
-Swag is really a word for the insecure
-Twitter and FB is for attention @@@!+! (90% of users fall in this category)
-NT should have an age limit
-Wiz and Wayne have ruined the youth
Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by JJ Jumpman 23

people like wiz, lil wayne, birdman, and rick ross are whats wrong with music.

facebook is extremely boring. 

Ronaldo is the most skilled footballer in the world, Messi just has a much greater work ethic.

J. Cole and Talib Kweli >>>

IMO, the Harry Potter movies are among greatest movies of all time.  (i know everyone will disagree with me here

Twitter is pointless.

I don't see why people are obsessed with tumblr?

I hate Glenn Beck.

Emma Watson (with long hair) is on of the cutest women alive.

Supreme is SO over hyped. 

Google Chrome >

The Ray Allen XIII's are hideous. 

quality > quantity 

Futbol > Football

Dane Cook isn't funny...

Naw! You wildin 
 On some of these...
Kreayshawn & Lil Debbie are sexy af
Natural American Spirit >
Pepsi >
Pizza & fries the GOAT food combo
Blunts/joints >
People are copycats and are afraid to be different.
Everyone should smoke herb.
Women dont sound right rapping.
Women dressing down > Women dressing up
America is not the land of the free.
Basketball/Football are the most entertaing sports.
The Detroit Lions will win a super bowl one day. 
God Exists
Homosexuality is a choice.
True Love doesnt exist, only in watered down versions.
Fame shouldnt exist.
The movie industry needs to stop recycling classic movies/themes.
The Military is only about money.
War is stupid.
There is still good music being made.
The World was better without facebook.
Things dont change, just your perspective.
Women dressing down > Women dressing up.
The Jets are New York's team now, and the Giants have fallen into mediocrity.
LeBron James will one day have several championships and he takes WAYYYYYY too much criticism.
Being blunt is the best way to get the point across.
Professional athletics are much better than collegiate athletics.
These rappers that talk about how much drugs they've sold or the guns they have are absolutely ridiculous.
Baseball is and always will be boring.
Social networking has diminished my generations ability to communicate in person.
I hate that our society makes famous people publicly apologize for things that are none of the public's business (like cheating, per say).
God is real
seinfeld is the greatest show
Baseball is the most boring thing ever
aliens exist more then likely
I knew alot of you cats were weirdos... but damn. lol.

lmao... and ya'll try and get at me?

some of yall in real life are dwight schrutes and micheal scotts. seriously.
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Everyone should smoke herb.
Women dont sound right rapping.
Women dressing down > Women dressing up
America is not the land of the free.
Basketball/Football are the most entertaing sports.

The Detroit Lions will win a super bowl one day. 
God Exists
Homosexuality is a choice.
True Love doesnt exist, only in watered down versions.
Fame shouldnt exist.
The movie industry needs to stop recycling classic movies/themes.
The Military is only about money.
War is stupid.
There is still good music being made.
The World was better without facebook.
Things dont change, just your perspective.
the only unpopular opinions you posted.
COD W@W is as good as Modern Warfare 2 and has weapons just as good.
Spiderman would serve Batman in a knock down drag out fight
Sabretooth > Wolverine
Life After Death changed East Coast hip hop post 97.
Magneto will serve anyone.
OB4CL doesnt get enough credit as a pioneering album and i think that's because Raekwon isnt as compelling as a RZA or a Ghostface is. I like his brand of criminal rap.
Freeway is underrated
Crooks and Castles fell off.
Frank Ocean is a weak vocalist but his writing is good.
Breasts > mass, legs, etc.
Snapbacks are lame
Any girl who dresses in streetwear/wears basketball shoes is a turn off
White girls > any other girls
Watch the Throne is alright, not a classic
Pac is overrated

Come at me brah.
Biggie is overrated

White Girls>

Snapbacks are wack

Small market teams have no shot at a tittle in the nba

Lil B is the worst rapper of all time
Originally Posted by three2three

-Swag is really a word for the insecure

I know this is all opinions and stuff, but I seriously hope you don't take anybody who goes around saying that seriously or take that word seriously.

That word, for me at least, is meant to be used loosely and just for fun ya know?

Sorta like making fun of something.

>friend wears pink
"aye b, your swag is to the maximum. SWAG ME OUT CUH!"
couple of laughs, ya know?

Nothing serious.

Thats just me tho. People who use it in a serious context tho
Wait, this is what you said from the jump lol
Variance plays a much larger role in life than many tend to believe.

Most humans know religion is bull but for a variety of reasons still practice/identify with it

Humans are no more special than any other living species

Everything really does have a price in this world
With the advent of the micro chip, "survival of the fittest" has ceased to exist. Parts of the human species are de-evolving

A reversion to the mean always occurs. 
-Asian-Americans, looking at the US as a whole, are one of the most misunderstood minorities.
-The NBA isn't completely rigged, but there are deals on the side discussed in private that shape the landscape of the league. (i.e. fixing the 1985 lottery, Pau Gasol trade)
-Blueprint isn't a "classic" (although still a great album). Reasonable Doubt is Jay-Z's best album by far to me.
-There's absolutely zero basis in the Republican argument that giving the top 2% of the rich tax cuts will create more jobs.
-Luck plays a factor in many things in life. It's just a matter of trying to have as many opportunities/chances as possible to get things the way you want them to be.
-Racism is a result of people being too lazy to understand different cultures and what other cultures have gone through.
J Cole gets a TON of undeserved slander
Wu-Tang's music post 1990's has very little replay value
Tom Cruise is a terrible actor
Boardwalk Empire is overrated
Jay-Z is the GOAT
Dipset will never make a comeback
Rick Ross needs to go on hiatus
the New York Jets are wildly overrated, they have made no upgrades to their team
Lil B gets a pass for putting out garbage yet his sheep criticize good rappers
I'd smash Snooki over any of the Jersey Shore chicks
Big Raven Simone > skinny Raven Simone
twitter > NT during sporting events
Boondocks is funnier than Family Guy, South Park and every other animated show

Gucci Mane is struggling just as bad as Jeezy is but no one wants to admit his music sucks now too
Reading through this thread, I'm glad stupid s#$$ like

"Homosexuality is a choice is unpopular", I thought most people were ignorant enough to believe that---atleast in certain parts of the country--cough "the south" cough

And the fact that "God exists" is considered unpopular is also pretty interesting
Unpopular opinion: Most of the people that post in these threads are ignorant.
Homosexuality is the result of unbalanced hormones or brain activity
Lil Wayne is overrated and fell off after his mixtape with DJ Drama
MMA > Boxing
iOS > Android
Mac > PC
Almost every jordan after the 14 is wack, jb shoes included
The majority of Americans are arrogant and ignorant
females of todays society are trained to be stupid and are material driven
Originally Posted by iYen

Unpopular opinion: Most of the people that post in these threads are ignorant.


Waiting for someone to post that some races are inferior to others
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