DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

The Killing Joke movie has indeed added more Batgirl—now, she’s a jilted romantic interest who only exists in the story to justify Batman’s ongoing conflict with The Joker.
Yeah...imma take a hard pass on this one.

It was during the Q&A that things got dicey. A Joker cosplayer asked the writers why they would downplay Barbara Gordon, such a strong female character, and make her story more about the men in her life. According to Bleeding Cool reporter Jeremy Konrad, the writers insisted she was still a strong female character. Konrad, who’d already seen the film and didn’t agree, himself sarcastically shouted, “Yeah, by using sex and then pining for Bruce.”
That’s when co-screenwriter Brian Azzarello seemed to put it all out there. “Wanna say that again? P---y?” he asked.
LOL....Batgirl a true freak :rofl:

In some stories she's ******* Nightwing, in the Arkham Games she's ******* Tim...

Now they got her giving Bruce da bidness :rofl:

It says a lot when the only thing you can do with a female character is have her **** the males

The Shame woman posted a page back needs to talk to her writers. Getting passed around by her work family is weird. woody allen probably wants to join in.
LOL....Batgirl a true freak :rofl:

In some stories she's ******* Nightwing, in the Arkham Games she's ******* Tim...

Now they got her giving Bruce da bidness :rofl:

It says a lot when the only thing you can do with a female character is have her **** the males

To be fair, she was giving Bruce the business back in the 90s shortly after she was giving it to Nightwing. :lol: A recent comic had her flirting with Jason too in fact. :rofl: All that's needed now is for young homie Damian to swoop in and complete the set.

I don't need any other trailer, I'm sold on the goods
I'm in love with the look of this movie. So different from the blandness of mcu and bvs. All those colors man :pimp:
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Trailer didn't wow me or anything. But that trailer there is dopeness.

Agree on him
Not being so hefty :lol:
Flash lowkey looks like a power ranger
Someone does not belong there.
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OMG!! That wonder woman trailer was effing dope! I need this movie now. And her theme played at the end :smokin
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I've learned my lesson about trusting trailers after the BvS debacle but that WW trailer looks good, real good. Hope the film follow suit.
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