Dear White People

Yeah I heard like 30 seconds of the review and she said anger twice.

Idk if its just me, but I didn't sense any anger when I watched the trailer
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This movie is already causing people to feel some type of way... :lol:

Now I hoping it gets a lot of publicity and a big release because it fosters debate. I love when movies are thought provoking and challenges societal norms in a clever/satirical way.

And for those seriously questioning why the group was questioning the guy in the ticket booth, I thought its an obvious attempt by the director to set a comedic tone for the film. I think a lot of what will happen in this film will go over a lot of people's heads.
White libs talking about black folk...

The only question that should be it funny?
idk about the gremlins analogy in particular

but a very large number of childhood cartoons have some deep and sometimes sinister underlying themes that were put in there on purpose but the writers and cartoonist 

id advise you to look some of this up. it gets worse the farther you go back. Disney was notorious for this. from racism and sexism to the wild sexual innuendos "childhood classics" are in no way innocent. 

I agree. I know about all the old disney movies having racial stereotypes, cartoons I loved having many sexual innuendos, etc..

Just sticking up for Gremlins is all haha
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Most people seem to be missing the point that it's a satire.
Yea I'm like this movie is obviously working if cats are getting offended at someone making light of the truth. I'm def going to see this with my girl. I assume this will be limited release because white folks ain't letting something calling out white privilege be a big release lol
Yea I'm like this movie is obviously working if cats are getting offended at someone making light of the truth. I'm def going to see this with my girl. I assume this will be limited release because white folks ain't letting something calling out white privilege be a big release lol
Have fun, you all will probably have the theatre to yourself

This looks pretty harmless to me, and I'm white. People over react over some of the simplest of things. The fact is, in this current day and age black people are not as privleged as white, and instead of arguing about it in petty race threads on a shoe forum, everyone should be striving towards equality for the entire nation, regardless of race.
Yea I'm like this movie is obviously working if cats are getting offended at someone making light of the truth. I'm def going to see this with my girl. I assume this will be limited release because white folks ain't letting something calling out white privilege be a big release lol
Have fun, you all will probably have the theatre to yourself


Dudes are hurt. [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Yea I'm like this movie is obviously working if cats are getting offended at someone making light of the truth. I'm def going to see this with my girl. I assume this will be limited release because white folks ain't letting something calling out white privilege be a big release lol
Yeah, this will definitely not be a major release. I just hope they make more than their budget for the movie.
I can appreciate the fact that a black man created a film that he wanted to create, for the purpose of portraying characters in a way that he wanted to portray them.... That being said... It looks like Justin Simien dropped the ball, judging from the title and trailer this movie appears to be extremely preachy and in all honesty, ignorant. They are angry at the ticket booth salesman... why? He doesn't make movies, he sells tickets for minimum wage. It just perpetuates the stereotype of blacks being too ignorant to focus on and solve real problems, so instead lets just lash out at whatever's closest.... and that stereotypical "angry black man" voice being used ? ... Get out of here with that bull.

So many of these directors/writers/producers make movies under the! guise of comedy or satire while still making fun of black people then expect and often receive plausible deniability when it comes to their own individual contributions to problems of black culture. Add to that an unshakable belief that whites are the sole root of the problem, and you have what LOOKS like satire at first glance, but is really just self-indulgent, babbling, faux-intellectual, unfocused ranting in the form of movie dialogue. These directors/writers/producers only ever think they're wrong in the way the average person nods at a witty comedian critiquing some absurdity, only to go right back to doing it without giving it another thought.

I want to see art... I want to see films with black people portrayed as people.... not "black people". I want to see movies made by and featuring black people that don't simply revolve around racial issues and their skin color. I'm so tired of the stereotypes. I'm tired of the so called standards of blackness. I'm tired of the same rehashed movies about pain and plight.

I want to see more blacks win Oscars. I want to see more blacks write good scripts and direct good movies. It's no mystery that white/jewish men have won more Oscars than anyone else, but we have to take into consideration that white/jewish men write and direct more films that are not told from a singular point of view. Every black director has AT LEAST one film pertaining explicitly to racial tensions, and it seems like the majority of these new directors aren't interested in stories not pertaining to some other social justice trend. That's entirely fine if that's what they want to make, but they're usually not very good, nor do they appeal to multiple demographics and they certainly won't win accolades.

The reason good directors and writers have won awards is not due to their ethnicity, but because they have produced something truly noteworthy and captivating; Not just the same rehashed ****. If you want to be taken seriously as a filmmaker, make a film about the human condition, not just another self indulgent race-centric film with a tolerance moral.

TLDR: Simien would be better served using his talents to make real art, not a political/racial statement that adds very little to the conversation and does even less to showcase his directorial and writing abilities.
I can appreciate the fact that a black man created a film that he wanted to create, for the purpose of portraying characters in a way that he wanted to portray them.... That being said... It looks like Justin Simien dropped the ball, judging from the title and trailer this movie appears to be extremely preachy and in all honesty, ignorant. They are angry at the ticket booth salesman... why? He doesn't make movies, he sells tickets for minimum wage. It just perpetuates the stereotype of blacks being too ignorant to focus on and solve real problems, so instead lets just lash out at whatever's closest.... and that stereotypical "angry black man" voice being used ? ... Get out of here with that bull.

So many of these directors/writers/producers make movies under the! guise of comedy or satire while still making fun of black people then expect and often receive plausible deniability when it comes to their own individual contributions to problems of black culture. Add to that an unshakable belief that whites are the sole root of the problem, and you have what LOOKS like satire at first glance, but is really just self-indulgent, babbling, faux-intellectual, unfocused ranting in the form of movie dialogue. These directors/writers/producers only ever think they're wrong in the way the average person nods at a witty comedian critiquing some absurdity, only to go right back to doing it without giving it another thought.

I want to see art... I want to see films with black people portrayed as people.... not "black people". I want to see movies made by and featuring black people that don't simply revolve around racial issues and their skin color. I'm so tired of the stereotypes. I'm tired of the so called standards of blackness. I'm tired of the same rehashed movies about pain and plight.

I want to see more blacks win Oscars. I want to see more blacks write good scripts and direct good movies. It's no mystery that white/jewish men have won more Oscars than anyone else, but we have to take into consideration that white/jewish men write and direct more films that are not told from a singular point of view. Every black director has AT LEAST one film pertaining explicitly to racial tensions, and it seems like the majority of these new directors aren't interested in stories not pertaining to some other social justice trend. That's entirely fine if that's what they want to make, but they're usually not very good, nor do they appeal to multiple demographics and they certainly won't win accolades.

The reason good directors and writers have won awards is not due to their ethnicity, but because they have produced something truly noteworthy and captivating; Not just the same rehashed ****. If you want to be taken seriously as a filmmaker, make a film about the human condition, not just another self indulgent race-centric film with a tolerance moral.

TLDR: Simien would be better served using his talents to make real art, not a political/racial statement that adds very little to the conversation and does even less to showcase his directorial and writing abilities.

Welp scratch that SN off the list, all of the usual suspects are now present.

Usual suspect eh? Care to elaborate on that?

How about you read what I wrote and compose a rebuttal, or better yet if you can actually comprehend it you might just realize you agree with what im saying.
I don't disagree. Black folk need to step outside of themselves sometimes. It's as if everything in their mind revolves around their blackness, I think it's a form of misguided shame. I wear my blackness as a badge of honor, but only as a badge because I'm so much more than a black man.

We bleed the same, we love the same, we laugh the same...we hurt the same. We all have different outer shells, but God made every heart the same way, no matter what it's wrapped in. Make films about the human condition. While there is still the old boys club, money talks and if a black filmmaker can make a good movie, I think the doors would open up. Being black is beautiful, but it's become a chain and a day well all be people...but until I look at myself as a person, no one else will.
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