Dear white people if you feel the urge to....

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Nash

I usually get typical stuff like Chris Brown and other light-skinned cats, but when I went to France they said Will Smith
The bolded happens 5/10 when I meat a white person.

But I hear they throw it to you though

Ruxxx killed me
Keep it in your pants man, we don't care who you pork.

I don't get many comparisons mostly because there aren't that many famous Asians, but evenutally  the conversation steers towards "we all look the same" anyways. But if I ever do get the 'Jackie Chan' I'd just be like


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Three years ago I was Yao Ming for Halloween
with me it's not a white or black's a people thing. somehow i look like Lil Wayne, Predator, Chris Johnson, Ricky Williams and aka Flocka

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at the same damn time
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Isn't just white people though.. i get it all the time.

Any light skin brother with a beard is me apparently.

Example... When Drake was clean shaven i got no comparisons to him... since sweetheart start rocking a beard, i get it all the time

Once I met an Asian guy that really did look like Jackie Chan. Like, he knew it. He just said he wish he had the Jakie's money and kept it moving.
I completely get what OP means. I don't look like any particular celebrity, but sometimes I hear comparisons of who people think others look like. Hell, look no further than the NBA doppleganger thread here, or even some comparison in the PYP and you see people's analyses are way off. I think it is offensive that people make these comparisons, it subconsciously suggests that all people of a specific race look alike. I find it offensive that people say it about asian people as well. We all, no matter what you are, do NOT look alike. That being said, that is a huge $#% variation between Larry Fitzgerald and Morris Chesnut
. To those making the "cool story bro" comments, save it. Maybe I missed the sarcasm with some comments from those that aren't Black.
This is just a universal practice. Because I swear I cannot tell 95% of white women who possess blonde hair and blue eyes apart

They all look like create-a-player(s) to me.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

If you feel the urge to tell a black person that they look similar to another black person please stop and keep it to yourself.  Even if its a celebrity.  From my research in the field you are wrong in your comparison 87% of the time.  
Its really offensive to tell somebody they look like another person who in reality looks nothing like them.  Please stop doing this.  

How come I've been told I look similar to Morris Chestnut my whole life by blacks (men, women, family and strangers).  But for some reason a guy at my job swears I look like Larry Fitzgerald....
 does this guy seen my face or just dreads?  Its pretty sad.
Wait so you're saying you're OK with black people telling you you look like Morris Chestnut your whole life?  Is it cuz you think you look like Morris Chestnut?  Would you get offended if a non-black person told you you look like Morris Chestnut?

What is OP really trying to say here?
Originally Posted by cartune

White folks think gay marriage and slavery look alike tho. Cant take em too seriously
I just *@&#^%! choked

I get what you're saying though MonStar, but it does apply to everybody, and it's really not that serious (most of the time). I usually

get anybody who has or has had braids. Ludacris, Bow Bow, Xzibit, Iverson, Melo, Nick Cannon are/were the most common ones.

The only one I was puzzled by was when somebody (a 7y/o black kids nonetheless) said I look like Mario. Dude's easily 3 shades

darker than I am
 I think I may have been offended if somebody said Chamillionaire. That's my dude but he actually does look

like a 'color changin lizard'.
Quit crying, it happens to everyone. I'm Asian and I've been told I look like about a half dozen Asian celebrities. By blacks and whites.

You'd really hate it if YOU went to Asia
Asians from Asia think every black dude is Kobe.
Originally Posted by oo206oo

I dont see how this is a white people issue.

NT is weird these days.

I wish they would just make a white people un-appreciation post and call it a day already.
I usually get cam newton, from white people though it's about 10 different people all who look nothing like me. 
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