December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Waking up to the glowing praise of the boneyard Match has been pretty unexpected i need to see what was up
Enjoyed Seth vs Owens, Ladder Match and Zayn vs DBry.

I thought Strowman vs Goldberg was good for what it was. Didn't think it was going to be long. Didn't hurt either guy. I assume Goldberg has 1 more match before he retires.

The rest of the card I didn't care for. That women's tag sucked. Expected more from Becky vs Shayna.

Going to start up the boneyard match now.
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Thought the Becky/Bazemore match was solid but the finish was kinda weak. People letting their hate of Becky cloud things a bit.
Thought the Becky/Bazemore match was solid but the finish was kinda weak. People letting their hate of Becky cloud things a bit.

Becky shouldn't have gone over. You paint Shayna as this wrecking ball then have her not only lose in what could be called a dusty finish, she also looked confused and shaken by it. They should have had her kick Becky's *** after the match to show that it was a fluke, but I'm the one you need to worry about.

On Alexa Bliss, I don't know what she brings to the table besides her sex appeal. This is embarrassing:

Becky shouldn't have gone over. You paint Shayna as this wrecking ball then have her not only lose in what could be called a dusty finish, she also looked confused and shaken by it. They should have had her kick Becky's *** after the match to show that it was a fluke, but I'm the one you need to worry about.

On Alexa Bliss, I don't know what she brings to the table besides her sex appeal. This is embarrassing:

Yeah I feel you. Me and T0INE T0INE talked about IT last night. They kinda did the same thing with Baze on NXT. Our guess is that she probably washes Becky quickly in whatever their next match is once they have a live crowd. While this thread has soured on her, the actual live crowds have still been behind Becky. Baze beating her should garner a pretty decent boo from the crowd, and solidify her as the top heel. I do think she needs a manager though on the main roster. Her voice is too weird.
Thought the Becky/Bazemore match was solid but the finish was kinda weak. People letting their hate of Becky cloud things a bit.

I think that was my biggest issue with it, but it also kinda fits with the rumors that Vince is over Shayna. To have her just completely dominate at HIAC, then get beat on a roll up. I do hope they're just waiting to do it with a crowd, but who knows.


It didn’t even hit me... where the hell did the Taker laser symbol come from?!? Why not just light it up on fire??

Entire match was so sports entertaining. You add Kane popping out and a Force Ghost Paul Bearer nothing would of been able to touch it.
I think that was my biggest issue with it, but it also kinda fits with the rumors that Vince is over Shayna. To have her just completely dominate at HIAC, then get beat on a roll up. I do hope they're just waiting to do it with a crowd, but who knows.
I thinkit is WAY too early to buy into that theory.
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