"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)


Oh really??? Then does that mean that we see Cable in DOFP? It would make sense to introduce the character for the general movie goer to set up the next movie.
will suck just let marvel have the script
Even though it really isn't canon or should even exist in the same universe due to inconsistencies, the timeline goes...

First Class
DofP (Past)
Wolverine: Origins
The Wolverine
DofP (Future)
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Looking at that list of xmen movies and all I can do is :smh:

Of all of them so far they have 1 good movie if they compile all the good scenes from all of them
I'm surprised a parody / mashup hasn't been made where they send someone in the past to eliminate singer.
I'm surprised a parody / mashup hasn't been made where they send someone in the past to eliminate singer.

Jack the giant slayer... Jack the giant slayer..

After watching superman returns.. Watching what marvel has done with all of their movies.. What Nolan has done with the batman franchise.. Hell, even what was done with the recent superman..

They think it's a great idea to go with the dude whose last comic movie was superman returns.. And had just released jack the giant slayer.. To adapt one of the greatest stories ever told in comic history

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Why can't Fox just collab with Marvel films? I need to see Prof X giving a pep talk to iron man or the illuminati deciding what they're going to do with hulk
Cuz of money.

You couldn't imagine all of the bureaucratic red tape to make that happen between the two studios. Then if they managed that there'd be renegotiating with all os the actors.
Cuz of money.

You couldn't imagine all of the bureaucratic red tape to make that happen between the two studios. Then if they managed that there'd be renegotiating with all os the actors.

I know there are a lot of legal bindings to it but it's just dumb. I need an infinity gauntlet film...that's done PROPERLY

But on another note...in getting kind've excited for this film now. Especially after reading what ign had to say about the first few minutes
Why can't Fox just collab with Marvel films? I need to see Prof X giving a pep talk to iron man or the illuminati deciding what they're going to do with hulk
Cuz of money.

You couldn't imagine all of the bureaucratic red tape to make that happen between the two studios. Then if they managed that there'd be renegotiating with all os the actors.

I'd be happier if they would just make a lot more animated movies involving those franchises. Would be faster to put out and seems like they can use most characters in the cartoons. They need a different animation style from tge current avengers cartoon though, that style sucks.
thats what they shoulda been doin in the first place instead of old *** ian mckellan

no hate agains ian. just sayin when i first watche X1 i was like why the heck is he so OLD?!!?!
Because the Holocaust happened during World War II... and the movie was set in present day (2000)
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I'm probably the most hyped person here for this film, but even I gotta say, what the hell is going on with Magneto's suit? The helmet looks good (probably the best interpretation of any of the films), but the rest.. yikes! It's like they saw the Ian McKellen outfit and said, "hold on here, that's too simple, let's add this and this and this and this.."
I'm probably the most hyped person here for this film, but even I gotta say, what the hell is going on with Magneto's suit? The helmet looks good (probably the best interpretation of any of the films), but the rest.. yikes! It's like they saw the Ian McKellen outfit and said, "hold on here, that's too simple, let's add this and this and this and this.."

i was super hyped for this movie. as time progressed and details were released i just :smh: . going in with low expectations. dont want to be let down again |I
well, maybe cuz its a younger Mag. we all dressed a lil funky in our younger years.

This movie and Godzilla are my two most anticipated movies. just cuz of me wanting to see how they pull it off
Yah there's been rumors that Kelsey shot a few scenes in secret a few weeks back.
Really wish they do a animated movie, be so much better than the trash x-men movies we got in the past.
It was a rumor though so take it with a grain of salt.

Though it seemed like they hinted on it when they should a commercial of Logan talking to the young Beast and he tells him that "they'll be great friends in the future" then goes on and punches him. Could be a reach but oh well.
Really wish they do a animated movie, be so much better than the trash x-men movies we got in the past.

Marvel animated movies are terrible! Just saw IM & Hulk: Heroes United and it was just a pile of crap. I'd rather sit through IM3 again, hell I'd rather watch Daredevil, it's that bad.
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