out the window.

Look at 300, which I loved by the way. They took the comic book and followed it to the tee, down to the unrealistic monsters and 8 foot tall king. Movie was beast.
honestly as long as he directs this, i expect nothing but trash, especially being from fox, i really want fox to lose its rights to X-men, if X-Men was done right, i think it could be bigger than Avengers

If it was done right it would be better IMO. But now it's too late.
I don't hate first class, but I don't love it either and in my book, maybe the nerd in me talking, that's a fail. Before you bash here's why; they have literally 1000's of story lines to choose from all written fr by frame (comic book) and yet they develope their own that is worse. They also have their costumes already created for them yet they, once again, come up with their own that is garbage..... I don't understand why they want to make everything so realistic, it's a movie about a guy with metal claws in his arms, a guy who shoots lazer beams out of his eyes and the most powerful man is somehow stuck on a wheel chair lol.... Realistic is out the window.
Look at 300, which I loved by the way. They took the comic book and followed it to the tee, down to the unrealistic monsters and 8 foot tall king. Movie was beast.

the only redeeming thing about first class was Mags, and Kevin Bacon. I didnt like mcavoy, the rest of the mutants were boring, story was meh. is it so hard to have a stylized action xmen movie? I feel like the action is always second fiddle in those movies
I have faith in Days of Future Past, Singer has a good grasp on character, group dynamics, action scenes and pace. Those are things I don't think First Class was too good at. First Class is almost un-rewatchable. Just because it was better than the Wolverine prequel and Fassbender was amazing, doesn't mean the movie was.

All these complaints I'm hearing about Singer's X-Men movies, ignore the fact that they're a decade old. X2 is awesome for what it is and stands up alright next to what we're getting today and those movies were a part of the first generation of comic book film. X2 came out the same year as Daredevil and the first Hulk movie.

I have total faith in Singer, he could've made First Class as well or better than Vaughan did and I'm looking forward to this.
We will finally see Sentinels!!!
Mark Millar:

"Singer is excellent at working with ensemble casts. So with this one I feel it is all fine. I have read the screenplay and it doesn’t feel rushed and it doesn’t feel like it is too many characters."

"I think the best comparison I can give is to Star Trek – that is an ensemble but it never feels as if there is not enough time with any one character. Or maybe Lost – that is an ensemble but every character gets their own moment to shine. So as long as everyone is there for a reason there doesn’t need to be a problem with so many characters. This is a beautifully structured film, and it is a time travel story so the structure has to be especially strong."

"I don’t really want to give too much away but the Sentinels are a big feature of this story. They will be cool and this will deliver on all of the teasers. We’ve all been waiting for this ever since X-Men: The Last Stand showed us one of their heads. Now it is finally coming, and we only have to pay ten quid to see it in the cinema."

"Kitty Pride fans will not be disappointed."

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