Dear white people if you feel the urge to....

Sep 1, 2011
If you feel the urge to tell a black person that they look similar to another black person please stop and keep it to yourself.  Even if its a celebrity.  From my research in the field you are wrong in your comparison 87% of the time.  
Its really offensive to tell somebody they look like another person who in reality looks nothing like them.  Please stop doing this.  

How come I've been told I look similar to Morris Chestnut my whole life by blacks (men, women, family and strangers).  But for some reason a guy at my job swears I look like Larry Fitzgerald....
 does this guy seen my face or just dreads?  Its pretty sad.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

If you feel the urge to tell a black person that they look similar to another black person please stop and keep it to yourself.  Even if its a celebrity.  From my research in the field you are wrong in your comparison 87% of the time.  
Its really offensive to tell somebody they look like another person who in reality looks nothing like them.  Please stop doing this.  

How come I've been told I look similar to Morris Chestnut my whole life by blacks (men, women, family and strangers).  But for some reason a guy at my job swears I look like Larry Fitzgerald....
 does this guy seen my face or just dreads?  Its pretty sad.
Atleast those are two decent lookin dudes....I always get Larenz Tate and Chamillionaire
Sorry monstar.. Ill alert them at the next supremest I mean church meeting

Spoiler [+]
i kid i kid
ive been told i look like the %$%%%% twins from good charlotte. and c thomas howeel(pony boy from the ousiders)

never pissed me off. you shouldnt get all worked up. who cares. at least theyre not saying u look like beatle juice from howard stern.
Originally Posted by Solerunner

^ no romo larenz ain't ugly you look nothing like them though


Monstar this sound like FWP
hold up how you know?
thanks though lol
Yo I'll never forget when I'm chilling with a couple girls and this gay white dude is going to tell me I look like his ex-boyfriend. I was disgusted in several ways. Straight silence hit the room and I aint even bother getting at him cuz I see it was pure ignorance and he aint see nothing wrong. I didn't even need to see a pic of the dude to know how off he was on that.

I won't lie though a lot of white men look alike to me and when I'm in the city or in Queens Asian girls all look alike among a few different types.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by MonStar1

If you feel the urge to tell a black person that they look similar to another black person please stop and keep it to yourself.  Even if its a celebrity.  From my research in the field you are wrong in your comparison 87% of the time.  
Its really offensive to tell somebody they look like another person who in reality looks nothing like them.  Please stop doing this.  

How come I've been told I look similar to Morris Chestnut my whole life by blacks (men, women, family and strangers).  But for some reason a guy at my job swears I look like Larry Fitzgerald....
 does this guy seen my face or just dreads?  Its pretty sad.
Atleast those are two decent lookin dudes....I always get Larenz Tate and Chamillionaire
Outgroup Homogeneity and In-group Differentiation
The out-group homogeneity effect is one's perception of out-group members as more similar to one another than are in-group members, e.g. "they are alike; we are diverse".[sup][1][/sup]The outgroup homogeneity effect, or "relative outgroup homogeneity" has been explicitly contrasted with the "outgroup homogeneity" in general,[sup][2][/sup] the latter referring to perceived outgroup variability unrelated to perceptions of the ingroup.

The out-group homogeneity effect has been found using a wide variety of different social groups, from political and racial groups to age and gender groups.[sup][3][/sup]

The implications of this effect on stereotyping have been noted.[sup][4][/sup] Perceivers tend to have impressions about the diversity or variability of group members around those central tendencies or typical attributes of those group members. Thus, outgroup stereotypicality judgments are overestimated, supporting the view that out-group stereotypes are overgeneralizations.[sup][5]....[/sup]
Dear black people if you feel the urge to vent your anger or @+!!* and moan for something minute to a group of non-black people... Stop... we don't care.
Spoiler [+]
This is universal! Black people used to ask me if Bruce Lee was my uncle. I thought they were sikick (sp but i doubt it) Everyone from outside your race looks the same.
Originally Posted by Solerunner

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by Solerunner

^ no romo larenz ain't ugly you look nothing like them though


Monstar this sound like FWP
hold up how you know?
thanks though lol

Aren't you the guy who started the pyp
Yeah you right, I forgot
Spoiler [+]
you really think im cute though 
........Nah brah I just said you don't look like niether of them and that Tate is not a ugly dude

My typing sucks on my ipone
Today this black dude tole me and my friend that we look alike, and we look NOTHING alike (we're both white) All races do it to other races man, just brush it off lol its not that serious.
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