"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

i didnt understand nothing bout that explanation
The tomato meter is based off of percentage of good reviews to bad reviews. The average rating is different. A reviewer who rates the film a 6 out of 10 may be considered a good review, however a score like that will most likely bring down the average rating down.

RT is also flawed because a 2 / 5 review can be considered a good review so yeah.
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How good was McAvoy and Fass in this CP?

IMO, it's time for Fass to run this series. He was terrific. My fav character by far, and just for random reference, my wife really liked his role as well. He blends great with McAvoy, Lawrence, and Jackman.

McAvoy is pretty good too. He's clearly the softer of the two, but that's not his fault of course. But he is a great moral compass.

I hope they find a way to continue using these guys, so much better than much of the X1 cast.
Only other thing I really cared about. Outside of them everybody else just sucks at being their characters or come off as meh w/e.
my theater clapped when it went off. i loved it.liked it more than spiderman.one of the mutant was a complete WASTE.if they werent in the movie nothing woulda changed lolill go see this again
a few questions I had after seeing the film:

When Logan wakes up after changing the past, do you think his claws are metal or bone? I'm speculating they were metal since Mystique (as Stryker) takes possession of him after they find his body (with no memory).

Does this mean that every single movie was undone, including Wolverine Origins? IIRC, Stryker puts the adamantium in Wolverine to help fight Sabretooth.

Yes. Origins is not considered canon.
For someone who has seen it can someone explain mystique's motivations for going after the senator and to keep going.. I've read the wiki plot breakdown

In the comic she doesn't have the history created in first class.. In the cartoon there are external factors
a few questions I had after seeing the film:

When Logan wakes up after changing the past, do you think his claws are metal or bone? I'm speculating they were metal since Mystique (as Stryker) takes possession of him after they find his body (with no memory).

Does this mean that every single movie was undone, including Wolverine Origins? IIRC, Stryker puts the adamantium in Wolverine to help fight Sabretooth.

Yes. Origins is not considered canon.

No, its not.
I enjoyed it. 4 out of 5

The one thing I really came away from with the movie was that The Last Stand was just a bad dream, and never happened :lol:
For someone who has seen it can someone explain mystique's motivations for going after the senator and to keep going.. I've read the wiki plot breakdown

In the comic she doesn't have the history created in first class.. In the cartoon there are external factors

I answered this for you in the other thread.
Thanks to CP1708 for the heads up about the post credits scene.

Wow, that third act was a hot mess. Just a quickie..

High points
  • McAvoy (Professor X) and Peters (Quicksilver)
  • The last two minutes of the film (pre-credits)
  • Execution of the future mutants

Low points
  • What the hell were Magneto and Mystique trying to accomplish in the third act?
  • Sentinels were unimpressive (future and past)
  • Jennifer Lawrence is a bad Mystique. She's great to look at, but it was "mutant and proud" all over again
  • Overall script was average at best

Post Credit Scene: Yes

Worth the 3D price: No

Ranking among other X-Films: First Class and X2 are superior. On par with the first and third X-Men films.

Overall Rating: 7/10 (and this was a very, very generous rating).

More tomorrow.. err, later today.

I think the movie is good and I could rank this the best XMen film to date and now that X1 and X2 is a bit dated. With that said, if you are looking for a Marvel type of film, then you aren't going to like it. This film isn't light-hearted and exudes a different feeling, it's a bit darker and more serious, so keep that in mind.

I did think I could really hate this movie because of what we've seen in previews and pics but all made sense.

Like how the sentinel of the future looked, it was based on Mystiques DNA so it made sense why they looked like they do since their transformations are similar.

The Hulkbeast, it's from "the cure" that Hank made, a new version from 1st Class so it made sense. Prof X walking with the cure, needs a bit more stretch of imagination but it made sense.

The only thing that really didn't make sense is why Shadowcat have that power all of a sudden but it wasn't a big deal and a distraction to the film at all.

Acting was great all around. Mcavoy, Fassbender, Jackman, Mckellen, Stewart and Dinklage were all very good. JLaw and Hoult and the rest are average.

I also like it that they did pretty much reset the world and straightened it out. Technically Origins, X1-X3 and the Wolverine never or hasn't happened yet so they can go on a brand new adventure after '72/'73 timeline.

It also paid a nice homage to the old cast and now they can recast with younger actors outside of Logan/Jackman.

Action was pretty good too, the future Sentinel battles were topnotch I thought. They made them pretty cool and I think Blink is going to be big after this, they made her power well and executed it better.

And yes, Quicksilver/Evan Peters was a highlight of this film, his short part/action scene is great, if anything the movie could have used more of him. He still look like sh*t but how he was done in the film more than made up for it.

Story wasn't spectacular but it kept me thinking and interested, the acting helped but the story wasn't bad at all. It wasn't a clusterf*ck as I expected, it was still pretty straightforward and never got boring for me.

Good end credit scene but it could have been better. I guess it was enough to wet your lips, if you don't know XMen and don't follow the news, you'd probably just like those who thought Thanos was a Kree at the end of Avengers just to pretend you know comics. :lol:

If I had a criticism, it is that the past Sentinel action could have been better or just have more. Even though we saw some very good future Sentinel vs. future XMen, it was still short and since Sentinels program are technically cancelled then they could have gone all out further on this one. I needed some Wolverine slicing up Sentinels and maybe Beast ripping it's head off. Seems like this is a summer of lack of action, first Spidey then Godzilla and now XMen.

Another complain is the costume, in the "past" part of the film it made sense why they won't have it because there really wasn't an "XMen" but yeah for the future, they really should have just given them their classic or even a futuristic version of their classic costumes and please the fans.

Felt like there were a few things that I may have missed, I kind of hated that I had to see it in 3D, I forgot that there is always that glare in the bottom of the glasses (not sure if its just me) and it makes the film darker and for the future scenes, it was dark enough so I say save your money and stick to 2D.
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Also I can say that First Class is a Magneto Origins while DoFP is somewhat of a Prof X Origin in a sense that this really dealt with him and his development? Anyone agrees?

And also this film is a really good middle finger to X3 and Origins.
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Also I can say that First Class is a Magneto Origins while DoFP is somewhat of a Prof X Origin in a sense that this really dealt with him and his development? Anyone agrees?

And also this film is a really good middle finger to X3 and Origins.
Yes it definitely feels like a Prof X origins movie.

Bryan Singer just made an X-Men movie that's really about going back in time and fixing the FOX X-Men universe.
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It was alright...about what I expected. I'll go into a little more detail tomorrow maybe, but honestly there isn't much to say. It was pretty basic and just served as one big retcon. The 70s scenes were filled with waaaaay too much melodrama, especially in the finale. Surprisingly light on action during those scenes too. The stadium lifting and sentinels looked impressive I guess, but then they literally did nothing with it. Kind of a waste of that budget i feel like.
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Were the sentinels this strong in the comics? Most of my memory is based off the cartoon and they seemed relatively weak compared to the ones in the film.
Were the sentinels this strong in the comics? Most of my memory is based off the cartoon and they seemed relatively weak compared to the ones in the film.

Future ones were in parallel to Nimrod in strength/danger though not exact copy when it comes to power/ability. Past versions is pretty similar, I'm guessing the movie version is weaker because the comics/cartoon version has energy beams and various other weapons) while the ones in the film only has a machine gun for arms.
I'll start it off by saying that this is by far the best X-Men movie to date, and that's really a shame.

Off the rip, we see something that many fans have been wanting to see for a while now. Iceman on full form on an ice slide or bridge or whatever. Finally!!!! :D

Big ups to Hugh man. Dude was ripped. Don't know how he continues to do it.

The highlight and best scenes of the film were the one's with Quicksilver in them.

The Sentinels in the future were great. Real great. They were brutal. The past sentinels were a bit disappointing.

Storm didn't need to be in the movie at all.

The scenes in the past were great. I'm a little bummed because I don't know what to expect. Are they going to keep the First Class cast going until they meet up with X1? or are they just going to move on with the new cast?

That's all I can think of at the moment. I don't know if I'm getting old bit I was struggling to stay awake after about an hour and a half. I went to a 10:40 screening too :smh: I don't have anything bad to say about the film. It was great, it eliminates that X3 tragedy and starts fresh somewhat, and Apocalypse is up next. I'd give it a 4 / 5
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The scenes in the past were great. I'm a little bummed because I don't know what to expect. Are they going to keep the First Class cast going until they meet up with X1? or are they just going to move on with the new cast?

That's all I can think off at the moment. I don't know if I'm getting old bit I was struggling to stay awake after about an hour and a half. I went to a 10:40 screening too :smh: I don't have anything bad to say about the film. It was great, it eliminates that X3 tragedy and starts fresh somewhat, and Apocalypse is up next. I'd give it a 4 / 5

Technically, X1-X3 and Origins never happened so I think they will continue with the new class and just add Gambit and younger (recasts) Cyclops and Jean when they get to their stories.

I feel that the ending was a send off to the old cast/old movies, Prof X and Wolverine "catching up" feels like they are telling you the next stories (kind of like Prof X telling the story) is what actually happens after the DoFP events and filling in the new events that Wolverine missed up til the moment who woke up.

Question is would you rank this over ASM2? :lol:
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