December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Tana is only 5 yrs younger than JeriSlow..Ace out there looking like he's chiseled out of granite and Jericho out there looking like he's molded out of Grands Biscuits..

That’s because Tanahashi is an Adonis.
Irvine really needs to hang it up..Fat, old, and slow..It's getting embarrassing at this point..
Jericho has been looking flabby and sick for a minute, but it's really glaring when he's in the ring with Tanahashi. :lol:
Tana is only 5 yrs younger than JeriSlow..Ace out there looking like he's chiseled out of granite and Jericho out there looking like he's molded out of Grands Biscuits..

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