Death > public speaking? vol. stage fright

If I know the material im good 
 but if I set the powerpoint up before class I am as my professor says in "wing it mode".
I've read various studies which claim some exorbitant percentage of people are more afraid of public speaking than death. I've never enjoyed it, sometimes downright dreaded it, but it seems that if enough prep goes goes into it it's a piece of cake. I'm the type that would make a PowerPoint a half hour before class, not know the material and end up reading right off the screen when it comes time to present. Tonite I actually prepared for the first time in my life and I already know I'mma knock em dead. Discuss?


Mike... let me know if your presentation went well bro.
I hear Mike prepared one more time right before the presentation and passed out from nervousness. Never to regain consciousness.

Can someone confirm?
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How was this thread even found? Duke typed shook ones in the forum search?

On that note I love public speaking. Right at home in front of a crowd. I prefer all eyes on me actually. Hanging on to your every word. I dig the power
yup. I wouldn't go as far as to say I love public speaking but it definitely doesn't bother me
Gravediggers went deep for this one.

:lol: at you guys saying mike offed himself before his presentation
I felt like this until I was my boys best man at 21 and had to give a speech in front of 400ish people. I had a corny *** speech written out but when I got up there I decided on the spot to wing it. Pardon the notsohumblebrag but I had everybody rollin and telling me how good it was afterwards, felt
Not to mention the bridesmaid neck game was B+
Now whenever I get the nerves I remind myself of that and they disappear
Bruhs -  I would encourage my NT brethren to step outside of their comfort zones as often as possible. Face your fears! I've always had anxiety about public speaking. 

I was asked to present at our National Sales Meeting and i was tripping about it. Didn't want to do it, but I knew it would be a great personal test for me, so I said **** it, and did it. 

Rocked a crowd of ~300 yesterday for over an hour. Sorry for the humble bragl Sending good vibes to those who are challenging themselves and their comfort zones. 
I would say, learn the material, back and forth, not memorize, learn. Talk about it conversationally with those around you. Keep bringing it up to people, different times different places. Get other peoples ideas about it, kind of a 'living workshop' method.

By the time you get on stage the material will be second hand, so even if you're nervous, once you start talking it'll just flow out. As weird as it sounds, most of your fear is you not knowing the material and looking stupid, but once you start talking you'll slowly build your confidence as you speak.
Professor would make us present some article or present a chapter every class period for my business classes. I was forced to get over my fear until my professor found out I wasn't looking over my material and would get in what she called wing it mode! Got my *** handed to me a few times for doing that.
i always get nervous and i think its a natural reaction but once i start talking after 5 minutes im perfectly fine with it... its like approaching a random girl at first i get nervous but after a few minutes im good... all you need to do is be prepared and your straight and of course be confidence...
Don't be nervous my dudes. While you're up there you are the man. The audience is there for the taking. Become immortal :pimp:

i wish i had a job with public speaking/engagement duties...its so isolating and lonely here 
I always puke right before. During get so nervous I usually pee a little bit. Not a lot but some comes out. I get embarrassed and worried that there's a little dark spot in my pants that people can see.
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