DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

I haven't read the current books but I somewhat recall reading some headlines that they made her a hero now or maybe closer to anti-hero?

I really wouldn't be surprised though as her popularity has skyrocketed.

Couldn't possibly have been referring to her as a hero, since they've still got her on the Suicide Squad due to her past criminal actions. She was also still taking part in murders last time I checked, so i'd guess she might be straddling the line between an anti-hero or anti-villain. Possibly.

Where do you categorize Wolverine? You can argue he's done some pretty heinous sh*t

Not even some. Wolverine's done a lot of terrible **** over the course of his life for a ton of reasons :lol: Also not someone i'd cite as a hero. Though, unlike say Harley and the Punisher, he does actively try to be a hero or to be better than he's been in the past. The other 2 aren't heroes, don't act as if they are, but people try to treat them as if they are for some strange reason.

Though I suppose that for Wolverine, you also have to take into account that some of his past actions were due to mind control/alterations/memory wipes, similar to the Winter Soldier.
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Damn, no wonder Jays has an Iron Man avatar. You're acting like Tony Stark in Civil War "No gray areas! Pick a side!"


But all kidding aside, as far as I know, they are at least trying to make Harley more sympathetic recently. Not heroic or anything, just sympathetic. If I recall, there's a plot where she always wanted a normal family to the point where she hid the fact that she was pregnant from the Joker because she didn't know how he would react.
Don't believe she is, nor any other member of the Suicide Squad for that matter.
Not really, because Harley Quinn just isn't a hero, plain and simple. There's nothing to split hairs over :lol: There's a very clear difference between her in Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman in Dawn of Justice. Being a star of a film doesn't make you a hero. Shouldn't even have to go into why. And stopping a villain also doesn't make you a hero if you yourself are already villanous to begin with :rofl: There's a difference between seeing Black Panther and seeing Diamondback for example. Both can be stars, but only one is a hero.

I didn't skim over anything, I just pointed out the part that was incorrect.

It's not necessarily about being a 'heroic' character, it's about little girls or other underrepresented groups seeing an actor that looks like them having the leading role in a film where the character in question is popular, intelligent, competent, etc

Obviously they aren't gonna go out and want to rob banks afterwards but I'm sure little girls and young women enjoyed seeing Harley steal the show during Suicide Squad
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Don't believe she is, nor any other member of the Suicide Squad for that matter.
Not really, because Harley Quinn just isn't a hero, plain and simple. There's nothing to split hairs over :lol: There's a very clear difference between her in Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman in Dawn of Justice. Being a star of a film doesn't make you a hero. Shouldn't even have to go into why. And stopping a villain also doesn't make you a hero if you yourself are already villanous to begin with :rofl: There's a difference between seeing Black Panther and seeing Diamondback for example. Both can be stars, but only one is a hero.

I didn't skim over anything, I just pointed out the part that was incorrect.

What the hell are you even going on about? Lol

Can you not understand why a kindergarten would view Harley as the hero or good guy in SS? You thinking too deep champ imw talking about kids not grown men and women lol

I can imagine you telling off some kid in a toystore lol
I can rock with this if they make her a bad***.

Joss Whedon will write and direct a Batgirl movie about Barbara Gordon

Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon will be writing, directing, and producing a big-screen Batgirl film, telling the solo story of the female super heroine.

The big question: which Batgirl? There have been many women behind the cowl.

Sources tell EW that this version will be Barbara Gordon, daughter of Commissioner Gordon, and the movie will use the DC Comics “New 52” version of the character as a starting point.

In that timeline, launched in 2011, Barbara Gordon has recovered from a paralyzing spinal injury notoriously inflicted on her by the Joker in the 1988 graphic novel The Killing Joke. In the earlier books, that damage confined her to a wheelchair and ended her flying, swinging, punching career as Batgirl — but she continued to fight the good fight under the name Oracle as a super-hacker.

The New 52 books feature her several years after the Joker attack, having recovered full mobility after experimental surgery, although she is still haunted by the near-death experience.


Source: http://ew.com/movies/2017/03/30/joss-whedon-batgirl-movie-barbara-gordon/
She'll probably debut in GCS.

I could see them trying to get this into production by the summer and hitting a 2018 release date
Don't believe she is, nor any other member of the Suicide Squad for that matter.
Not really, because Harley Quinn just isn't a hero, plain and simple. There's nothing to split hairs over :lol: There's a very clear difference between her in Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman in Dawn of Justice. Being a star of a film doesn't make you a hero. Shouldn't even have to go into why. And stopping a villain also doesn't make you a hero if you yourself are already villanous to begin with :rofl: There's a difference between seeing Black Panther and seeing Diamondback for example. Both can be stars, but only one is a hero.

I didn't skim over anything, I just pointed out the part that was incorrect.

It's not necessarily about being a 'heroic' character, it's about little girls or other underrepresented groups seeing an actor that looks like them having the leading role in a film where the character in question is popular, intelligent, competent, etc

Obviously they aren't gonna go out and want to rob banks afterwards but I'm sure little girls and young women enjoyed seeing Harley steal the show during Suicide Squad

Which is fine. Did I say anything about kids not being able to watch a film and respect the fact that women or people of various ethnicities are getting starring roles in films? No. I specifically said that Harley Quinn isn't a hero, which doesn't affect Margot in any way.

Don't believe she is, nor any other member of the Suicide Squad for that matter.
Not really, because Harley Quinn just isn't a hero, plain and simple. There's nothing to split hairs over :lol: There's a very clear difference between her in Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman in Dawn of Justice. Being a star of a film doesn't make you a hero. Shouldn't even have to go into why. And stopping a villain also doesn't make you a hero if you yourself are already villanous to begin with :rofl: There's a difference between seeing Black Panther and seeing Diamondback for example. Both can be stars, but only one is a hero.

I didn't skim over anything, I just pointed out the part that was incorrect.

What the hell are you even going on about? Lol

Can you not understand why a kindergarten would view Harley as the hero or good guy in SS? You thinking too deep champ imw talking about kids not grown men and women lol

I can imagine you telling off some kid in a toystore lol

I'm talking about the fact that Harley Quinn isn't a hero :lol: you know, the original statement I made. Considering that Harley takes part in a number of criminal actions during the film, as do the other members of the Squad, I really don't see why anyone would walk away viewing her as the film's hero. :rofl: cool? Sure. Competent? Definitely. Badass? No doubt. A hero? Not at all. Perhaps I'm biased by the fact that I don't know young girls who view her as such. My cousins for example loved Harley and Amanda Waller, but didn't walk away thinking either were good guys after Waller killed a room of random people and Harley ran off with the Joker :lol:
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Which is fine. Did I say anything about kids not being able to watch a film and respect the fact that women or people of various ethnicities are getting starring roles in films? No. I specifically said that Harley Quinn isn't a hero, which doesn't affect Margot in any way.
I'm talking about the fact that Harley Quinn isn't a hero :lol: you know, the original statement I made. Considering that Harley takes part in a number of criminal actions during the film, as do the other members of the Squad, I really don't see why anyone would walk away viewing her as the film's hero. :rofl: cool? Sure. Competent? Definitely. Badass? No doubt. A hero? Not at all. Perhaps I'm biased by the fact that I don't know young girls who view her as such. My cousins for example loved Harley and Amanda Waller, but didn't walk away thinking either were good guys after Waller killed a room of random people and Harley ran off with the Joker :lol:

You're def splitting hairs. Stone Cold Steve Austin was my hero growing up.
Which is fine. Did I say anything about kids not being able to watch a film and respect the fact that women or people of various ethnicities are getting starring roles in films? No. I specifically said that Harley Quinn isn't a hero, which doesn't affect Margot in any way.
I'm talking about the fact that Harley Quinn isn't a hero :lol: you know, the original statement I made. Considering that Harley takes part in a number of criminal actions during the film, as do the other members of the Squad, I really don't see why anyone would walk away viewing her as the film's hero. :rofl: cool? Sure. Competent? Definitely. Badass? No doubt. A hero? Not at all. Perhaps I'm biased by the fact that I don't know young girls who view her as such. My cousins for example loved Harley and Amanda Waller, but didn't walk away thinking either were good guys after Waller killed a room of random people and Harley ran off with the Joker :lol:

You're def splitting hairs. Stone Cold Steve Austin was my hero growing up.

See, that has nothing to do with what I said tho. :lol: You can't split hairs over whether Harley Quinn or Joker are heroes.
See, that has nothing to do with what I said tho. :lol: You can't split hairs over whether Harley Quinn or Joker are heroes.

You just refusing to see that little kids would think the star and hero of SS the movie is a hero in thw eyes of those said kids. You know why?

She killed monsters and fought a witch so for the sake of the movie she was the good guy. Do i think she is? Of course not. But to CHILDREN Im not gonna be mad that they think so lol
Which is fine. Did I say anything about kids not being able to watch a film and respect the fact that women or people of various ethnicities are getting starring roles in films? No. I specifically said that Harley Quinn isn't a hero, which doesn't affect Margot in any way.
I'm talking about the fact that Harley Quinn isn't a hero :lol: you know, the original statement I made. Considering that Harley takes part in a number of criminal actions during the film, as do the other members of the Squad, I really don't see why anyone would walk away viewing her as the film's hero. :rofl: cool? Sure. Competent? Definitely. Badass? No doubt. A hero? Not at all. Perhaps I'm biased by the fact that I don't know young girls who view her as such. My cousins for example loved Harley and Amanda Waller, but didn't walk away thinking either were good guys after Waller killed a room of random people and Harley ran off with the Joker :lol:

Saying a little girl may see a character as her hero doesn't mean that the character is inherently heroic. I don't think anyone argued or attempted to argue that specific point about Harley Quinn's moral compass :lol:
See, that has nothing to do with what I said tho. :lol: You can't split hairs over whether Harley Quinn or Joker are heroes.

You just refusing to see that little kids would think the star and hero of SS the movie is a hero in thw eyes of those said kids. You know why?

She killed monsters and fought a witch so for the sake of the movie she was the good guy. Do i think she is? Of course not. But to CHILDREN Im not gonna be mad that they think so lol

I'm really not because all I said is that Quinn isn't a hero and she isnt.
Which is fine. Did I say anything about kids not being able to watch a film and respect the fact that women or people of various ethnicities are getting starring roles in films? No. I specifically said that Harley Quinn isn't a hero, which doesn't affect Margot in any way.
I'm talking about the fact that Harley Quinn isn't a hero :lol: you know, the original statement I made. Considering that Harley takes part in a number of criminal actions during the film, as do the other members of the Squad, I really don't see why anyone would walk away viewing her as the film's hero. :rofl: cool? Sure. Competent? Definitely. Badass? No doubt. A hero? Not at all. Perhaps I'm biased by the fact that I don't know young girls who view her as such. My cousins for example loved Harley and Amanda Waller, but didn't walk away thinking either were good guys after Waller killed a room of random people and Harley ran off with the Joker :lol:

Saying a little girl may see a character as her hero doesn't mean that the character is inherently heroic. I don't think anyone argued or attempted to argue that specific point about Harley Quinn's moral compass :lol:

Then I'm not sure what the issue with my statement is here :lol:
Can't prove it, but I doubt lil girls be looking up to Harley Quinn like that. I gotta think the drive to see SS is driven by DC fans and horn dogs that want to see Margot in that outfit.
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